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Everything posted by sfzombie13

  1. thanx for the greeting, i look forward to doing some freefall again, those 800' jumps kinda suck. except the water jumps. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
  2. i just found this site while shopping for a rig to get back into the sport side of jumping after a 4 year absence. i was in an sf unit in the army and have 32 jumps with them, but it's not the same. when i quit sport jumping, i was a s/l student with 42 jumps(i fell out of currency a lot and kept going back to the prcp). now i'm out of the military, so i'm going back to jumping for fun. looking forward to the forums. _________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes