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Everything posted by LaDonna

  1. Thanks, I will PM her. I was reading some of her progression and was very excited for her. FGF#3
  2. Yes, I had a radio, but I was supposed to do this landing without relying on it like I have on the others because level 5 I am supposed to be without a radio. (I am going to request one for landing help). I messed up, I was doing well on my approach, they said that things look good, to reassure me that they were there if I needed them. Then I started to flare to early so I kind of pumped the brakes, which is not good to get the lift for landing. Plus we did not have any wind on approach. Then I looked down at my feet instead of out in front of me where I was flying and to top it off I reached with my feet for the ground. FGF#3
  3. Going next weekend to get AFF 5,6,7,8 (hope for no repeats in order to accomplish this). AFF 4 was awesome - I LOVE FREE FALL!!!!! (sorry for yelling, but I am excited). Now I just have to figure out what is 10-12 feet off the ground to flare at the right height. I didn't do that today and it was not a pretty landing, as a matter of fact it was downright ugly. Gotta get this one figured out fast, no tunnel to practice in for this one. FGF#3
  4. Canopy Control Class and Packing Class are on the top of my list of things that I want to do. I see so many people write that they don't like packing, I wanted to learn to pack before I took my first jump. The video of the landings is a great idea. Since I am usually the one behind the camera, I will either have to teach someone how to use my camera or get a video of each of my AFF jumps and make sure that they focus on my landing. Thanks FGF#3
  5. My skydiving goals for 2005 - Complete AFF training - currently AFF2 - maybe now that the rain has stopped I can get thru AFF training - Get my A License - Meet Evelyn, Michelle and a other's whose posts I have been reading over the past 9 months or so. I would list all of you whom I would like to meet but then the post would be to long. - Get over shyness so that I can achieve the above goal. - Go to a few boogies - Get more tunnel time - Take a canopy control class - I love the freefall time, not real comfortable flying the canopy and knowing where to be when; 1000ft, 500ft, 250ft - Figure out how to judge 10-12 ft off the ground to flare at the right time. I am a very bad judge of distance so I hope I can accomplish this is a relatively short time. FGF#3
  6. Proverbs 5:20 Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress? Why embrace the bosom of another man's wife? - show in context - Warning Against Adultery 1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight, 2 that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. 3 For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; 4 but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. [a] 6 She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not. 7 Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say. 8 Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house, 9 lest you give your best strength to others and your years to one who is cruel, 10 lest strangers feast on your wealth and your toil enrich another man's house. 11 At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent. 12 You will say, "How I hated discipline! How my heart spurned correction! 13 I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors. 14 I have come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly." 15 Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. 16 Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? 17 Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. 18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. 20 Why be captivated, my son, by an adulteress? Why embrace the bosom of another man's wife? 21 For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths. 22 The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast. 23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Sorry don't know how to make a clicky so I had to copy and paste the text. FGF#3
  7. $1600 - on my husband for AFF - AFF1 on Sunday!
  8. If you have iTunes you can download the song for 99 cents. That is if you really can't or don't want to sing the song.
  9. My husband and I are staying in our camper in the RV lot. First Vacation in the 14 years we have been together, so we are looking forward to meeting new people and having a lot of fun. FGF#3
  10. Anyone who is going to Eloy for the Boogie or if you go to Perris (our home drop zone) - PM me and I will burn you a DVD. If you don't have time to have your computer tied up with everyone else trying to download the video. We will be in Eloy for the boogie, arriving on the 26th leaving on the 1st or 2nd (depending on when my husband passes his ASP/AFF). We will be staying in our camper on the drop zone. FGF#3
  11. If you have problems finding the movie, I forgot to fill in the description info before I added the movie. Dave posted in the other thread "Dont forget to watch on History Channel 4pm today." that he will fix the description later. He has a clicky link in that thread that goes straight to the movie. I don't know how you guys link that thread and this thread together so if someone knows how can you add that here please. You can get to it by going under the stats tab right now as the most recent uploaded file and click on the name and it will bring you to the movie. FGF#3
  12. Sorry, I didn't fill in the description info when I went to add file. This was the first time that I have used the website. I hope that Dave can fix my error so that you can get to the file with a search. I found it under the Stats tab as the most recent uploaded file and when you click on the title it takes you to the movie. FGF#3
  13. The movie has been uploaded to Wasn't sure if I was supposed to post here to tell you the movie was available or if I should start a seperate thread. So I am doing both. Movie is called: ParachutesHandsOnHistory.wmv It is about 78mb is size I hope everyone enjoys the show as much as I did. I really got a lot of information out of it. Thank you skygod7777 for pointing out that the movie was going to be on. This forum is really a wealth of information. FGF#3
  14. This movie is so awesome, being a newbie I had many questions about the parachute, and how it works. After watching this, I can scratch alot of those questions off my list.
  15. is not accepting movies at this time. I will keep checking as I think I read in a thread that he got a 160gb drive and would be getting it up and running and then I will upload it. I have taken out all the commericials. FGF#3
  16. I missed about 8-10 seconds in the beginning setting up the tape, (thought that it was 4:00 EST and thought that I missed it and got home from shopping and it was just starting) but I have the rest of the show. I can burn it to a DVD or VHS and bring it over the the boogie in Eloy if you are going to be there. My husband and I are going to go over and get AFF/ASP since he is on vacation the whole week. FGF#3