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Everything posted by SwampThing

  1. Group hug everyone?? The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  2. Can't be as bad as THIS was! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  3. So....is the the FIRST time you saw it live, at night, from Z-hills...? In DECEMBER?! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  4. Only those that stir the pot with bulls**t stories ! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  5. Zing don't jinx! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  6. http://cows-with-guns.funnypart.com/ The "steak" instead of "stake" thing, guess ya had to be there! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  7. Quote Yes I remember, you're getting quite a reputation for doing that. Guess you ran out of "productive" or "real" things to talk about as far as you skydoiving, huh? The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  8. *** Here we go again! Didn't you cover this in a past hero story thread? The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  9. Quote oh, about 50-50 ! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  10. Well, Yes and No...why do you ask? The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  11. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2564788#2564788 The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  12. In the hand NOT holding the phone! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  13. Sadly is not that type of place. I have never receivedanything for free and never was given any favors. I was with other jumpers dumped off loads to make place for tandems many times though i.e: the place is rather like any poorly run service organization. No friendships with the owners, trust me. Wanna bet Jimmy is spinnin' barrel rolls at this discussion! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  14. Dood, it's starting to sound like YOU need a "theropist" ! She's G O N E ! Here's a quarter! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  15. Either that or someone call Jerry Springer! Whining bunch of bleeding hearts bottle weened to early- would make a wonderfully entertaining show! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  16. (Pulling up an easy chair to watch this one ...) Quote No shit Ice... Question for ya manifest type person, are you working there because we're jumping, or are we jumping because you're working there? Just wondering, because I can stay home and get attitude, all I want outta you is ALTITUDE! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  17. The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  18. Quote I always wondered who's shoebox that was I found in the dumpster! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  19. I'm with you Chris. All these pages of bs, when I saw the first post I went through 5 freakin pages of posts looking for the pictures, and all I got was a bunch of shoulders to cry on and crap like that... To the op, dude you'll feel really really better about this whole thing after you post the naked pics, then you can look back and go "there, take that, bitch!" Won't happen, "she" has a dick. The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  20. If HH changes my title to that, I swear I will hunt you down and find you. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dorkette I dunno, not REAL bad! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  21. Yeah, right! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  22. I suppose you could always date men. There are a few gay skydivers that I know who are really hot, let me know if you want me to hook you up. Look...she's just not that into you. Move on. Your anger is doing nothing to hurt her, it's only tearing you up inside. It didn't work out, get over it. It's just that simple.
  23. Quote That's what we're here for, if ya can't count on your friends to stick it and break it off, then WHO can ya count on?! Gotta be a SHARK, always move forward...nothing you can do about what's BEHIND YA! The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!" The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"
  24. Quote He's referring to ME! And "I'M" not kicking him anywhere but in the ASS to get back to LIVING! Don't like your life? CHANGE IT! You want to be with high class "genuine" caring people? Surround yourself with them! Want to hang with drunken two timing assholes? Spend 1/2 your day in a bar! (and the other 1/2 SKYDIVING!) You only get out of your life what you will "SETTLE" for. If ya waste time even THINKING about what someone ELSE did to you, then THEY run your world not YOU! It is O V E R ! Be happy for both of them, be happy with yourself, it's contagious, someone that is happy with themselves may notice you and the next thing ya know, you're bouncing your balls off THEIR chin!