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Everything posted by jerryzflies

  1. Really, I get the distinct impression of community here, even from those with radically different ideas. Rather like Crossfire on the TV. Maybe I'm just too straightlaced for Bonfire but I find it mostly silly noise. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  2. I didn't say it WAS a boat, I used that as an illustration of attitudes. Your analogy is false. We come here for the content, not the template. The value added (your "hot dogs") is provided by people like tunaplanet and Phillykev, kennedy, kallend, wmd, Ron, Gawain, Anvil and others, all of whom can be abrasive but still add value. If you ban all the smartasses and assholes (edited for PC), what you have left may not be worth much. Just IMO. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  3. There isn't a problem. I've never been banned and I post a lot in SC and have plenty of arguments with those that post in here. I've been warned once (by a greenie that holds similar beliefs) about something I didn't think was against the rules; I got a bunch of PMs asking me why I got a warning as well. You know what? I didn't care. I took the warning, nodded my head and moved on to the next thread. Geez, its just a website and if you don't like it or the rules you don't need to stick around. So you're in a boat and several people say they think it's leaking. Do you (1) Deny there's a leak, (2) Say there's a leak but we musn't rock the boat, (3) Ask for suggestions to fix the leak, or (4) say "this is a great boat, if you don't like this boat, get out and swim". All four attitudes have been expressed in this thread. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  4. One person's racist/hate speech is another's smartass remark. If you delineate extremely clear unambiguous rules, then people who like to skate really close to the edge all of the time will skate close to (and over) those rules too. Or they'll think of a new word, not on the officially-proscribed list, to call someone a (insert racist/hate term here). You really think that wouldn't happen? The idea is to be polite. Polite is how you tell someone "I disagree with you vehemently, but I don't intend to directly give offense." Of course, piss someone off, and then they do intend to give offense. Especially if they think they can get away with it. Wendy W. If there were NOT a problem then this thread would have died after the first post. If there were NOT a problem it wouldn't have started in the first place. If there were NOT a problem Mardigras wouldn't have started the thread with "Please don't ban me for this". If there were NOT a problem then the other 200+ posts on this very subject over the last week wouldn't have happened. Are you claiming there's not a problem? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  5. The very fact that you had to preface your post with this statement is very sad and suggests to me that there is something seriously wrong here. If I am banned for making this statement, so be it, but it will only make the point even more strongly. I have no idea what HH's objectives are in running this site at all, but if catering to his "clientele" is among them, maybe asking what THEY want instead of having the moderators tell them what is good for them would be a good idea. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  6. Sarcasm IS a personal attack in this PC world if the subject feels put down. Now I thought Johns comment was stupid, but I was not hurt by it. You were not hurt by it, therefore it was not a personal attack, QED. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  7. Agreed, but the only way you have to record that now is your opinion. And no matter how one might like to think almost everyone carries an agenda. That can lead to abuse. Everyone who grows up in Illinois learns the story of Abe Lincoln's question "if we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have", to which the correct answer is that regardless of what you call it, a tail is not a leg even if the President of the USA says it is. To think otherwise is to fall victim of a logical fallacy. As Winsor pointed out, sarcasm is NOT a personal attack regardless of the color of anyone's username who thinks otherwise. Personal attacks are not allowed in Congress or UK's Parliament, but you only have to listen to CSPAN to hear plenty of sarcasm. Ditto for the Presidential debates. Sarcasm has been a legitimate debating tactic since the time of the Greeks and Romans. Shakespeare uses sarcasm in Marc Antony's speech (Julius Caesar) and Portia's speech (Merchant of Venice) and in several other places. When there's no offense, prior history is totally irrelevant. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  8. My school offers group health insurance to students. I don't know how common that is though. linz So does my son's (Temple U in Philly). It's basically worthless in terms of what's covered. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  9. I've found out for myself now. Anyway, all the DZs here have closed for the winter. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  10. So what? The question was"aid" not defense. You have a beef about denfense? Start another thread to bash the US. I love how people try to chnage the subject when they can't defend a position. The US gives almost double the money than any other nation to help. Just putting things in context. Comparison of aid with defense spending illustrates national priorities. Per capita compariusons take out size of population from the equation. I'm sure if the topic was greenhouse gas output you'd prefer a per-capita comparison because that makes the US look better. I'm sure you know about the widow's mite. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  11. I heard a story on NPR about Dr's. It said that they work some of the worst shifts around. They said that the shifts result in a higher level of mistakes. I remember think it was a little far fetched. So I asked some of my Dr. friends and they agreed. Tell me, how many IT folks do you know that work 12hrs a day at in an environment where lives are on the line with each step. See if a Dr. screws up, someone dies and then someone sues. If you Computer science guy screws up....No one dies. Great responsibility should come with greater pay. Common wisdom is that doctors bury their mistakes. Engineers get sued too. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  12. Maybe, but we give more than the next closest country by almost double in real dollars. So while we may not give as much per capita...We give almost twice as much as anyone else...And thats just in dollars from the Government, it does not include individual contributions, or military aid (Those choppers you talked about, ya know we have to pay to fly those right?) If you want comparisons in absolute terms, we spend more on "defense" than the next EIGHT countries combined. That budget could be cut in half and we'd still be the most belligerent nation in world history. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  13. Idealistic, and not very real world. I am sure most Dr's. want to do what they do not just for the nice cars...(Doctors have the higest suicide and divorce rates of any profession)...But being a nice guy does not pay off the bills to school that they owe, or the fact that it took them 6-7 years to become a Dr. If you told Dr's that they would only make 40 grand a year, you would not get the best and brightest doing it.....I for one like the idea of the smartest becoming Dr's. Then you don't like progress? I guess you don't eat food that used checmicals. If you want to pay the price for those foods thats your right. That is capitalism at work. You want organic foods you can buy them if you can afford them. I'll go with the cheaper stuff thanks. It takes just as long and costs as much to become a PhD in,say, chemical engineering or computer science as a MD. The reason medical Drs are paid so much is that the US medical schools carefully control admission numbers so that the profession is, in actuality, a cartel. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  14. Let us not forget that it was Dick Cheney, in direct contradiction to George Bush’s policy on gays and lesbians, who first came out and discussed his daughter's sexuality publicly while campaigning for George Bush. Lynne and Mary Cheney have both publicly discussed the fact that Mary is a lesbian while campaigning this year. They opened the door, and John Kerry had every right to comment on this in the context that he did. Mary Cheney was manager of Coors’s corporate relations for the gay and lesbian market, and has done public bar tours to promote Coors's beer to that market. She currently is paid a six figure salary to work on the Bush / Cheney Campaign. She's a highly paid member of the Bush Election Campaign and a fair target for comments. If you recall it was George Bush who earlier this year said that he wanted to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay and lesbian marriage, not John Kerry. You may also recall that in an attempt to get the gay and lesbian vote it was Dick Cheney who first publicly discussed that his daughter Mary is a lesbian while campaigning. George Bush, Dick Cheney, Lynne Cheney, and Mary Cheney can’t have it both ways. If they want to use Mary Cheney as a prop in an attempt to gain support from gay and lesbian voters, then Kerry has a right to discuss her sexual preference in the limited capacity in which he did. Exactly right. If you open the door, don't whine if someone comes through. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  15. Kerry and Bush are wealthy too, but lots of people send them money. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  16. That is completely false. Last I checked fat people have legs and can walk just like others. And to intercept your inevitable, "But but but he moves slower than skinny people" response I will direct your attention to babies, cripples, old people, etc... Fat people can move just fine in dire situations. I've seen very obese people moved from exit rows on airline flights, on more than one occasion. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  17. What information did he have when he said, "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." He was correct, and once the UN inspectors were let back in it was shown that this had been achieved. Did you read Blix's last report before he was forced (by Bush) to leave? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  18. NPR was carrying it. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  19. I'm a pilot thinking of trying skydiving: It's cold at altitude even in a plane! What is it like outside the plane at 13k? Is there much of a wind chill effect? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.