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Everything posted by aphid

  1. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    From an outsider's perspective, that would be an interesting question to ask of many posters, in each portion of the spectrum. A poll? John
  2. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    Bumped to see if I can (one time) get this back on track... So, if he would be a media-darling, how come not much visibility? Bear with me on this next part - if the political spectrum (just for argument) could be divided say into 3 equal parts - Left/Middle/Right... he occupies some portion of the Middle? If so, I'm still not understanding why he doesn't get much traction. Or is it he is deemed irrelevant because he doesn't appeal to one of the more distinct groups? Thanks
  3. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    So, if he would be a media-darling, how come not much visibility? Bear with me on this next part - if the political spectrum (just for argument) could be divided say into 3 equal parts - Left/Middle/Right... he occupies some portion of the Middle? If so, I'm still not understanding why he doesn't get much traction. Or is it he is deemed irrelevant because he doesn't appeal to one of the more distinct groups? Thanks
  4. aphid

    Jon Huntsman?

    As a citizen of your (US) largest trading partner, largest supplier of oil, water and timber, shivering in the shade of your shadow and catching pneumonia whenever you guys sneeze, I watch with some interest your internal political machinations. I've caught Huntsman a couple of times on television and I'm curious. Why doesn't he seem to get much attention? He "seems" to this foreigner to be educated, articulate, versed in foreign-policy, with middle-ground economic ideas. (Yes, I'm aware he's a Mormon. Whatever) I look forward to thoughtful responses with interest. Thanks. John
  5. So, getting an ass-kicking is justified for videotaping/recording a contact with Law Enforcement? "Stupidity" is an indictable offense? Holy crap. I really don't want to live where you people do.
  6. Just an aside, but in my opinion this thread for the most part has managed to remain thought-provoking, honest, and civil. Would that all threads could accomplish the same... My thanks to ALL who have posted, I have enjoyed it thoroughly thus far. John
  7. http://stormbringer.posterous.com/babes-of-world-war-2
  8. While I may tend to agree with the implied message in your reply, what there is for me to "see" is the hundreds of international skydiving friends I have made over the years at Eloy and jumped with every winter. That's really what they have (allegedly) unlawfully taken away from me. And that's why I'm fighting them. I just hope somewhere in the 9th Federal District Court there is a Justice who actually respects your Constitution and the rule of Habeas Corpus. ETA: ("allegedly") it's only alleged until a formal judicial determination
  9. Might be the single-malt talkin', but... IF I sneak across the border like a real illegal and I'm caught, I get arrested, charged, and put before a judge. IF I'm caught on US soil as a real illegal, I'm arrested, charged, and put before a judge. But because I was just alleged to have been an "intending" illegal from Canada and hit with a significant life-altering penalty, I cannot appear before a judge, and the US Federal Court has (thus far*) said they have no jurisdiction/authority to hear my lawsuit against US Customs & Border Protection, Seattle Field Office Director Michelle James, Dept of Homeland Paranoia, and the lovely Ms. Janet Napolitano. Maybe I should go to a better tanning salon, dye my hair black, learn Spanglish, and parachute across that "longest undefended peaceful border in history". Arrest THIS, you motherf**kers... "Oh, good morning Your Honour. A pleasure to finally meet you." (* now in the Appeal phase arguing against the ruling that the Federal Court dismissed saying they lack the authority to review CBP Orders of Expedited Removal issued unlawfully against exempt Canadians)
  10. aphid


    Air Canada & WestJet have n/s flights to both Cabo & Mazatlan from the Great White North. Anybody able to suggest which of these two resort destinations would best offer; good opportunity for a gringo with a small but amusing tourist-driven business venture, relatively inexpensive accommodations, low crime-rate, sound local government with manageable "graft" issues? All advice/experience welcome. John
  11. That makes two of us. I'm old enough to have lived through the era of rampant anti-American sentiment in Canada in the late 60's and early 70's. At the rate the goodwill built up over the last 35 years is being squandered, I can see one of the federal political parties adding some hostile planks in their election platform. And once again, the powers in the south will ask, "why do they seem to hate us?" Sigh..........
  12. Andy: you might find this audio file interesting. 26 American lawyers challenging the immunity of CBP from judicial review arising from the actions of Border agents on the northern border (I hope this link works) http://www.cbc.ca/video/news/audioplayer.html?clipid=2146144504 There is this text variation of the story that expands on the ER situation located here: http://www.cbc.ca/thenational/indepthanalysis/gopublic/story/2011/09/26/bc-borderguard.html And yes, that's me in the article. Although my situation arose at a different Port of Entry. And finally, here is a link to the news broadcast about this topic: http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/News/Local_News/BC/1317899897/ID=2147431987 (ETA link for video file)
  13. aphid

    Sever not found

    Moi aussi, all morning...
  14. (Facts) Married 34 years to an American citizen and financially supported her every step of the way in my country. Have visited 29 of the 50 states, some multiple times. Spent 15 of the last 17 winters vacationing, jumping and team-training at Skydive AZ. In-laws with career military backgrounds in the US Naval Air Force including a Base Commander. Other in-laws with backgrounds in finance, law, and manufacturing. Even related first-generation thru marriage to the Coors family, although we disagree on so many fundamental (read "religion") issues we don't speak... (Opinion - sue me) I find it impossible to disagree with your statement. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck, and shits like a duck... there's a pretty good chance it's a damned duck. I do believe it's well past the time (some) Americans should look beyond the Amber Waves of Grain, Might is Right, or bullshit World-Police. There is so much to admire about America, but (again, OPINION), it is being squandered because too many have no clue how the pigeons do eventually come home to roost and just recite... "fuck the world". If you think I'm just another "Hate America" foreigner, re-read the opening paragraph. John
  15. Agreed. Vociferously so. But, that's what the average American's need for feeling "safe from the bad men" hath wrought. Just an opinion.
  16. I find it difficult to imagine this DHS Official could make the following statement with a straight face In her end-of-year report (press release) to the media (01/03/2010), Michelle James, Director - Seattle Field Office, DHS/Customs and Border Protection - offered up the following gem: "CBP also worked against agro-terrorism, intercepting asian gypsy moths..." (ETA: scan of the press item)
  17. Here's a nice little production number from ShawTV just posted... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02R4euCp74o
  18. From a fiercely sovereign Canuck, sorry for the temp posting, but... THANK YOU! John
  19. '62 Biscayne. Same, same.