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Everything posted by jerryzflies

  1. The Reels o Bogie by Robert Burns You lads an lasses a’ that dwell In the toun o Strathbogie, Whene’er you meet a pretty lass, Be shuir you tip her coggie. The lads an lasses toy an kiss, The lads ne’er think it is amiss To bang the holes whereout they piss, An that’s the reels o Bogie. There’s Kent, an Keen, an Aiberdeen, An the toun o Strathbogie, Where every lad mey have his lass, Nou that I’ve got my coggie. They spreid wide their snaw-white thies An rowe aboot their wanton een, An when they see your pintle rise They’ll dance the reels o Bogie. A trooper gaun ower the lea, He swore that he wad steer me, An lang before the brak o day, He giggled, goggled near me. He put a stiff thing in my hand, I could not bear the bangin o’t But lang before he went awa I suppled baith the ends o’t. His pintle was o largest size, Indeed it was a banger, He socht a prize between my thies Till it became a hanger. Haed you but seen the wee bit skin - He haed to put his pintle in, You’d sworn it was a chitterlin Dancin the reels o Bogie. He turned aboot to fire again An gie me t’other sally, An as he fired I ne’er retired But received him in my alley. His pebbles they went thump, thump, Against my little wanton rump, But suin I left him but the stump To dance the reels o Bogie. Said I, young man, mair you can’t dae, I think I’ve granted your desire, By bobbin on my wanton clue, You see your pintle’s a’ on fire. When on my back I work like steel An bar the door wi my left heel, The mair you fuck the less I feel, An that’s the reels o Bogie. The Bonniest Lass The bonniest lass that ye meet neist Gie her a kiss an a’ that, In spite o ilka pairish priest, Repentin stool, an a’ that. For a’ that an a’ that, Their mim-mou’d sangs an a’ that, In time an place convenient, They’ll do’t themsels for a’ that. Your patriarchs in days o yore, Haed their handmaids an a’ that; O bastard gets, some haed a score An some haed mair than a’ that. For a’ that an a’ that, Your langsyne saunts, an a’ that, Were fonder o a bonnie lass, Than you or I, for a’ that. King Davie, when he waxed auld, An’s bluid ran thin, an a’ that, An fand his cods were growin cauld, Could not refrain, for a’ that. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  2. The problem is whether we should pony up, take a lesser candidate, and follow the rule, or take what is offered as the best candidate, with an asterisk. What this demonstrates is that Obama's executive order (EO) forbidding lobbyists is folly, because it, as many are saying in this case, eliminates "the best man" from consideration. And that shouldn't happen. If he's the best man for the job, then his former associations in industry shouldn't matter. So what Obama should do is rescind his EO, since he isn't going to abide by it. It just makes him look foolish to issue an order and then immediately turn around and disobey it. This breeds discontent and mistrust. But he won't do that, because it would make it look like he was admitting that he made a mistake with that order. Thus, what he'll do instead is to just waive anyone he wants that would otherwise be excluded. And with that, he'll again look foolish, for issuing orders that are ignored. So in the end, now he's boxed in, looking stupid no matter which way he goes. It would have been better if he had thought about this more before jumping into office and writing hasty EO's that don't make sense. The savior is a fool. And so it begins. Bzzzt - Wrong. Incorrect. BS. The waiver process is built in to the EO. It allows for this scenario, and has a process to deal with it. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  3. Europe shouldn't be expected to handle it. Yet, Portugal seemed to announce that the EU should be expected to form a plan in order to take a lead on this matter...why, I have no idea. These detainees should not come to the US, or be sent to Europe in my opinion. Why not the US? We (Bush) created the problem. We should clear up the mess we made. That the problem is intractable is no excuse for inaction. We had 7 years of dumb strategy which put them there. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  4. Git Give 'em guns and send them to Washington DC. No one would be able to see an iota of difference. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  5. Obama's mistake was keeping on a Republican as Secretary of Defense, who then recommended a crony to be his deputy and recommended a waiver from ethics rules for him. Obama SHOULD have cleaned house across the board. I remember when Bush tried to do a little of this in a Dept and the Dems screamed about it!!!! Oh, this is good shit Are you trying to deny that Gates recommended the nomination and the waiver? Gates IS a Republican. Nope, not doing that at all. Why? It is odd that the right is being so hypocritical about this. You all applauded when Obama kept Gates as SecDef, but when Obama accepts a recommendation from your hero Gates, you get your panties in a wad over it. It's not like Obama is breaking his own rule, because his rule contains the provision for a waiver and a process for approving it. Did you even read what I posted? Does anyone? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  6. By the time I realized it was wrong I could no longer change it. It was supposed to be (and I got this from something I read, The acronym that is) AGW Anthropological Global Warming For a guy who is convinced that he's right about everything, you sure make a lot of mistakes. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  7. Obama's mistake was keeping on a Republican as Secretary of Defense, who then recommended a crony to be his deputy and recommended a waiver from ethics rules for him. Obama SHOULD have cleaned house across the board. I remember when Bush tried to do a little of this in a Dept and the Dems screamed about it!!!! Oh, this is good shit Are you trying to deny that Gates recommended the nomination and the waiver? Gates IS a Republican. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  8. Don't confuse the right wingers with facts, Nerdgirl. They need their alternate reality. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  9. Obama's mistake was keeping on a Republican as Secretary of Defense, who then recommended a crony to be his deputy and recommended a waiver from ethics rules for him. Obama SHOULD have cleaned house across the board. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  10. If any of the people in Gitmo could be tried under US law then they should be other wise they should not have been kidnapped in the first place. Aww didn't just say that did you? Al Qaeda Chief Was Released by U.S. From Gitmo,2933,481849,00.html A Saudi man who was released from Guantanamo after spending six years inside the U.S. prison camp has joined Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen and is now the terror group's No. 2 in the country, according to a purported Internet statement from Al Qaeda. Demonstrates quite clearly that kidnapping people and mistreating them makes enemies of them. