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Everything posted by KrisFlyZ

  1. Go to the setup track menu and turn start recording to yes. Make sure you set the recording interval to 1 sec. Just turn off the unit after opening the canopy and yes you can record multiple jumps before downloading. Kris.
  2. KrisFlyZ


    For the IHI policy, the maximum payout is like 250K Euros. Annual cost is 130ish Euros, worth it, IMO. Kris.
  3. Have you tried creating a channel for the air with the bottom surface of your body(from shoulder to shoulder...palms up works better)? Someone said DW used to say that about tracking. Kris.
  4. 1.45 miles seems low(depending on exit altitude and pattern and other factors)...I was getting just over 2 miles on my first two jumps(did not jump the P+J much) with average downward speeds in the low to mid 80s. 2 miles on a jump from 13.5 with a 3.5k opening is just 1:1 glide and that is achieveable. Kris.
  5. Orange would go well with that Blue. And looks great on video....there is a reason cones on the road and windsocks are orange Kris.
  6. Where did the numbers for Cl and Cd come from? Kris.
  7. I lost 15 Kg over last winter. Simple..ate healthy and did regular exercise. I would walk back home from work instead of taking a cab or the bus...about 4 miles in about 50 odd mins. Kris.
  8. That is a pic(or frame grab from video) of Loic from the Verbier jumps(Soul Flyers 1). Kris.
  9. Dude... Turns screw up glide and there is nothing we can do about it. We do not have direct yaw we have to use the roll control to induce a turn. Anyway, its not the turn that kills the glide and there is no 'trap'...quit thinking up excuses and think of solutions . I have included examples of maintaining speed thru the turn but there have been instances when the speed falls. IMO, this is due to the pitch angle changing. If you are disciplined can maintain speed thru the turn. Maintaining glide through a turn is not possible. Kris.
  10. There should be a reason why top suits are not recommended for the first suit. I really don't know why . I meant for this dude with 50-100 GTI jumps . Kris.
  11. I have only been jumping the Phantom since April this year....and will jump it quite a bit more next season but....what's true for you and me may not be true for others. Especially if they are bigger guys that want the suit mostly for flocking. Kris.
  12. You make a good point with your post. This is the same for the tri wing suits as well. The body creates a lot of lift. The area of the 'body' is almost 50% of the entire wing area for a big suit. The body and legs of the suit inflates on the Skyflyer suits...there is a vent from the arm wings into the body on the skyflyer wings. The legs if the Vampire suits inflate as well the V1 has vents from the legwing into the leg.....The V2 that I sold recently did not have vents...must inflate from somewhere else coz from the pics on the PF website the legs inflate pretty well. Kris.
  13. What do you intend(flocking, acrobatics, performance....) to do with the suit? What are you built like? Kris.
  14. Yeah...slightly thicker air and less exhausted muscles. Jump from 6K and fly in a straightline until opening the average vertical speed will be even lower. Kris.
  15. I seem to remember on my AFF and consol dives a couple of occasions where my spring loaded pc bounced around on my back for a while before catching air. I've seen several student vids where the JMs had to knock the PC out into the airstream. I think it would bother me not being in control of whether or not my PC launched into clean air. Exactly, Bill Booth said in his skydive radio interview about the Hand deploy PC. "I decided to make my last ditch effort, first" as in it was pretty common for a spring loaded PC to end up in the burble and the jumper had to work towards getting it out of there. Kris.
  16. Nice video. Here's a pic of you from Norway this year . Kris.
  17. I have software and course books on Italian and Norwegian....have not made much progress though. We'll see what next year brings. Kris.
  18. I still love my original BM S.U.I.T. (NOTE not classic) I could hold a 55 mph avge.... some cant do that in their mid series suits.... Don't know if you realize he said 54 km/h that is 33.25 mph. Kris.
  19. Definately a current skydiver(Only jump big legal walls...not interested in any other objects right now)..... I do most of the year's skydives prior to going on BASE trips. Have two rigs and one accomodates my BASE canopy. Kris.
  20. Maybe o.k if we are discussing why the different designs S6 vs Vx vs Machx works better. It is winter here. Kris.
  21. Might be interesting to some people. Shows the variation of suit area by the angle formed at the leg wing. Arm wing calculations are triangle approximations of my V2 wings. Kris.
  22. You know that logic does not hold. A quote from the NASA Aerodynamics Page Doubling the area doubles the lift. Kris.
  23. I don't think it is an over simplification. Larger suit fall slower. But that's my opinion. Also the Phantom has significantly less area than a V2. The leg wing on the Phantom starts about 8-10 inches above the floor and is not that much wider than the V2 leg wing, which is flush with the floor or a little bit longer. You know where the biggest area of the wing would be per inch of length removed(the base of the triangle) a similar logic....the arm wings are also a significant bit smaller on the Phantom. Balance depends on body shape also(don't think this matters that much if the pilot can fly the suit in the desired position).. if the pilot not correcting it, longer legs will mean a more headlow balance...equal porportions means a more neutral balance. Kris.
  24. Check this thread...scroll down to the post by Fido(pbla4024). Don't know if he was joking ..... Kris.