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Everything posted by phatcat

  1. phatcat


    A friend helps you hide bodies, a TRUE friend tries to tattoo your wang when you're drunk.
  2. August 6th. Guess what year and win a prize!
  3. I believe I've been hijacked! Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
  4. They are overprescribed, definately. But if you truly are one of those people falling down the slippery well of depression - they work. I've been there, and it's not fun.
  5. Okay, okay, I think you've got me wrong. I'm just talking about physical attraction in general. This is a purely superficial thread . No deep thinking here!
  6. Would you date someone of a different race? Or maybe, do you PREFER it? I'm just curious. Me, I'm about as white as they come, but as far as physical features, Asian women just do something for me. I'm not sure what it is. How about you?
  7. phatcat

    Jim Breuer

    That AC/DC bit was friggin' AWESOME!!! He's good!
  8. phatcat

    Jim Breuer

    Is that the dude on Comedy Central right now?
  9. phatcat

    tandem pictures

    Vertical movement tends to happen naturally when one jumps out of a plane. It's due to a force called "gravity"
  10. phatcat


  11. Those things kick ass! BTW, cool avatar
  12. phatcat

    tandem pictures

    What I do with a chainsaw in private is none of your business!
  13. phatcat

    tandem pictures

    That's exactly why I'm glad I DIDN'T get pics on my first - my facial expression out the door probably looked like I just had a chainsaw shoved up my ass.
  14. phatcat


    I used to see this kid who drove around in an old blue one. He wore a trenchcoat and a big top-hat. That dude was spooky...
  15. phatcat

    Toll roads

    Heh, so basically it varies a crapload. I guess I'll bring a big ol' wad of $1's and hope for the best Thanks!
  16. phatcat

    Toll roads

    Kinda stupid question: Generally, around how much do you have to pay on a toll road? We don't have them around here so I have no idea. I'm planning a trip where I'll be on a few and need to plan accordingly.
  17. I don't even want to know dude...
  18. Actually it was 5318008
  19. Okay. You're an asshole. (J/K - Have a blast!)
  20. phatcat

    Car Question

    I understand that completely, but you should still be able to go a little newer (early '90's), and still get something for a good price. Good luck - I mean it - I know how it goes all too well. Cars are a bitch.
  21. phatcat

    Car Question

    Mid 80's???? Why so old?