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Everything posted by billeisele

  1. but can you walk while enjoying nekid boobies? Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  2. Who cares, so long as they're the same Flavor! what flavor is stripper dust? Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  3. finally taking a break from the renovation, i'm back on mine tomorrow so how about that nice red ribbon in her hair Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  4. until your head gets bounced on the floor - be careful lady we need more like you Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  5. wonder if the producers are doing this for ratings? certainly they can throw off anyone they want regardless of the vote Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  6. What is that? One on the left and one on the right? (as Chuckie Blue would say!) that's almost a One-Liner Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  7. so you agree that true enthusiasts would notice the difference Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  8. Boobies are nice but Petrels are nice too, they nest in the same place
  9. Get a job, hell yeah, I got talent See I'm ambidextrous! Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  10. this would have to be one of the worst jobs ever ya have to deal with employees, rotten kids and worst of all the parents after coaching youth sports for years we always said - we don't have problems with the kids it is the adults Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  11. bad plastic job, great reason to stay natural Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  12. I guess someone has to do it. Could you handle them, uhh I mean it? NSFW Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  13. please read again, i was suggesting we ban canopies (not just small canopies - all canopies) someone wanted to get to the root of the problem, no canopies = no canopy collisions off course it is silly, as is continually ranting about this issue, time to take action, let's discuss what is being done rather than what should be done Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  14. Jules - we do not expect tips, I'll take one from someone that has the bucks but have often graciously refused a tip from college students- I really appreciate it but it is not necessary, I'm just glad you had a great time - come back and see us. we have college weekends - like this weekend we have 110 scheduled - they get a discount one difference might be that no one at our DZ does it for a living Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  15. can't believe i read the whole thread in only 25 minutes the real problem is canopies - ban them and this won't happen again - uhhh all the - "I'm too good, it won't happen to me folks" - go first so how many threads do we have on this subject? how many solutions have been offered multiple times? IMHO nothing will work until everyone that is bitchin goes to the DZ and tells the DZO to fix it or i"m going somewhere else Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  16. If you want to study theoretical Physics, even for fun, I would recommend Differential Equations. Quote Axiomatic Geometry is even more fun - the world where lines can cross but not touch Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  17. one more beer and I'll be able to fly Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  18. my mind wandered at the "we invert" part Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  19. the rumor is they were ready for him to go Greg Marshall coming?? Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  20. damn AFF instructors always practicing proximity skills Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  21. I just don't get it, you are on a plane, your traveling partner croaks, what else should the airline do? I'd rather have a corpse then some of the live people I've been forced to sit with. What I really want to know is - Do you get their pretzels? Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  22. if we do not deal with this then the legal system will find a way, the defense lawyer argument of "it is a dangerous sport and the plaintiff accepted the risk when he/she got on the plane" will not work forever Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  23. maybe it is just possible that some canopy pilots have 100 tons of experience but they needed 100.1 tons of experience to be successful in the specific manuever that killed them the unfortunate fact is that others are forced into being unwilling participants in these manuevers sometimes you think you are better than you really are Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  24. get some buckets, measure the volume and test the drain, let the water run for awhile to see if the lines fill then start supplementing with the buckets to simulate the increased flow Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.
  25. pressure rated PVC should be fine, use a back flow preventer, check with the local code officials, another great resource are the guys at the commercial/industrial pipe supply companies Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.