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  1. Yes, they are friends of Norm Hill and any Military use of the drop zone would go through them.
  2. We also are a family oriented business but would have no hand in managing the dropzone. We simply want to make it, and the land surrounding it available to those who would like to rent or lease space for their business or private use. We use the hangars but there is a ton of space for camping/RV's etc around the airport and dropzone. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I have sent an email to the Regional Director. ETA: Also contacted Van Jr.
  3. Hi all, The company I work ( is currently in possession of the DZ at Cal City airport and surrounding 63 acres. Although we currently use the hangers to retire and part out Gulfstream Jets, we would like to make the DZ available to those who are interested in flying out for the weekend to jump. As I have only done one tandem jump in my life, I have no idea what it would take to get something going on out here. I just spent an hour or two reading the last few threads about Cal City DZ....sounds like you guys had a ton of good times out here! Thanks for reading. Chris Hill If anybody is interested in giving us a hand please shoot me a message and we can start putting this thing together.