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Everything posted by Chrissay

  1. Just to clarify a couple of things. I sent my camera to their 'authorized repair facility' Precision Camera in Connecticut [I think]. And so far I have not been impressed with their customer service, that includes Sony and Precision Camera. I actually ended up having a not so pleasant experience with the whole thing, as far as I know though, I am the only one. They had my camera for 8 weeks, kept on telling me, almost done, almost done. I got it back mid July, and it broke again 2 weeks later, the POS won't even turn on. So it is now sitting at Precision Camera...again. I'm sure your experience will be much better [I know your post wasn't directed at me, but replied anyway]
  2. We have dedicated editors, the video guys just drop off their tape and go.
  3. I just got mine back from Sony and paid the $269.00 flatrate. They replaced 2 boards, one was a motherboard and I did not have to pay anything extra for the parts.
  4. Can you do all that with titles, slow mo on exit and opening, layer live audio with music, cross fade to slow mo or between scenes and other stuff in the time you mentioned? Yes, we have a few different templates setup so we just cut up the footage and drop it in the template. Every video has a leader, plane pulling up, plane taking off, altimeter shots, we put cross dissolves inbetween every cut. We also slowmo the exit, opening and freeze fame the 'big thumbs up' at the end when they land. Footage we drop in includes, ground interview, walking to the plane, in plane interview, exit/freefall/opening and canopy/landing footage. We have 3 computers setup that are totally dedicated to editing, they are stripped of everything else so they run really efficiently. We have invested a lot of money into doing this so there are definatley cheaper ways to go about doing this, but this is the way we have chosen.
  5. I takes us about 20 minutes to burn a DVD. Here is the process we use, no doubt there are more efficient ways to do this, but we prefer at this point to use non linear editting. --capture video ~5-7 minutes --edit in Adobe Premier ~ 5 minutes. We have numerous templates set up, so we just cut up the footage and drop it in. We have a leader, plane pulling up, plane taking off, altimeter shots and end leader. We also slowmo the exit and opening shots. --export as movie ~1 minute --burn to DVD in Adobe Encore ~10 minutes Most people wait for their videos, if they don't want to wait, we charge them $5.00 to mail them out. We have our tandem students fill out a form that tells them some of our policies, ie. it will take about 40 minutes to edit, footage is kept on file for two weeks, refund policy, etc. We also have 3 computers setup for editting so this helps with the process as well. It depends on the weekend, but we probably do about 30-40 videos a weekend and we don't have a problem keeping up with the system we have.
  6. We do all of our editing in Adobe Premier, that takes about 10 minutes including capture time. Then we export to Adobe Encore where we burn it, that takes about another 10 minutes, so 20 minutes total. We run 3 computers to keep up with the videographers
  7. what a bummer, I thought we would finally get to meet! There will be a huge Tecumseh crowd there, crack city will be in full effect
  8. You should come. I haven't been able to make it out to the dz yet this week, but from the people I have talked to, the dz is hoppin! I will be out there Friday right after work.
  9. I am very bummed you can't make it this weekend, but I am looking forward to next weekend!! I can't wait to make some jumps with you, I think the last time we jumped together was Richmond!
  10. Nate-dog, nice photo! Hey, you in town for the boogie?
  11. Due to a nasty gram delivered by the city to Midwest Freefall, they are unable to host their Homegrown Boogie. BUT, all of the goodies have moved to Skydive Tecumseh! Here is what we have for you: • NO registration fee! • PAC 750 XL—Arriving TODAY Wednesday August 17, 2005 • Pitts S2 available on Saturday for aerobatic rides • And additional turbine aircraft • Coaching & freefly organizing by Jimmy Tranter • Freefly organizing also available by Team Mayhem • Special appearance by Team One from Atlanta, GA • Freeflying not your thing? RW organizers are also available for the weekend. • Saturday night catered dinner available for a small fee Skydive Tecumseh also has to offer: • A huge landing area with lots of outs • Indoor packing • Camping on site • RV parking available • HOT showers • Bonfire • Smiles all around • Good skydives and good vibes So come on out for some great skydives and take advantage of some cool aircrafts. We hope to see you there and thanks for your support! Due to the last minute changes, please spread the word! Thanks, Chrissy Skydive Tecumseh 517.423.7720 Skydive Tecumseh
  12. Cocheese! If you have the opportunity to go..GO! I visited Capetown about 5 years ago with my Aunt. Amazingly enough, she won a trip so I got to go for free . Two women, Ann & Liv, were skiing across Anartica and we went to their sendoff party. (Two very amazing women by the way) It is such a beautiful area, our hotel looked right at Table Mountain . You can take a cable car to the top which was way cool. I visited Robben Island where Nelson Mandela spent so many years, I went to some vineyards, some gardens, the clubs downtown were pretty cool. And the jackass penguins! I was always in a large group so I felt pretty safe all the time. The only thing that I really wish I would have been able to do is go on a Safari, but our trip was too short to do that. I also want to go shark diving, Mark and Cindy did that and they have some awesome photos from there. The only drawback is the flight....about 24 hours to Capetown. But so well worth it!!
  13. yep, that sounds about right I know between me and Sporto we took a lot of photos, I will have to go through our memory cards tonight and post some photos.
  14. Those in the Ann Arbor area. A group of us are planning on attending the viewing tomorrow evening. We plan to meet at Amanda's house at 4:30 pm and head out from there. If you are interested in going, please PM me or call me and I will send you Amanda's phone number for directions. Chrissy
  15. Thanks so much to Bubba for making the toga party happen. Yeah Bubba! We appreciate so much everything you do for the enjoyment of others. Awesome job to PF and Dan for bartending AND applying hellfish tattoos to those in need I did my best to consume as much margaritas as possible. It was quite a large task though with so much margarita. I had such a great time! Congrats PF on becoming a hellfish and a rodriquez brother, welcome!
  16. I was so shocked when I heard the news on Saturday it was so hard to believe it was actually true. It is so sad. Mark had an amazing presence on the dropzone, he was always so cheerful and had a smile on his face. He had such a passion for life, embracing skydiving, travelling in his spare time, and his recent discovery of base jumping. I would love to listen to his stories, he would get so animated when he told them! And his 'johnny knoxville' sunglasses that he wore, it brings a smile to my face thinking about them. He was definately good people, and I always looked forward to seeing him at the dropzone. We were all in shock at the dropzone this weekend when we heard the news, and we all had some drinks for him that night. We plan to do a memorial jump for his this weekend--sunset tracking dive. Blue skies Mark, and my condolences to all.
  17. Glad to hear that things are on the up and up. Have fun at Skydive Chicago, what a wonderful place to spend a vacation
  18. Yoo Kipper, thank YOU so much for spending your summer with us at Skydive Tecumseh. I know that I learned so much going through your courses and can't wait to start using my ratings. Hopefully we can get some jumps in this weekend so I can finish up my AFF-I rating!!
  19. hey Justi, I hope you heal fast! hugs to ya
  20. I just have one.... 1. Sent my PC105 to Sony for repair, I just got it back 3 weeks ago after 8 weeks of repair. It broke AGAIN on my second jump at SummerFest, the POS won't even turn on. I am just so mad/frustrated/sad about it