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Everything posted by rwieder

  1. If you do a search on Airplane Repo, you will see it was Sky Dive Joaquin. Just sayin'. I really don give a rat's butt. Best- Richard
  2. San Joaquin Dropzone Sorry, it took me a while to find it again. Best- Richard
  3. That's good. It didn't look easy though. The jumper best be glad he wasn't the last to exit. He would have never unclipped that belt himself. We used to always have someone at the door with a razor knife during jumping activities. Anything like that and the guy would have just cut it. Best- Richard
  4. Gregg has a ways to go to top Travis Pastrana's "No Rig" jump. He didn't have a harness on, how could you tell? He didn't have a shirt on. Best- Richard
  5. I went to that DZ's web site, and all they have listed for air craft is a Cessna 182, no twotter. Something happened to it. I also noticed the green canvases over the walkways outside of manifest were torn and blowing in the wind. You can see the moneys not there. Fake, or no? Not sure. Fact: They don't have a twotter no mo' Best- Richard
  6. Hello Greenies / Mods. Shouldn't this post be moved to the Tandem section? I'm afraid if we don't get a handle on this it'll expand until deaths are suffered and families suing people to death. Best- Richard
  7. Man am I ever glad you brought that up, or I'd have thought wrong. And SkyDiving being not wise is an even better reason to be as safe as possible at all times, do you agree with that? From your mindset, your not a safe person if your good with this stunt. I'm sticking to my guns. It isn't a wise decision to have a "Pole Clown" on the reserve pack tray of a tandem rig. People are whining and complaining about a non USPA rated TI taking passengers out on sky dives, and there's a few good with that. Are you? Best- Richard
  8. I don't know, do you? How many cars have aviation type seat belts? I've done a ton of research on this subject matter. No one aircraft has the same seat belt systems, there thousands of different types of safety belts. No one has yet to say how the AFF1 got loose from the seat belt as of yet. Do you know, if so please share. Best- Richard
  9. Bummer. Fly with the angels Bry. Best- Richard
  10. Yes they are! Ain't that the truth! One on each leg, and one on my chest strap, and generally most of my jump suits have one in the thigh area. Best- Richard
  11. What FAR or design information can you back this up with? Are or you merely making an assumption? In my much earlier life I was an EMT/Paramedic/VFD Fire Man, I have been on the scene where horrific car crashes have occurred and many cars/trucks have been on their roofs. I can tell you from personal experience seat belts are not easy to unclip when some one is hanging upside down in them. We just started cutting them loose with razor knifes. And that's in a car or truck, not a fling airplane with some guy hanging out of the air craft, even if it's just a couple of feet. Would you agree that all designs are NOT the same, or are you going to stick to your unfounded remarks? Best- Richard
  12. I'm sticking with what I know. Best- Richard
  13. I totally disagree. If aviation seat belts are designed to open under a load, what would make them stay closed in an emergency? Airplane crash on take off, should aviation seat belts unsnap? I think not. Revisit your theory. Try it, and get back to us with the results. That's another problem. That's just one reason I jump with a really good hook knife! I jump with 3 actually. Best- Richard
  14. The legality of this jump doesn't matter to me. It IS NOT a wise decision. The clown on top of the tandem is risking everyone's life here. What about a premature opening? I'm not going to say ignorant, but I'm wanting to. Best- Richard
  15. Seat belts are designed to hold weight and shock loads and shouldn't be easy to unbuckle with weight on them. With weight on them, there a pain to unbuckle. Best- Richard
  16. Same for me. My Canopy (X-Fire 169) takes a little while to open. First one I've had that does that. I used to fly a quick opening Hornet way back when, I used to smoke it down to 2K before pitching, not any more. My alerts on my dytter are 6500-4500 & 3500, when I hear that 3500 alert, altimeter check it's time. Best- Richard
  17. I'm curious as to how the instructor got shed of his seat belt after he was most likely hanging from the thing after he "attempted" to jump. I doubt there's any way he could have unsnapped his seat belt with his weight on it. Does anyone know this part? Best- Richard
  18. I guess I do. Having said that, My wife's "oral" skills are outta Of This World!! Best- Richard -My Boss Was A Carpenter-
  19. Send it to Sun Path. Best- Richard -Richard- "You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"
  20. Same here in Texas. Only you send the CS Payment to the County Clerk's Office, not to the ATTY. Genl's Office as used to be. That's what causes Late CS payments. Because they don't call you on the phone, or send you a letter telling you any changes that were made, Original Orders get changed without any notice from any Family Court. Even though divorce has Judge's Orders in it, and if you want to change anything in the Original Divorcee Decree, it's to the "Motion To Modify" hearings you go. A half-way Lawyer can fill the "Paper Bin" on you so quick, well Quick! When I was Handling my son's divorce, it took me 2 yrs, over 10K, and 30 trips to a Court Room I didn't care to be in. He went to the Army, and left me with POA, didn't cost her a dime, the used to be Co. ATTY handled her case and continued it to death, she didn't have any money, least not any to pay for no Lawyer. Best- Richard
  21. I've heard of Fathers going to jail and charged with 1 count of Felony Charge for ea. child support payment made late, not that it wasn't paid, but paid late. I've got a friend that was charged with 13 counts and found guilty of 3. He is now a Convicted Felon in his state and can't even own fire arms, or ammo, or nothing, 5 yrs probation + a 10 yr deferred Texas State Jail Sentence. And when he gathered up the child support records and carried them to court, his lawyer was not allowed to enter them into evidence. (Sick Joke?) Best- Richard
  22. Or like this???? Best- Richard -Richard- "You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"
  23. Just don't go too far on that limb. I did nothing more or nothing less than any born again Christian wouldn't do for anyone whose soul may be in danger. Christian, Not, Whatever. Best- Richard
  24. The Pentecostal Minister should be involved in such matters. Most Christians who are "Living a Christ Like manner" are generally happier, more involved in helping others, etc... I'm 100% behind you on that. There are sects out there that condemn blood transfusions, eating certain foods, big time condemn homosexuality, and they shouldn't be doing that. These matters should be dealt with in love, not by some sort of radical, "Fire and brimstone" ministers. There's no room on the planet for these types. They give people a really unreversable bad taste of religion they can't make it back from. They're helping no one. I don't know you, but I would offer in love and friendship that you please repent for this really unsavory remark. I'm not (Although I could) going to quote scripture that would reveal the most unsavory types of punishment that WILL be administered if you do not tell God your sorry. I will pray for you myself. Theres only one sin that's UNFORGIVEABLE, and that's blasphemy, there is no recompense for this. please, for your own sake, give this matter some thought. God loves you, he always has, and always will. Take Care, Be Safe. My Very Best- Richard