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Everything posted by AggieDale08

  1. Thanks for all the posts guys, I really appreciate it. I hope to do my 2nd working Tandem next Saturday and my 1st AFF jump next Sunday. I will keep you guys posted on how my first landing went.
  2. Haha yea I had my bad landing on my first jump
  3. Hahah I like your instructors words. Have you stood up any of your landings? The bad one what happened when you landed, just bruises and scrapes? Remster, sorry you posted when I did, thanks for replying. Yea I figured just the incidents were reported. I just don't want a bad landing.
  4. She looks like she is having a blast, cute kid.
  5. Well, I have been searching around and reading some older threads on PLF. From everything I read it seems as though you are going have a bad landing every time. Throughout AFF training is it possible to have good landings? All the talk of breaking this and breaking that is kind of pushing away from wanting to do AFF. I have one more working tandem to do, before I start AFF. I have already experienced a hard landing on my first jump and when I am in control of myself on the 3rd landing I don't want another. Let me know if I am overreacting or not. Thanks.
  6. Haha yea, I was like umm why did they put this in there
  7. Happy Birthday Chuck, I don't know you but have a fun day. My birthday is in 2 days wooot
  8. Nice have fun with that stuff. Tell me what cartoon characters you see on that .
  9. Too bad it is computer generated
  10. Does the indgredients say it contains something like "worm wood"?
  11. Don't do it!!! SP2 broke my computer at work... ended up needed a repair So SP2 is gone and it works like a charm
  12. Blue Polo Shirt, Blue Jeans, Boxers, Socks, Tennis Shoes, Harness, Glasses, and a big ol' smile
  13. I am using IE6, with Service Pack 2, built in pop-up blocker, built in firewall and antivirus. No problems here.
  14. What movie are you guys talking about? Nevermind I got it...
  15. You could get drunk and then start a riot in the Indian River County while waiting for FL to return to "normal". After you cleaned the house over and over of course.
  16. It was an awesome game, aggies kicked ass.
  17. Clear Excellence Wild Cherry. It is basically flavored carbonated water, 50 cents a liter can't beat it.
  18. LOL! I can't wait to get out there and get my second jump in. I want to watch the tape but I don't have a VCR . I will see you later Dave.
  19. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time and it finally came. I am doing a progessive tandem course, and I completed my first Working Tandem today. Everything went fine, I even got one 360 in and then pulled at 5,500, coasted down learning how to turn left and right, then landing wasn't as graceful as I wished. I don't know what happened but we hit pretty hard and a banged my tail bone, and some minor scrapes. My ass feels alright now, just sore, but my instructor might have dislocated his shoulder. I am not sure on his status. Other than that, it was the most amazing thing I have ever done and I hope to continue my path to getting an A license.