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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. That is because the issue is nationwide and what you call "stricter laws" are anything but strict and completely ineffective. You are completely correct. State gun laws in the US are ineffectual and always will be.
  2. The Canadian perspective on the price is a little different. The transportation method would not reduce the price, which is a function of the world market. It would increase the profitability of mining the oil sands by reducing the cost of transportation. In the end there is no oil shortage, just a geo-political crisis that is temporarily causing a supply bottleneck.
  3. Ugh......having daylight fall during the hours of the day that it is more useful...... Yes, I know we could just change the start and end times of things to follow the seasons. But moving the clocks is easier.
  4. Foolish? I never said that. You are putting words into my mouth. I'm sure the Gods of Red Bull and Pay Per View will be fine. Until they aren't. Hey Evel Knievel died of natural causes in the end. The show must go on.
  5. As is nearly everyone's. I'm fine with him taking personal risk. I'm not so sure about the two pilotless aircraft that will land somewhere. Of course his plan is sound, nothing unexpected ever goes wrong when "experts" are involved. They always think of everything. This appears to me as an example of every stunt needing to be even more impressive than the last one. Which inevitably leads to biting off more than can be chewed. I would not be surprised if this one either is abandoned or becomes the one we all remember as the last one.
  6. And in San Diego you are far enough south that changing the clocks is only a nuisance. But for those of us in the middle it helps.
  7. You knew Tom Noonan as well, didn't you? Your admiration and confidence will make zero difference in the end.
  8. Unlike internet forum posters?
  9. So the DZ can stay open till 10pm in the best part of the season where I live. Yet I don't have to wait till after rush hour for daylight at Christmas time.
  10. Changing the clocks twice a year is simply a way to help us take advantage of summer and to cope with winter. The further from the Equator you live the more sense it makes. It isn't that hard.
  11. It is merely another example of people try to have it both ways and not being willing to pay an price in inconvenience.
  12. Canada is struggling to cope with a northward flow of illegal weapons at this time. We can understand your concern.
  13. You are kidding right? What direction do you think weapons flow across US borders in?
  14. As long as we life on a rotating planet revolving around a star giving us night and day we will live our lives by some sort of local time. We are still diurnal mammals.
  15. Why do Americans wonder and debate this? Guns are machines designed to kill people. People are emotional and a mix of good and bad. If there are a lot of guns around people will use them to do exactly what they were made for more often than if there are fewer guns around. You have your rights and you have to pay for them. Sometimes with the lives of your children
  16. Yup. The fact that people keep engaging is something I also don't understand. But apparently some find it amusing and who am I to judge?
  17. He is too busy picturing her legs in the air to listen to her speak.
  18. I would suggest you not jump a rig that has not been used, and I assume not repacked, for a few years. If you do jump such a rig the danger is then real.
  19. gowlerk


    Yes, and the price to be paid now is going to be so much higher than it could have been.
  20. gowlerk


    Russia is newly aggressive, Britain has left the EU, Germany is stepping up militarily in a way not seen since its defeat in 1945. The western world is seeing the biggest changes in my lifetime. The security arrangements of Europe are about to undergo a huge upheaval. That has never been good news.
  21. gowlerk


    Now there is a confirmed FOX fatality in Ukraine. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/15/media/fox-cameraman-killed-pierre-zakrzewski/index.html
  22. gowlerk


    Well....either that or possibly Homer Simpson.
  23. gowlerk


    The rate of decay is a known factor. There are plenty of things to inspect beside that.