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  11. You do realize this post was about ABORTION and not family planning right? No, it's about free speech in overseas family planning clinics. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  12. Unfortunately, we do. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  13. Tax cuts have always been followed by growth, and an increase of actual tax-income to the government. The problem is Congressional spending. Tax cuts are administratively cheaper, and can have an immediate affect. These "shovel ready" crap programs don't do that, and do not get government out of the way. That must be the reason the deficit ballooned after the Reagan tax cuts and the GW Bush tax cuts. Yes, that must be the reason. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  14. Are you serious? The motives behind your prayer request are pretty obvious. God is in charge of reality construction, not us. We are to submit to His will and purpose and our prayers should reflect that. I don't make excuses for God. I just try to understand Him and act accordingly. excuses, excuses, excuses... I asked your god to end suffering, pain, war, and to stop babies starving to death. What would be the "right" motives then? Now for someone who is "all powerfull" this should be a fairly simple task. Yet STILL nothing... HELLO McFly.... Get with the program. Suffering, pain, war, pestilence, and famine are PROOF that God loves us. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  15. That's as ridiculous as claiming pedophilia is a way of suppressing a priest's natural bodily function. BTW, I take a pill every day to suppress my natural bodily function of overproducing cholesterol. the overproduction of cholesterol is not a natural body function. that is hypercholesteremia, which is a medical condition requiring medical intervention, i.e. the taking of medication. it is not "natural." Of course it's natural. A huge percentage of the population does it quite naturally. It doesn't "require" intervention. Same would apply to pills that lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is quite natural, it's just not healthy. 50% of European males have hypertension, and 60% of German males. By ANY definition of normal,male hypertension is a normal, if undesirable, condition. So taking pills to lower blood pressure is by micro's definition thwarting a natural bodily function and immoral. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  16. We also got the rise of fascist and nazi dictatorships leading inexorably to war. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  17. It depends on where you are in the US. Many states have laws that state the only acceptable ID for the purchase of alcohol is that state's own issued ID or DL. I'm not saying that bars won't take other IDs, but when they do that they are opening themselves up to civil and criminal action if that person is actually underage. I can't imagine any state with a tourist industry doing that. I wouldn't vacation in a state that wouldn't recognize my Illinois DL if I wanted to buy a beer. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  18. Where did he write that is "rubbish"? I don't see anything of the sort in any of his posts. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  19. Sorry, but that is just an unwarranted assumption on your part. It implies nothing. "VIRTUALLY NO" is not the same as "NO". That is a crock, willard. you are reaching. Post 31 says nothing whatever about the entire war. Post 89 is just a quote from General Groves. Are you claiming Groves lied? Or that kallend made up the quote from Groves? I seem to recall seeing a cited quote from Groves in this thread that said just about the same thing as Kallend. You haven't managed to claim anything. No, post 31 doesn't claim what you say it does. Post 74 is not about Hiroshima at all, it is about post-war nuclear testing. You are simply wrong. Willard, your claims are all based on what you perceive as insinuations, or are just unsupportable in the posts you reference. You haven't produced anything at all. Whn others provide sources to support their positions and you provide none fpr your counter positions, you do not come across as very convincing. Sorry. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  20. You hear the voices too? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  21. The very fact that it gained widespread acceptance and is still perpetuated suggests that not everyone is capable of figuring out for themselves that it is nonsense. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  22. It's a politically motivated graph that implies the US is dead last, and makes no indication of how bad bad really is. Like China at 25, India at 58, and last place Angola at 192. The US in the high 6s is nothing to crow about, but still ranks it on the nice part of the bell curve. World average is around 80. "Comparing statistics for IMR across countries can be a useful indicator of their level of health and development, but the method for calculating IMR often varies widely between countries based on the way they define a live birth. The World Health Organization defines a live birth as any born human being who demonstrates independent signs of life, including breathing, muscle movement, or heartbeat. Many countries, however, including certain European states and Japan, only count as live births cases where an infant breathes at birth, which makes their reported IMR numbers somewhat lower and raises their rates of perinatal mortality." 6/1000 is 50% more than 4/1000. So you think it OK that the US has 50% worse infant mortality than other western countries, and that it indicates that our system is just fine? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  23. You may have a point there. The other mikee is kind of scarey looking. That look in his eyes is kind of a cross between a drooling child molester and a crazed serial killer look. Not only is he a lawyer and political appointee, but he went to Harvard. Yuk--where do they find these guys?!!! Walt You from Yale or Princeton? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  24. All you are saying is don;t go on dangerous dives. Being willing to do a dangerous dive without an AAD is NOT better than being willing to do a dangerous dive with an AAD. In fact going on a high risk skydive with no AAD shows poor judgment, and a skydiver with poor judgment is an unsafe skydiver. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  25. If you will allow yourself to be a dumbass because you have an AAD...then the AAD is the issue. If you felt the AAD will make you are stupid. An AAD will NOT reduce the chances of something going wrong. OK, lets use Aviation. Who is safer, the guy that will fly single engine IFR, or the guy that will not? Having an IFR ticket will not make an engine out less likley. Having an AAD will not reduce the risk of an Accident. I have friends with 23,000 hours that will not fly single engine IFR if they can avoid it. They are safer than a guy with an IFR ticket that will. But is someone with an IFR ticket safer than someone without an IFR ticket in MVFR, when both are legal? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.