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Everything posted by OrangeJumper

  1. I'll give you this, you are funny as hell. LMAO...damn, the threads the last couple of days have been entertaining as hell. I swear I'm going to get kicked out of the military because I spend 50% of my day laughing at my computer screen. The Original Cabana Boy!
  2. Once you can successfully threadjack a thread and turn the topic to Ninja's you my lil grasshoppah have achieved total Postwhoreness. That is some funny ass shit.....LMAO!!!! Look eye, always look eye! The Original Cabana Boy!
  3. Girth. So this is about a can of TUNA? That reminds me of something one of my buddies always said, "I may not be able to touch the bottom of a tuna can, but I sure can scrape the sides." The Original Cabana Boy!
  4. Does it come with a banjo? The Original Cabana Boy!
  5. ROFLMAO.......Now this is a funny thread.
  6. 2005 Toyota Solara, 15K. Driving back and forth from the dz is killing me. The Original Cabana Boy!
  7. Oh, in that case BEAT HIS ASS! The Original Cabana Boy!
  8. For being late? Wow....tough crowd. The Original Cabana Boy!
  9. High: It's FRIDAAAAAAAAAAY! Low: I have to work tomorrow, FUCK! The Original Cabana Boy!
  10. Wow!!! You are a hottie! Here is a couple of pics. I've already posted these before but it's the only ones I have at work. The Original Cabana Boy!
  11. ROFLMAO..... The Original Cabana Boy!
  12. No kidding....wheeeeew! The Original Cabana Boy!
  13. One of the docs I work with recommended the same course of tx for me while I was jumping in Z-Hills...worked like a charm. The Original Cabana Boy!
  14. It's not the best idea considering antihistimines cause drowsiness. The severity depends on the person but they usually cause somekind of drowziness in most people. The Original Cabana Boy!
  15. Guiness.....ahhhhhhhh The Original Cabana Boy!
  16. For some reason the AF keeps making me wear this blue uniform......weird The Original Cabana Boy!
  17. LMAO The Original Cabana Boy!
  18. how true, i have the most low maintenance wife in history. she works 80+ hours a week and just doesn't have the time or energy for it. plus i can fart around her and she still loves me. The Original Cabana Boy!
  19. LMAO...high pressure water love...I must say that I have never heard that before. You just stumbled on some girl talk I think. Careful that is dangerous territory abort! Good call The Original Cabana Boy!
  20. LMAO...high pressure water love...I must say that I have never heard that before. The Original Cabana Boy!
  21. NOW THAT'S JUST HOT! The Original Cabana Boy!
  22. Since when does sex stop because you are single? Hmmm...I'm confused. The Original Cabana Boy!
  23. Actually, my rig only cost $1700, and that came with 2 parachutes! See, you could have almost paid for two rigs. Where is your damn priorities? The Original Cabana Boy!