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Everything posted by eUrNiCc

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures Cinci! I need to get a copy of photoshop for my computer so that I can resize & crop them. Those of you who are planning on going out to the BPRR show thursday should all come to the first UNC Skydiving Club meeting of the year! It's at 6pm in room 3408 in the student union. I'd love to have as many experienced skydivers and riggers there as possible to talk to all the new faces that we're trying to bring into the sport! After the meeting we should have just enough time to grab a nice dinner and hit Top of the Hill! Please let me know if you can come! ALSO*** Big ups to Lyman!!!!!! He's going to the CPC Nationals @ MileHigh after he gets back from Perris! Represent & keep dry! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  2. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! To Cinci and Dawn for the kind words about the video! Show it to your friends & spread the CSS boogie love! I think it'd be worth going to the tunnel just to see Yevgeniy get shitfaced Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  3. ^^Thanks Chuck! Please post the dates when you get everything cemented. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  4. First jump 2/1/04 Age: 21 Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  5. Hey Everyone! Thanks for such a great weekend & congrads to all the 4way teams... especially FFSP! Happy Birthday and Congrads also to Steve Torrent! I'll have the pictures uploaded in a couple hours, and Casey, I have your tape at the DZ... give me a call (6961426) Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  6. I've got about 250+ jumps on a Vengeance 120 loaded at about 1.3 and I think that it is a pretty nice canopy. My canopy opened pretty well. It would come out of the bag and snivel very nicely, but when it inflated it would always dive hard either direction as soon as the slider hit the grommets. I did a few jumps with a shoe-vue and it really looks like the canopy just doesn't inflate symmetrically with the airlocks, causing a dive towards the slower inflating side. It did this exact same thing on almost every jump. It was never much of an issue... just get your hands on the risers quick to make little corrections and you're set. I have talked to several other Veng owners who seem to have the same problem, as well as several who swear that they have the best openings ever. Go figure. On toggles it was very responsive... I hesitate to say twichy... I guess it all depends on what you're used to flying. It always had a fantastic flare, and it really had the ability to swoop to a stop. The front riser pressure was relatively soft, but built quickly at my relatively light WL (1.3psf).. It also didn't respond very much to harness input, but it would keep itself in a dive for a pretty long time. The glide ratio didn't seem very bad to me, but it is trimmed pretty steep compared to canopies like the Safire & X-fire. I've done a couple of jumps on the Jedei and Samurai and I'd have to say that I liked them a little more. The openings were more consistent, and it seemed like it wanted to swoop just a bit longer @ the same WL. Your results will vary. Have fun & be safe! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  7. I also had the exact same problem with the lexar 80X 1gb card... glad to know that I'm not alone. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  8. I heard a little rumor that there is going to be a CPC meet at the CASL finals at CSS this weekend. Can anyone verify that?
  9. ^ Hey, Congrads Guido! You kick ass man! Let us know how the paperwork and all that jazz went today! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  10. NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!! The OFFICIAL CSS 4th of July Boogie Video has just been completed! I will have a copy avalable at the DZ this weekend and Mike and I will be burning the DVD's and sending them out on monday, so your copies will be avalable very soon. If anyone hasn't purchased one yet, copies will be avalable at the gear store for $15 next week. Blue Skies, Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  11. Thanks everybody for a kickass wednesday! Nancy said that she felt like it was a saturday. Yay for funjumpers! Cinci, I've been spending so much time trying to make you & Dave look good in the boogie video that I haven't been keeping up with the forums. Nice suit though! Keep it clean Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  12. Is anybody headed out today? Marion and I will be there this afternoon Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  13. Brian - We're going to miss you! I'll have to come up to The Ranch so we can do some bellycarving like in the good-ol-days. The boogie video is coming along... stay tuned. Ohh, and so I was looking through the new videos section on skydivingmovies and came across this clicky. Is it just me or does that DZ look kinda familiar? Does anyone know who or when that was. It must be relatively recent since the new building is there. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  14. ^Haha. LJ sucks. Seriously though, there are 42 tandems scheduled for saturday, and 47 on sunday. There will be no shortage of loads. Come on out, and bring an extra TM or two with you Marion and I are headed out to the DZ this afternoon as there should be just a few loads. We'll see you there! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  15. Hello folks, Sorry that i haven't posted in a while. I've been busy helping Marion move and working on the video. Speaking of the video, I put in about 5 more hours today getting things all into the proper format & importing audio. I HOPE to have it edited and ready for Mike to do the authoring by next friday. The .wmv trailer has been uploaded to skydivingmovies and will be avalable on the "newest videos" page as soon as it's approved. Let me know if there are any further issues with the format/compression. Seeya at the DZ this weekend Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  16. Ohh... I know, everyone blow up a condom, write "NPS is screwing me out of my own parks" down the side and attach it to your helmet. That'd be more visible than the wristband/ribbon thing... That way there will be a line of 250 jumpers at the exit point with condoms on their heads in the background of all the pictures and live broadcast? I'm only half serious here, but I think we need something along these lines...really simple, visible and unique. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  17. Woah... Bolas must have parts 2 through 17 of the Adam & Eve Vintage Porn Classics Collection. And by the looks of the new avatar you are keeping with the tradition of badly funneled hybrids. Rock on! CLICKY Here are a bunch of pictures from the 4th Boogie. Most of my pics are still stuck in Marion's iBook, but hopefully i'll get them online soon. Special thanks to Zoli for alot of the landing shots. He and Edina went out and bought a REALLY nice photo printer to sell landing shots to Tandem students who don't get video. They'll also be taking alot of landing pictures of fun jumpers, so don't f&^% up, because the rest of us will buy prints to remember the moment. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  18. My creeper bowling helmet has been collecting dust in my trunk for so long... This calls for some action! Friday afternoon i challenge anyone to a round on the creepers! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  19. Ugg... I spent a couple hours converting about 10 gB earlier today... just 20 more and I'm ready to start editing. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  20. Hahaha... I'm having the same issues converting footage that was captured as .avi into .dv so that I can edit them in Final Cut Pro... I've found that Cleaner 6 (mac only as far as i'm aware) is pretty good at converting between lots and lots of different formats. Best of luck though... i feel your pain. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  21. [butthead voice]Uhhhh... dude... Check out her butt... It's got like... eyes or something. [/butthead voice] Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  22. I managed to make the first group of 113! Woooo! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  23. NEWSFLASH: Computers continue to hate Eric... So today i go back to the mac lab and finally go through all the steps needed to convert the trailer to a .WMV file. It's all good, so i go to upload it to and 72% of the way into the download crashes... Anyhow... i'm TRYING to get a copy up that will work with windows media... hopefully they'll get the site back up soon. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  24. Hey guys, i'm at UNC right now and unfortunately there's a guy squatting on the computer that has all of my files on it. If he leaves in the next hour or so i should have time to convert and upload a different version, if not I'll hand it over to floaty tomorrow, and I'll make a DVD that we can play at the front desk all weekend. Seeya, Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  25. Well that's odd... it's a .mov file... standard quicktime stuff... I'll get a DV tape copy to floaty so that he can compress it as a WMV and post it. Has anybody other than Matt been able to view it? Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.