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Everything posted by jakee

  1. What post did you read? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  2. What, hey, look its like I told the police - I've got an alibi, you can't prove I was there, it was probably just a terrible accident! Oh wait, you meant figuratively killed - ah well, ok then, move on, nothing to see here Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  3. What is the punishment? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  4. Plus, most of them have naked chicks on the cover! Can't go wrong Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  5. I read them a long time ago, but they are very good. Surprisingly different in tone from most of the films and give a lot more insight into the mind of Bond. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  6. Fucking hell! Absolutely, positively agree that for really fat kids it is child abuse. As a parent you should be directly responsible for what you children eat and how much physical activity they get. Saying that "Oh well I can't stop him eating lots of crisps and chocolate when he's out" or "Its so hard to get him off the X-Box" just doesn't fucking cut it! If you have a kid thats getting a bit too wobbly you should be made to damn well do something about it! If the govt's going to legislate something as minor as smacking why the fuck aren't they doing anything about parents who may be directly responsible for giving their kids lifelong medical conditions such as diabetes? Don't even get me started on the decline of Phys Ed in state schools right now! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  7. Well shit, now you've just gone and stolen my thunder! So why does god want to trick us? I could just about deal with him giving us free will to chooose evil, but why would he create Satan to actively lead us away from him? What is the justification for Satan being permitted to condemn those who would otherwise be allowed into heaven? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  8. Great. Well, while we're on the subject of what God allows I'll repost a few questions regarding the devil that were ignored earlier on in the thread, 1) Have people been denied a place in heaven due to the Satan's trickery who otherwise would have been accepted? 2) Are Heaven and Hell eternal judgements (ie, once you're in, you're in)? 3) In Heaven are we restored to a 'pre original sin' state? 4) Is God Omnipotent? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  9. Have we yet seen to the farthest reaches of the universe? Do we believe that it continues without end? Why? There is no evidence. Well actually in some ways we very nearly have. Try googling CoBE and HUDF, its amazing stuff! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  10. This post bears absolutely no relation to the content of the article. The article is about a study on male circumcision only. Finding a benefit from it in no way implies a benefit from female 'circumcision.' (BTW, I'm not circumcised and would never do it to any kids I may one day have - but your post doesn't make sense) Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  11. Promote surreal humour! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  12. Are you kidding? This was fun! And more importantly - it was free Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  13. You're both sidestepping the point. Wendy, you say we have changed less morally and spiritually. We have changed a lot morally since the bible was written. There is a lot in there that we discard based on modern morality. Was the 'good' stuff in the bible divinely inspired and the 'bad' stuff not? Speedracer, Then why isn't that all there is? If God was able to dictate the purely spiritual passages of the bible why did he allow the waters to be muddied with physical and moral mistakes inserted by man in the other sections? He would have known that they would be taken as literal truth for over two millenia (given a pre 500BC date for the OT) so why allow them to be so mistaken? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  14. Why? Unless god did dictate that part of the bible when he only inspired the other parts, how is that information any more reliable? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  15. No!! You must return to your studies! Its actually the infinite improbablity drive, and learning to fly does not require the use of one, although a nice pair of legs, revolutionary mathematical theory or erupting volcano may come in handy. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  16. What came first, the earth or the sun? That is a detail, the bible has it wrong. In your analogy I would say they constructed the pipework and then hung the bricks off it. What special value does the bible have as a book of spiritual truth when it has been written by men? You admit their physics is wrong, you must admit much of their morality is wrong, when it comes to matters purely of god and the soul are we to believe it is suddenly right? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  17. They could have had higher IQs than Einstein, Newton or Hawking - they were still primitive. Have you ever studied the writing of Homer? I had a lecturer who was doing an entire PhD on the linguistic structure of a handful of verses! That does not make it any more likely that Achilles was the son of God. Homer and the authors of the Old Testament very likely have three things in common. 1) They were committing to paper a generations old oral tradition. 2) They believed the stories they were telling. 3) There is no evidence to show the stories are true. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  18. Minority report. The meaning of the title comes across better if you read the book. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  19. Even if that were true genesis would still be wrong in every single detail about how he did so. Likewise the rest of the bible, even if it were divinely inspired it was written by humans who got stuff wrong. How would you ever know how much of the morality, spirituality etc they got wrong as well? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  20. Becuase we can't help but to execute innocent people by, "mistake." Yes, we can. If there is a way to have a death penalty without risking killing innocents, why hasn't it ever been tried? Please, tell the world the secret! Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  21. In dealing with the creator of the universe spiritual matters include at least a brief outline of how he did it. Would you dispute that the writers of genesis literally belived its story? If god inspired it why did he make it so wrong? Not simply short on detail, but actually wrong? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  22. Bullshit. How does that one phrase possibly describe the existence of atoms? For a real ancient version of atomic theory read Lucretius "On the Nature of the Universe", published 2,061 years ago. Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  23. I thought it was supposed to be a book of truth? Do you believe god inspired the authors of the bible, specifically the OT? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  24. So the writer believes that God did not infuse scientific facts into the minds of the OT writers, but that he did infuse religious facts into them. Why the one and not the other? Did he specifically infuse the idea of the Garden of Eden and 6 day creation into their minds? If so, why? (He would have known it would be taken as literal fact for over 2 millennia) If not, is it any use? Do you want to have an ideagasm?
  25. Could you please link to or quote the passage of the Constitution that prohibits sending pornography in the US mail? I read the Constitution fairly regularly, and IIRC the only crime specifically mentioned is treason. (I won't even go into the First Amendment interpretations.) I could be wrong, however, so a link/quote would be appreciated. And here we find the problems of plagiarism. Skysaint will not be able to support the assertion because he only pretended he was the one that wrote it. Do you want to have an ideagasm?