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Everything posted by eUrNiCc

  1. ^Actually, there are 2 fountains within a 2 block radius of marion's place. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  2. eUrNiCc

    Katana 135

    I've got about 275 jumps on a Vengeance loaded at 1.3 and the openings were overall fair to good, but they were very inconsistant. i did a few jumps with a Shoe-Vue to try to debug the openings, and it just looks like with the airlocks the canopy doesn't want to inflate symmetrically. Whichever side inflates first will throw the canopy into a diving turn in either direction as soon as the slider is a little ways down the lines. After a while you develop a feel for it and you can keep it flying straight with quick riser input. Out of 275 jumps I had minor linetwists once or twice, and I had two absolute SLAMMERS with my camera helmet on. I've got about 100 jumps on various Katanas (97-120) and I've noticed that the openings are in general a bit softer and considerably more on heading. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  3. If Kat and Sparky ask any questions about the food, we can just tell them that it's for the army of CReW dogs! Karen: How was JFTC?!?! I can't wait to see the pictures in parachutist! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  4. eUrNiCc

    Base DVD's

    I just got a copy of Around the World II from BR/Apex. It had your typical Norway and Moab stuff, plus a really neat section of jumps made for TV and movies (xXx) & the superbowl jumps from a few years ago. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  5. I've seen a 3 point 3 way (with piece turn) chunked out of a cessna at 2000ft. The LARGEST canopy of the three was an 89 Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  6. Hey Dawn, I'll be there, but I will likley be packing for myself... hopefully fast enough to make 3 jumps. Last year Akos made 3 jumps starting at like 11... granted he was cutting in line and stuff. Ohh, and in other exciting news, I'll be taking Tom A's FJC with our long lost friend Mak Pitke from NYC... ARRRRR (Z-hills pirate day refrence.) I'm also thinking about taking a trip out to Twin Falls to jump the potato bridge the week after Bridge Day, arriving late on Oct 19 (wed) and leaving the 23rd (sunday). I'm going to try to fly from RDU to SLC (~$300) and rent a car for those 3 days. If anyone else is interested (Greg, Nick, Szabi, Jason... etc?) Then please drop me a line ASAP. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  7. Hey folks, I'm glad that the tunnel trip went so well... & it sucks that DeLand is so elitest... I went there all the time as a kid. Anyhow, here's what you missed at Peter's birthday party! PETER"S BIRTHDAY PARTY PICTURES! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  8. Thanks to everyone for their insights & ideas both here and via PM! I'm afraid that I'm going to have a tough time narrowing down the focus of this thing in order to make a ~10 minute film that covers all of the bases (no pun intended.) I think that from a public policy / recreational use standpoint it would be neat to juxtapoze the locals' opinions of jumpers at Bridge Day and NRGB with that of the TF community. Perhaps that sort of film would really make the point that BASE is good for small communities and local economies. Please keep the ideas and opinions (good and bad) flowing. I really want this film to be something that sparks a public interest in the plight of gaining BASE access. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  9. Darren... don't worry, everybody missed the raft jump.... Hey folks... just a bit of exciting news for those of you who didn't know. I'm going to be making a 10 minute documentary about BASE and Bridge Day this semester. I've assembled a crack team of comm students to help with the project. Check out my thread in the BASE forum and please chime in with your ideas. Eric's BASE zone thread! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  10. ^Wow, that sounds amazing. I'd like to see it... I just called the USC Moving Image Archive, but got redirected. Does anyone have a copy that I can borrow/buy/copy? ^^Russel, that's exactly the point that I'd like to make... that everyone who's qualified should have access to public/legal BASE, just like practically every other sport. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  11. Tom, I would absolutely love to do exactly that sort of film in the long run. Unfortunately that sort of ethnographic case-study would take a few years Last year the students made a film about a national champion jump-rope team from Durham, NC. It made the rounds at film-fests and got some great exposure. They picthed a feature length documentary about the team which expanded on the short film and got the funding they needed to make it (It's still in progress... a really amazing story I might add.) In lieu of being able to spotlight myself I'd really like to start the film with a "Day in the Life" story of a local jumper (can be flimed completely anonomously.) Something that starts out showing the whuffo audience that most BASE jumpers are people alot like them who mild manneredly work by day and leap off towers by night. It would be great to get some footage of a few real jumps off of real objects (can be shot in a way that doesn't give any clues as to location... I'm definately not trying to burn anything here...) to show what the sport is like on an everyday basis. I'd like to show Bridge Day as the flipside... showing what happens when we're granted legal access to a nice safe object (albeit for 6 hrs per year.) I'd love to interview some of the proponents of opening the bridge (Jason Bell, Tom, and practically every jumper, hotel or restaurant owner...etc.) I'd love to interview some of the NPS rangers that we're paying to fly in for the event so they can "supervise" us. It'd even be great to get a shot of the last jumper leaving the platform then the rangers coming up and telling us to shut it down to drive home the point that anyone who jumps at 3:01 gets arrested, fined, and gets their gear confiscated. I'd also like to find a bit of footage from TF (Maybe even fly out there for a weekend and do a jump or two myself) to show as an example of what's possible when a public object is opened to jumpers and what that brings to the area, what the whuffo locals think of it, and how it affects the local economy. I'm open to anyone's ideas & opinions (good or bad,) so please share yours... I have really high hopes for this thing and I think that it could be good for everyone involved. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  12. I've been lurking around these forums and bLinc for the better part of the last two years trying to absorb information & do my homework in preparation for getting into BASE. I got a media pass to BD last year and got some amazing video and stills, as well as really getting a good feel for what BASE/BD is all about. I'm a Sr. at the University of North Carolina in Communications and making films has been a passion of mine for the last seven years. I have been addicted to making skydiving films since I started jumping camera (about 500 jumps ago) and I've been interested in making a film about BASE for a long time. Last week I made a pitch to do a documentary about BASE/BD and just got approval to make a short (10 minutes or so) film for the department and hopefully for indy film-fest distribution. I feel really honored that my pitch was chosen and I want to make a very serious effort to presents BASE, jumpers, and BD in the best light possible. My question for you is this... How do you think BASE can best be presented to the public, with a goal of increased awareness and access, in a 10 minute film? I'd really like to start by legitimizing BASE as a sport & lifestyle, as I don't think that the more general public understands what BASE means to us as well as the kind of serious thought and planning that goes into it. I'd also like to give a bit of history of BD, NPS, and the ongoing conflict, showing the way in which they discriminate against jumpers for all but 6 hours a year. I will be attending Tom A's FJC and doing my first jump(s) at BD, and I'd like to include that somehow in the film... certainly BD will be the best source of footage as well. I'd love to get some footage from Norway, Italy, El Gigante...etc. to show how access is treated in the rest of the world. I am only in touch with a FEW of the NC locals, and I know that alot of you frequent the boards. I'd love to get the local perspective and get to know some of you better in general. Please drop me a PM if you're interested in helping me out a little. Any thoughts are appreciated... thanks! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  13. Guido, I'm glad to hear the the night jumps went well! Congrads to everyone involved, and to all the 1st time night-jumpers... BEEEEEER! Everybody better show up next weekend. With the help of a better rope we should be able to have Raft Jump Redux. Thanks also to the folks who came along on the tracking jump & I hope that everybody had bundles of fun & enjoyed the nice weather. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  14. Whoa... that looked like a wingsuit McConkey... yikes Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  15. Al- Great to hear from you! The DZ has really been improving (especially Freefly) since you were last here & we're very excited to hear that you're coming back! Joe- I'm so sorry to hear about the band man. I'm all for some cover band action. Hey... on the bright side at least you'll have a little more time to FF. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  16. I'll be there in the 1st group Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  17. I'm in my third tounge switch this year. The others have had the same problem.... pesky saliva Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  18. ^I've been trying to find a way to get to Sweeden for the Herc Boogie next summer... I side trip to the fjords would of course be obligatory Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  19. ^Post some pictures of the uniform jump from a few weeks ago! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  20. Darren, You're just counting the days until you get out, aren't ya? Our DZ is a bit strange... there are a couple of very experienced BASE jumpers in the area, but they only skydive on rare occasion. I think that it's interesting to see all of the people at our DZ who are really interested in getting into BASE... I can think of 4 of us who have recently purchased gear and will be making our first jumps at bridge day. I'm going to try to take Tom's FJC at bridge day, and I know that others are considering it if they can make the time. I'm just not sure where myself and the rest of the noobs are going to go from there to find mentorship and continue learning in a safe, supervised and ethical manner... as I know this bas caused some controversy among NC jumpers in the past. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  21. eUrNiCc

    A.D.Test Footage?

    Find or buy a copy of Freefly Millenium 2. There's plenty of AD test footage. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  22. CLICKY for hoop dive pics! Even though it wasn't any different from your normal CSS weekend, thanks to everybody for the jumps and crazy stuff. I hope that all is going well today and everybody's getting lots of jumps in. I have lots more pictures, but they're on the DZ laptop and we were out of CD's yesterday. I should be able to post them after next weekend. Big contrads to all the new Bird-Peoples, Esp. Dawn & her nifty new tracking suit! Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  23. Thanks Emily! I'll be there at about 5:30, so give me a call and I can help guide you to the Union. Emily's directions are pretty right on. I assume that you'll be coming up 15/501 North from Seven Lakes. In that case just come up to the James Taylor Bridge (where 15/501 turns east and goes around town towards durham) and go straight up NC86 north into campus. You'll pass the hospital and It will turn into a 1 way street. Stay in the right lane and hang a right onto South rd. After about a block you'll see the belltower on your right. Go right on Stadium Dr. immediately after the belltower and grab a parking spot on either side of the street. Walk back towards the belltower and across south road. Walk up the huge staircase between the two buildings and at the top head into the building on your right with the Alpine Bagel Co. on the bottom floor. The meeting is on the top floor, room 3408. [url""] MAPQUEST CLICKY![/url] Thanks for coming Guido! Give me a call if you need anything else. Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  24. Affirmative Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.
  25. Guido, Marion's place is easy to find. Just get off of 40 at the 15/501 exit and go west towards Chapel Hill. Get off at the exit for Franklin St & keep going all the way into downtown. Pass all of the bars & restaurants downtown and continue to where Franklin St kind of curves to the right. Marion's place is on the right around the back of Surplus Sid's, which is just past the KFC and Rigsbee-Hinson Furniture store and across the street from the Cats Cradle, Vis-Art video, and Banditos mexican restaurant. The skydiving club meeting is at 6pm in the middle of campus at the Student Union (room 3408.) It is right across the street from the Belltower and the football stadium, next to the Davis Library (Not named after you, Guido.) Be there at 6 and be ready to talk to some really excited kids about skydiving