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Everything posted by phatcat

  1. My dad just told about a friend of his at lunch today, I'll call him Bob. Bob was travelling cross country, early morning hours. He stopped at a rest stop, Bad Guy follows him in. BG pulls knife, Bob pulls .357. BG runs like a mofo. Law abiding gun owners - 1, Bad guys - 0.
  2. A coworker (well ex-coworker - I'm jobless now) brought in his Great Dane once. One cool-ass dog. I want one too!
  3. I'll file this under "Sound's like somethin' I'd do." Click Here
  5. British humor? Like Mr. Bean? He's funny!
  6. Ever thought of buying used? 10 to 16 grand is pretty pricey. Afterall, it's just an engine bolted to some steel tubing. Do you know of Fisher Flying? They have some Cub clones that are pretty cheap. Of course, you gotta build 'em.
  7. Sweet! I've looked at those too. Are you going to get one?
  8. Sorry, didn't mean to get defensive. Can I ask what happened? I just want to learn as much as possible, including other people's mistakes.
  9. I have my pilots license. Been there, done that, got bored. Funny, I always thought people died in "real" planes too...
  10. I can tell you from experience that declawed cats are perfectly happy inside a warm house sleeping on the couch. They really couldn't care less if you're even there or not, except when it's time to eat.
  11. The Ultralight Experience I want one SOOOOO bad!
  12. VOLTRON! Also, not a cartoon but did anybody else ever watch Captain Power? That was my all time fav!
  13. The Skydiving specific forum has only been around a few months.
  14. Hee heeeeee, I was just trying to spark something up, I guess I succeeded!
  15. What? I don't know who this assclown is. Just ignore him.
  16. I know you're tough and all that, but I'm not. I didn't do anything to you, and the things you say hurt. Please stop.
  17. You think you're some kind of baddass? OBVIOUSLY you're sitting in front of YOUR computer too. How about I take that moniter you're looking at, light it on fire, and shove it up your ass? How does that sound fuckhead?
  18. Don't fuck with me, asshole!
  19. Somebody do something funny or interesting.
  20. Cool, just don't fuck it up! I'm on Winblows right now cause I made that mistake.
  21. Ever think about all the people getting laid right now as you read this? Depressing, ain't it?
  22. You actually looked it up?
  23. ...why do men have nipples?