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Everything posted by LaDonna

  1. This is what has worked for me, I just graduated AFF Learn how to relax, when you jump count to four and take a deep breath, that will get you ready for your skydive. That is what someone told me and it really helped. At AFF4, I didn't use that advice and when it was time to pull I got myself all worked up because no one was holding on to me. I did pull, but I started myself spinning before I pulled. The next jumps I made sure that I took that deep breath before I started the jump and when I was at pull altitude, deep breath and pull. FGF#3
  2. I read that thread and when my husband got home from work I told him about it and he searched for it and said that is wasn't there When you do a search for the thread title it says "Oops permission denied." you are not authorized to view that page. Does that mean that they deleted it? FGF#3
  3. Congratulations!!! I did my first solo on Thursday, was very nervous when I got to the door, but soon as I jumped it was amazing. FGF#3
  4. Thank you, I am going to go the mall this weekend and try that. FGF#3
  5. You are forgetting the "e" at the end of silicone. I put in silicone removal on yahoo and got lots of hits. I didn't read any of them to see if there are any that you can use on your hair. Also, I have some of those earplugs for my grandson and you can email [email protected] and see if they have any suggestions for you. Good luck and PM me and tell my how your flying is going. I did my first solo yesterday - lots of fun. Blue Skys!! FGF#3
  6. LaDonna

    Mac or PC

    The program that simulates the PC does not work very well. We were told at the Apple store that we could use the program and run all our PC based programs that were custom written for our company and have the mac for doing all of our design, one computer. So I got the company to get me a new Powerbook G4. Well, we had to go and get a PC laptop so that I could do my work and I use my Mac for everything else. The program, called Virtual PC, yes simulates the PC and allows you to run PC programs, but it is like you are running on a 486 machine. It is sooooo, sloooow. Don't let them try and convince you that it works very well. I have talked to many people who all feel the same way. My vote is for the Mac. FGF#3
  7. Can you explain how you practice on an escalator. FGF#3
  8. I just graduated AFF at Perris and I believe that we used this system, I will have to verify this weekend and make sure it was the same brand. Looked the same as what I saw on the website. What ever the system was it was great, the earphones were comfortable. As soon as the radios were turned on all the outside noise seemed to be gone. I could hear my instructor as clear as when we were talking on the ground and didn't notice any freefall noise at all. The only negative that I found was that the earphone jack came unplugged too easy. Just a little tug if you didn't leave enough slack and it is unplugged. At least we discovered that in the plane and not after we left the plane. FGF#3
  9. Etching material is permanent. check with your local art supply store, it is a little dangerous to use, highly caustic. FGF#3
  10. PM sent with a couple attachments. Hope they work for you. FGF#3
  11. It was great to meet you, and no thanks are necessary, aren't we supposed to help out our fellow skydivers when they are in need. I am so happy that you got out of the tunnel time what you were hoping for. The Instructors are great, I had Josh for my graduation jump and he was awesome, as were all of the other instructors that I jumped with. Now pray for the rain to stop so you can try out the skills that you learned from your tunnel time. Look forward to you coming back and we both have our A-License and we can jump together! FGF#3
  12. and now my sound card has crapped out. reply] I've got a couple extra in you need one! FGF#3
  13. I have only been skydiving 2.5 months and I get that stuff already. My boss also tells most of our clients that I am skydiving, even though she told me I had to stop because I am to valuable to the company and they can't afford to have me get hurt. FGF#3
  14. thanks! Someday I have to figure out how to do that. FGF#3
  15. Can somebody make clicky for me please! (how do you do that?) Here is the link to the skydiver budlight commercial. You have to enter your birthdate then you can get on and watch the commercial. I couldn't right click and copy it, so I thought I would post the link for all of you who missed it. FGF#3
  16. Completed AFF in 7 jumps and no repeats.
  17. What DZ do you jump at, your profile doesn't say? Don't know what I can do between AFF & A-License but am all for checking out different DZ's. Your profile does say "Roaming Instructor" why not roam south to Perris. FGF#3
  18. When you are shown two arms out like you are carrying a case of beer - "the beer sign". You owe beer. There is a lot of talk about all the reasons to owe beer. Why not have a sign for it! Even if it is something you guys use on the newbies, I thought it was kind of cute and breaks up the nerves a little before you make the next AFF jump. FGF#3
  19. No labels, these are etched glass. The image is etched about 1/32" into the bottle and then filled with color. You can have clear labels silkscreened, they just don't go down on the bottle very smooth. It is almost impossible to get rid of all the air bubbles. FGF#3
  20. Cabernet Sauvigan and Chardonnay. I didn't make the wine, only put the skydiver on the outside of the bottle. FGF#3
  21. I created these wine bottles for each of my AFF instructors as a thank you for showing me the greatest sport ever. I am going to give them out next weekend after my graduation jump. And of course "beer" as well, I was taught that new hand signal last weekend on the plane when we were getting ready to do AFF7. What do you think? Are these corny or cool? FGF#3
  22. I live in San Diego (near the airport) and would be willing to give you a ride to Perris. Is your friend picking you up at the airport and you just need a ride to the DZ? I will be graduating AFF that Saturday and know that I will want to go back up on Sunday and do some jumps on my own. So if you want references that I am safe and you still need a ride, let me know. Glad to help out a fellow skydiver. PM me if you still need a ride and we can work out the details. FGF#3