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Everything posted by aphid

  1. By my recollection, one and the same. Thanks for the link, by the way. John
  2. If I recall, Reuters News was the first to make it publicly available, but from a couple of comments, did this footage not air in the USA? Mind you, it does seem to have quietly disappeared since it was first released.
  3. NB: NSFW Will this do? A local (to me) skydiver with melted chocolate shot this autumn.
  4. I think the proponents of legislation like this are actually cutting their noses off to spite their faces. I'll give a few examples from my own experience. Music Publishers: I have on numerous occasions encountered new artists & musical selections featured on youtube clips (and other places) that created enough interest that I went to iTunes and purchased songs and albums as a direct result. In 2010, this likely was about $30 or so. If I hadn't tripped across those selections on the "unrestricted" internet, that's $30 that wasn't going to be spent. No, it's not much, but I'm just one average consumer. Newspapers & magazines: I will often take the link to an article posted in a forum if the topic is of interest to me, DZcom being no exception. In accessing the on-line article, I increase the traffic count to the host, and encounter the advertising they have sold. They may have other articles or op/ed pieces I might also check out. As on-line advertising is priced on a cost/1000 basis, increased traffic means more views, higher ad revenues, and for the marketers, increased potential customers. It seems that legislation like this is driven by an old-school mindset that is not adapting to the new global digital commerce of skills, art, communication and service. I could expand on this from personal experience as to how the US Internal Revenue Service is at complete odds with how the US Customs agency interprets the concept of "working". But that is a can-of-worms for another thread. Under the Law of Unintended Consequences, I opine that should copyright holders become too aggressive courtesy of this legislation, they will only hasten their own demise. John
  5. Certainly not bragging, just amazed at my energy back then... Made the haul solo from Vernon, BC to Eloy, AZ with only fuel/pee stops a number of times. Three round-trippers in just one winter. Grand Cherokee, Sirius Radio, cruise-control, 1610 miles (fastest via central NV and using the Vegas & Phoenix bypass routes). Computer said the ignition was running a total of 23.75 hours. Usually it took about 26.5 hours total clock-time. And it was definitely winter in WA & OR in the passes. And a fair share of speeding tickets in ID and NV, but the Troopers were way cool. Really, really, really dumb.
  6. You owe me a keyboard Andrew. John
  7. I agree. Seems quite sensible actually. Although I confess the image of Homeland Security types having to root through garbage does tickle me a bit. John Ya, except all your trash you guys dump in our backyard... http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=ie7&q=canada+sends+garbage+to+us&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7TSHB#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7TSHB&source=hp&q=The+Stop+Canadian+Trash+Act&pbx=1&oq=The+Stop+Canadian+Trash+Act&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=10130l10130l0l10959l1l1l0l0l0l0l214l214l2-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=dc9072f4d1d34f4c&biw=1366&bih=552 An alternate idea might be to suggest you guys stop accepting it at a discount? Just a thought.
  8. And it's justifications like that that will continue to encourage many American's to think they are the World Police, whereas many foreigners might liken them to World Bullies. It's just a matter of perspective and it's obvious we'll not ever agree on the temerity of the statements I took umbrage with, so best regards. John
  9. An alternate idea might be to suggest you guys stop accepting it at a discount? Just a thought.
  10. With all due respect, that statement is just ignorant. You do not have significant armed forces based here. Canada is not under any imminent hostile military threat (nor has been, even during the Cold War era). The only foreign power that ever invaded Canada was the United States. How dare you sir to presume that we owe you a damned thing for the simple fluke of geography of being your neighbor? ETA: It is representations like this by many uninformed and opinionated Americans, many of whom are policy-makers, that moves many Canadians to harbour a pretty deep-seated resentment.
  11. I'm, curious, but haven't looked this up: How does Canada's contribution compare to, say, Scandinavian countries which have roughly similar climates, economies and standards of living? That would be interesting to see. However, before the stats are produced, we should keep in mind a fundamental difference as well for the comparison: just moving durable goods around here (3,854,000 sq.mi.) is quite unlike moving durable goods throughout Sweden (174,000 sq.mi.) John
  12. Not dissimilar to this image I captured at the Dubai Gulf Cup in January this year...
  13. Kindly excuse my foreign ignorance. What does this reference? John
  14. You obviously haven't had to deal with the United States Department of Homeland Security's eApis demands/requirements for cross-border GA flights... both inbound and outbound, BTW. If I'm departing your illustrious democracy, why should I have to advise the GPS co-ordinates and time (within a 15 minute window) I'll be crossing the border OUTBOUND, and do all this up to 24 hours in advance? Oh. And it must be done on-line only. They will not accept a flight-plan and eApis advice by telephone. Period. It is onerous enough, by my personal experience, cross-border flights by Canadian private-pilot tourists have fallen by about 50% in the last year alone. John But WHO would want to go to Canada anyway? Perhaps you didn't notice the word "inbound"? Flights by (Canadian) GA tourists TO YOUR COUNTRY (to spend their money on your economy) have fallen (by my limited estimation) by 50%. We have at my small municipal airport a multi-national corporation who is on the record as saying they do everything in their power to avoid having to land and refuel in your country due to the eApis system and US Customs. At our same tiny airport there are 10 or so local pilots who flew every year to CA, AZ and TX for a winter vacation. This year? One. The rest are all staying home or going non-stop* commercial to the Caribbean. So go ahead and be as sarcastic as you wish. John *myself included
  15. You obviously haven't had to deal with the United States Department of Homeland Security's eApis demands/requirements for cross-border GA flights... both inbound and outbound, BTW. If I'm departing your illustrious democracy, why should I have to advise the GPS co-ordinates and time (within a 15 minute window) I'll be crossing the border OUTBOUND, and do all this up to 24 hours in advance? Oh. And it must be done on-line only. They will not accept a flight-plan and eApis advice by telephone. Period. It is onerous enough, by my personal experience, cross-border flights by Canadian private-pilot tourists have fallen by about 50% in the last year alone. John
  16. If you actually have to ask, you'll never understand. :(
  17. aphid


    I am suitably impressed!
  18. (NB: "reply" not directed to anybody in particular) I think there may be something worth considering by both sides of this conversation in the following op/ed piece written by the former Chief of Police - Seattle. Surely the LEO's that have weighed in in this thread will appreciate his credentials. http://www.thenation.com/article/164501/paramilitary-policing-seattle-occupy-wall-street
  19. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    Thanks for your thoughts throughout this Marc. Perhaps we'll cross paths on a DZ someday down the road. John
  20. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    Oh. I certainly don't want to embroil myself in a conversation about your current (or past or future) senior politicians, but, sigh... I will say that on a personal level and strictly as a foreign but friendly neighbor with only the best of intentions for the USA, I will confess his administration has failed to live up to my hopes for your country on the international stage and in my country specifically. On that note, I'll back out and just continue to follow the debate/conversation. John
  21. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    So, quite a way back in this thread, Wendy suggested among other things that Huntsman (staying with him just for the sake of debate) lacked a wow/glamour thing. Others have suggested influence can be exerted on the electoral process by the media, both right and left I suppose. This may be a naive question, but, does the opinion of news readers, paper editors, or journalists in general really carry that much weight? If that's the case, that might be a sad commentary on the average electors standing in the ballot-box.
  22. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    I know Rather the news reader, although don't ask me who he works for - I don't pay that much attention to the channel number. Without really checking, I don't know his political bent. His endorsement/opinion (or lack of one) matters? (edit: spelling)
  23. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    You are seriously out of touch with the average US citizen's criteria for giving their vote. Of course I am out of touch. I'm not American. Hence I asked the questions as an outside observer in the first place. Thanks to the many who have responded. It's been (for the most part) illuminating for me. Thank you. John