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Everything posted by NtheSeaOrSky

  1. I was pretty sure I had seen it since then, maybe not.... get to it missy!!! you got lots to be doin yes I realize I told on myself by posting this Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  2. well just be careful if you microwave it....you could still have a heart attack when the plate explodes . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  3. I tried to send you a PM, but they currently are not allowed. The x-ray scan is poor quality, but the "hip" (head of the femur) appears to be located right where it is supposed to be. His pelvis, however, is not. Maybe that is what you meant - a pelvic fracture that was displaced and rotated. Pelvic repair is a much different surgery than hip reduction. Depending on the extent and exact location of the fracture and fragment, some can heal without surgery, but for the docs to determine that, you would definitely need several better views and to get them, likely sedation for the dog. You might get lucky and find a clinic that would offer you a reduced price or free surgery so a younger associate could 'practice' on him - if that sounds like something you want to do call the area rescues and shelters as they know the vets who routinely offer their services for free. Another option would be a local media 'interest story'. The public is a sucker for injured animals and the newspaper or tv station can usually find a clinic that will do it in exchange for a write up or tv spot (free advertising for the doc) Good luck with him and feel free to send me a PM if you have more questions/concerns. . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  4. but not in a bad way right? hey you left the door wide open anyway, I would like to point out that even really smart, strong women do stooooopid stuff every once in a while . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  5. I heard that about you... . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  6. I am finding men are not too impressed with the 'Belgian bonk' to the crotch especially the high speed ones . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  7. man I hate I missed this one till now (damn computer viruses) anyway my 0.02 : many men will claim they are seeking that which you offer, but I have found a handful, when they get it, are more intimidated than they thought Exhibit A: *deep breath* Jane: My car needs a tune up, will you show me how to do it? Dick: Oh man, those spark plugs are going to be a pain to get to because of the way the engine was designed, but pick up plugs, wires, distributor cap and air filter. Jane: Ok cool! several days later Dick: Did you get the supplies? Jane: Yes, they are right here. Jane: Cool you are going to show me how to do this! Dick: No I am going to do it for you. Jane: But I wanted you to show me how. Dick: But I am here to do it for you. Jane: But I dont want you to do it, I want you to show me how to do it. Dick: You don't need me enough. Jane: Yes I do, I need you to show me how to do it so I know. {and you guys say women never tell you what they want} as far as being intimidated by men of the same attributes, well, no I am not, but if he talks down to me like I am a two year old if I ask him a question - cya! (ok, so really they get one smart ass retort and if they dont get the hint, cya!) . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  8. So I had a rather disturbing encounter today with the only person in the universe who deserves the full rath of my anger As this contact was made in the form of a greeting card....and face to face contact was a no brainer (I dont look good in orange jumpsuits) I thought it appropriate to reply by greeting card (but then again, never did know all the etiquette rules) which led me to the discovery that Hallmark does not sell "Fuck you, go straight to hell and burn for eternity" cards "Eat shit, choke and die" cards were no where in sight either thought they had a card for every occasion - apparently not! which greeting cards are you missing out on?? . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  9. BAWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! the head 'popping' through the ball return is a nice touch as well BAWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  10. well they do make several medieval looking mole trap thingamajigs http://www.victorpest.com/mole_instructions.htm . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  11. well so far she has outsmarted her male caretaker twice and has him believing garden gnomes come to life, so draw your own conclusions . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  12. who needs opposable thumbs when you have two X chromosomes . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  13. YOU BRAT! This was buried deep amongst the bonfire BS and you had to go and dig it up My brain hurts again already I think this could be the begining of PTSD . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  14. two words "super soaker" . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  15. well, get to callin her !! Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  16. Walt, Upon careful consideration, I think you should write Martha Stewart and be a guest on her show to learn to fold fitted sheets. More than anything, I don't think she would know quite how to handle you and I really would be interested to see her lose it on live national television . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  17. Bawahhhhhhhhhhhh spaceballs!! Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  18. I don't like pus. It bothers me. It's one of those many bodily fluids that give bodily fluids the really bad name they deserve. As a nurse for 7 or 8 years, I saw the many flavors and textures that pus has to offer, and I didn't like any of them. Squeezing a zit sends pus flying through the air. Yuk!!!!!! Walt After working in vet med for eight years, I had seen more than my fair share as well a few weeks ago my horse got a hoof abscess and I had to soak his foot to 'draw out the abscess' before it 'blew through his hoof wall' ...anyways, I brought him in from the pasture after a few days of soaking for his next soak and saw stuff clumped to the bottom of his hoof. I thought he stepped in something, until I scraped it off I distinctly remember that smell and it is worse than I remembered The vet asks 'are you sure that is what it was' oh, yes NO DOUBT . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  19. when you put it that way, sounds so innocent . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  20. the woman has a point but mine hands down is the bread machine mmmmmmmmmm fresh, hot bread mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  21. NtheSeaOrSky


    I hear the ultra sensitive (ribbed and thinner for more sensation) are quite nice. . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  22. no comments from the peanut gallery unless you got some music. no need to get testy mister, it was an honest question . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  23. can we require video of you dancing to the music we send ???? . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  24. LOL well at least he keeps the dentists working! Scott...throw out the chocolate on the counter...it probaly has worms by now! LOL Oh and all those cookies too! No, no, no, don't throw it out!! The puppies ate my hammer and I could use a few extra, bring 'em on over!!! Scott, for your health and safety (quite honestly) do not attempt to eat the chocolate - there is no amount of water/toothpaste/soda that will wash that taste out of your mouth - trust me on this one! . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  25. YAY!!! I mean CRAP now NC is gonna have a chocolate shortage . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...