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Everything posted by sfzombie13

  1. i posted that a while back, or maybe i got it here, i don't remember. i later read somewhere that it was not accurate, but it does make sense and match what some of my more informed friends told me. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  2. not true. the warrior mentality is to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves...pawo. the thug mentality is to shoot it out or use violence as a means to an end. a true warrior tries at all costs to avoid violence. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  3. you go right ahead and give your due process away...i like mine. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  4. still, video can be faked, photos can too. and human memory is the most fallible of all. let's not forget the host of labs faking dna evidence. you may be ok with giving up due process, but i prefer to apply all laws equally, with no prejudice at all. unfortunately, we live in reality, not theory. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  5. and before a shooting in el paso, one would have thought an army base was a relatively safe place also. i have always said that properly trained teachers carrying guns is a good thing, but an armed officer or two at every school would be better than that. funny how certain groups of people get to think they matter more than others when they reach a certain level of political influence... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  6. you know, it actually makes a bit of sense, when looked upon as "innocent until proven guilty" thing i used to think existed in this country...but i used to amuse myself with a "sick and twisted" thread on a certain website also... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  7. regarding this post: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4717870;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread, which i am not claiming to know anything about the intent of the author, was actually quite entertaining to me, as i thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories. why in the blazes was it locked? i also thoroughly enjoyed billy's thread. if this is what dz is coming to, then by all means, count me out. i used to get lots of entertainment from reading threads, though lately it has become more of a downer finding that most of the truly interesting things are being locked. what the heck did it hurt to have one thread, one, out of all of them where you could go to look at gross shit or naked women etc.? sounds to me like an authority trip, but i have no personal knowledge of the individual locking the threads, so will withhold any further remarks. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  8. they don't go to school then, so it don't matter _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  9. i like the first one, but it would be better with the plane from the second one. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  10. that is handy as hell for searching for a particular post in a huge thread. i am going to try it on a vm. thanx. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  11. hell, it's only been a year, i think i have done pretty good. i have been to lots of rallies, and they like to hear me give speeches, at least they say they do and keep inviting me back. this is the last one, what do you think? http://pastebin.com/rZ9mDJkB _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  12. first of all, thanx for the criticism. writing and presenting formal documents would be a waste of time with the stupidity i deal with here. it seems that the only thing that stirs folks up is emotion, or unions telling people what to think. in order to get the attention, i am trying to mention things that are being talked about the most. it really is not going to do any good at all, as the legislative session is over then, but the weather is nice and the timing fits for the name. honestly, it is a lost cause here, no matter how many people say anything. we had 7000 backed by unions rally last weekend, but the only thing that happened after that was they passed a bill exempting 36000 tanks from inspections that they just voted in last year. 83% of the residents wanted that one to fail, but they don't care about us at all. too much money involved. but i am not ready to take it to the next step, even though it is the only thing that does any good in this state. the only thing i am trying to accomplish is the perception of doing something. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  13. i am mad as hell at our legislature, so i am sponsoring a march on the capitol in charleston wv on 21 march at 11 am. it is to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and i will be giving a speech as well. i urge everyone who lives in wv and has an interest to join me for a fun filled day of exercising our constitutional rights. i am trying to secure refreshments, but no promises. i have grandchildren who live here and i do not want them to end up leaving the state, as has been the necessity for so many for so long. the politicians work for us, and i intend to call them on it. i will have petitions to sign, and will save a spot on the soapbox for anyone who wishes to speak. come join me! http://www.zoomvillage.com/newsStory.cfm/23994/Spring-Into-Action _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  14. i am learning a lot from you, thanx a lot. i do not use it much, i didn't have any idea that they break with use...seems like a piece of steel would be just like a cookie pan, though. non stick and a whole lot cheaper...but as you have pointed out, i don't cook with such things much. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  15. why on earth would you recommend anyone pay more for a signature machine? you can download the iso for any windows os and burn a dvd and install it yourself. since they don't ship with restore discs anymore, this is the best solution. windows should be installed to a separate partition and reloaded every year, but that is a lesson for another time. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  16. the only problem is that it was the nsa with the malware on hard drives, and they said it was currently 12 different manufactures of them. good luck buying a new hard drive with no malware, unless you want to roll your own firmware, and talk about above the technical level of the average user. hell, most techs can't do that. and how about the nsa just outright collecting the crypto keys from sim cards for all phones since what, 2007? sometimes i would just rather be in a different line of work and be clueless to this, rather than trying to protect people from it.... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  17. you must be doing something wrong. i have had two pizza stones, both for over 6 years. a steel wouldn't be good for me, i don't like crisp crust. thanx for the link though. hope ya don't break it... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  18. exactly my point, the way we do it now sucks. we need a place where everyone gets to record their opinions, and is visible to everyone, that the politicians have to follow. of course it would be held to constiutionality, but it needs to be there. and all lobbyists should be outlawed, period. the database would eliminate the need for them, and they are too easy to be subject to abuse or to be paid for by corporations, not people. i almost started a group, then i realized that there were too many already and there was no organization, and a limited effectiveness. i do not belong to any either, although i do attend rallies, and protests. i was even at the governor's mansion last week after dark, in the below zero weather, with 8 others. they had to close the curtains so they wouldn't have to look at us. i wanted to start throwing snowballs, but was discouraged from it... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d5c_1424394365 this happened not too far from me. i saw some pictures of the suspect's gun, the phamicist's first shot hit the gun and disabled it. almost old west style, except it didn't fly out of his hand and he got killed by the next one. it was a facebook picture, i wish i could find it. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  20. i hadn't thought of it like that. it would still work, as long as everyone was represented. the point i am trying to make with the database is that politicians are elected to represent the people. they should be required to represent the people, not the lobbyists. do you agree with that? if not, why not? and if so, do you have any other ideas how to ensure the people are truly represented? that is all i am trying to do. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  21. i was referring to the point kallend was making as satirical, because surely he had to be joking... _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  22. my ideas are fairly simple: if it does not interfere with anyone else, it is ok. covers just about everything. want to do drugs? sure. steal money to support habit? no good. and most of the federal laws would be rolled back and put into the states' hands as originally intended. regardless of what many seem to think, the constitution is a pretty good document. we need to follow it closely, with a few minor adjustments to fit the technology, such as doing away with the electoral system, implementing term limits on everyone, and implementing a database of the will of the people and make it mandatory for all politicians to follow this strictly when making a decision. then we know we are in a truly representative republic. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  23. i see what you did there. it is supposed to be satire. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  24. exactly!! how was it known she had underwear on? this alone should be enough to warrant a charge of attempting to create child porn. this is why we need to enact sensible laws and get rid of lawyers, as well as ban them from ever holding political office. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  25. thanx for the explanation. and why, pray tell, is it not illegal to attempt to take a picture of a 13 year old girl's private parts? i would have thought that somewhere, in some fashion, that it could be considered child porn. unless i am sufficiently mistaken on that point as well. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes