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Everything posted by RemiAndKaren

  1. Jo: I think his point was that he was no where near the "dialed" activation altitude. Remi Muff 914
  2. do a search.. Chuck posted a few things on hem.... Remi Muff 914
  3. hehehe she said cyber cock Remi Muff 914
  4. must be a secret admirer.... Will? Remi Muff 914
  5. I never deployed my reserve at 13K... It was the plane that did it, and it was 14K... Remi Muff 914
  6. Gee.. I really dont know what I'm talking about, do I ! Sorry folks, on top of things, I confused angle of attack with angle of incidence..... evn if the canopy is -10 deg from the horizon, it probably has a positive angle of attack to the relative wind.... It is true, as skydivers we tend to simplify things..... Remi Muff 914
  7. Sorry to derail the thread, but wasnt there a study that showed that hart rate actually went way low during freefall, but with spikes at exit and opening? Remi Muff 914
  8. Please mam, can I have more homework? Remi Muff 914
  9. Some call it flailing, some call it rw... just a question of semantics.. And DanG: thanks for that info, we obviously saw different things. I have a look next time I see a friend with a V2 Remi Muff 914
  10. Damm.. I hate this time zone thingy.... No sweat.. I had this image in mind when I posted: on a canopy, the angle is, for exemple, 10 deg from the horizontal going down. When I said decreased the angle of attack, I ment to bring it to 5 from horizontal going down. You're right, if we use a ref of positive going up, then my term decrease would be wrong, as the canopy would go from -10 to -5, wich is an increase. I was thinking in absolute numbers, sorry for the confusion. Obviously, its been a while since I did maths, so let me talk in dumb words the less the canopy points down, or the more it points up, the more lift it has... right? Remi Muff 914
  11. I had a V2 for some 5 years and never did the reserve flap come open, and I cant say I've ever notice that on another vector. I came for a "Vector DZ", so there were lots around. As for the riser cover, yes, the velco needs TLC (by the way it may be either the pile or the hook side (or both) that needs replacing. To check, take a new lenght of velcro, and try the old pile with the new hook, and the old hook with the new pile; if either combo isnt very secure, change the old componant) Remi Muff 914
  12. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sory, easy mistake to make.... Remi Muff 914
  13. Riggerrob bsaid, in reply to Skreamer Do you know something about Skreamer that we dont? lol Remi Muff 914
  14. all things being kept equal, if you increase the speed, you will increase the lift. If you decrease the angle of attack, you'll increase the lift. Thats why when you land, you apply brakes, hence reducing the effective angle of attack of the canopy, creating the same lift with less and less speed. I think we're all splitting hairs here.... Remi Muff 914
  15. All I can say is: did you REALLY need to specify this was Off Topic? lol Remi Muff 914
  16. For example: ------------------------ From: leigh wallace ([email protected]) Subject: rig for sale Newsgroups: uk.rec.skydiving View this article only Date: 2001-12-11 10:24:52 PST two pin teardrop, swift plus, Bt60(170sq) £400. Remi Muff 914
  17. I know a guy who stuffs pooddles... does that count? I must say, I'm sot sure I'd be too keen on taking grips on her rats! lol Remi Muff 914
  18. Will: are we becoming Cypres Nazis???? Remi Muff 914
  19. Yea thats her... the video you talk about is "cant keep you out of my head". Great video to be seen on "Mute". Remi Muff 914
  20. Should have asked that question 2 years ago when I was selling my Vector II /sabre 170 / PDR 193 and Cypress... sorry dude.... Have you asked on uk.rec.skydiving? Also, I know the DZs have posting on the walls that arent necesseraly shared accorss DZs... It may be worth a call to them... Remi Muff 914
  21. Puling his reserve also would have. Remi Muff 914
  22. Was that sarcasm, or she she not known at all in the US/Canada? I cant remember hearing about her either when I was in Canada, but in the UK, she's everywhere (and that would be fine if she didnt sing! lol) Remi Muff 914
  23. Then, I'd say it coul dbe a fine canopy. But, have a look at it 1st, and idealy with a rigger-friend. If it has been well maintained, you shoukld be able to get a good canopy for cheap; if it was neglected, even cheaper! lol... as long as its not trash... Remi Muff 914