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Everything posted by LaDonna

  1. Thanks everyone for the pm's and the reply's to this post. I have been thinking about doing my freelance graphic design full time for quite awhile, now I guess I can really work on it full time. I can also get my packing class done for my A license. FGF#3
  2. My boss didn't approve of me going to doctor once a week so she told me today that she had to let me go. That she has a business to run and 8 weeks of me being gone on Friday afternoon was not going to work for her. With the fractured spine I can't even go skydiving. FGF#3
  3. I had the same thing happen to me the day before my bithday to buy a rated R movie, I just turned 44 years old and they thought I wasn't over 17. The girl in the checkout was embarrassed, I was flattered. FGF#3
  4. Happy Birthday ltdiver! FGF#3
  5. Happy Birthday, hope you have a fun one!!! FGF#3
  6. To learn when to flare so I can have good landings from now on Get my A License Get my B License FGF#3
  7. I was jumping March 28th and had several really bad landings. I just can't seem to figure out when to flare, I am either to early and to late. Somehow I ended up on my backside on 2 of the landings. The second one was really hard and I was in excrutiating pain after that landing. I went to the doctors to see if I broke my tailbone or what, because the pain was so bad. The Physicians Assistant that I saw said that I just had a bruised tailbone, that he did not see any breaks on the x-ray and sent me home and told me to take ibuprofen. Well on Thursday the 7th, I get a call from 3 different doctors to tell me that I had fractured my spine. That I need to stay out of the sky and not do anything streneous for the next 6 weeks. I am glad that they called me on Thursday, because I took Friday off and planned on getting enough jumps in this weekend to get my A license. That was my plan for my birthday weekend. Now I am grounded for 6 weeks. I really have to figure out when is the right time to flare, so today I went and talked to the Canopy Piloting School about working with me as soon as I can get back in the air. I am lucky that it is a small fracture and as long as I take it easy won't affect the spinal cord. FGF#3
  8. That would be awesome. I will have to do a recurrency jump first. This is not one of the BEER firsts is it? I am still trying to figure out everything I am supposed to buy beer for! FGF#3
  9. Congratulations, that is awesome!!! FGF#3
  10. Thanks Rosa, went and watched jumping at Perris. At least I will be healed in 6 weeks and can get back in the air. I will be doing canopy control as soon as I get in the air. Can't afford to break any more bones especially the spine, scary stuff. Is Gia bringing us Jello Shots next weekend? I have never had them before and would like to give them a try! FGF#3
  11. I found out Thursday that I have a fracture of my sacral region of my spine (this is the area that is in the middle of the pelvis right above the tailbone) when I had a really bad landing last weekend. So no jumping for 6 weeks. FGF#3
  12. One of the vendors that I work with is named Harry Weener. FGF#3
  13. Mine has been out of town all week!!!
  14. LaDonna

    Computer help

    PM me that attachment and I will change it to a jpg for you and pm it back to you. FGF#3
  15. You are correct - Gia is Beyond "TOTALLY ROCKS"!!!!! FGF#3
  16. Here you go! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} FGF#3
  17. I'll take one! and send one back. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} FGF#3
  18. I hope that I have my license by then. I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week to jump. So if I can do everything that I have left on my card, I should be able to get it. If not I will be only a jump or two away. I have to get my landings down, 3 really hard landings and a tail bone injury last weekend. Getting some coaching and on radios on Friday so that should help me get my flare timing down! FGF#3
  19. Hi Ev, I am glad you are going. I was just getting ready to send you a pm to see if you were going to be down. If you don't want to stay at your parents when you are down you can crash at my place. It is a little closer to the drop zone. I will be the designated driver for everyone coming to my place. FGF#3
  20. Just don't forget to RUB IT OUT! FGF#3
  21. I don't think that we know the same Frenchy. Sorry Frenchy but I have to defend you and say something nice. I know, you don't want me to ruin your rep, but as #3 I must stand up for you on and in court if necessary (inside joke). Frenchy is a very sweet and fun person, I love our group and I enjoy hanging out with him, Rosa, Gia, Darcy, Bob, Ed, Nate, Nico, Champu and the rest of the FGF gang. We have a good group of people with no hidden agendas. That is what makes it so much fun. I would not invite people that I don't trust or feel comfortable with to stay at my house. But thanks for feeling that you had to warn me about him, I do appreciate that. But it wasn't necessary. FGF#3
  22. Welcome back, we missed you. Hope you can make it down to San Diego! FGF#3