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Everything posted by NtheSeaOrSky

  1. and requiring health insurance fixes the system? I suppose if you are a health insurance company it doesn't hurt edited to add quote Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  2. No but I CAN choose to go to the doc or not I have a cold, stay at home and let it run its course with supportive care...or run to the ER for exam, bloodwork, chest x-ray, antibiotics, etc. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  3. I'm caught up on the car insurance comparison. If someone chooses to not drive a car/have a license ... they are not required to carry insurance are they? Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  4. Because it is speaker's corner.... and I just can't resist..... How do the illegal residents figure in. I mean they don't have to pay taxes, I presume as they are illegal they are 'under the radar' in the new system, yet are the majority of the ones in the ER for the sniffles and such most of the time (this is not a slam, I worked in a rural hospital and the migrants and families-think LARGE families- use the ER as their personal primary physician) If the government can require I have health insurance to solve this 'problem', I don't see too huge a jump to requiring me to be on birth control to control the population or overloading the medical system in that regard as well. I agree with Gawain : Forcing regulation on it is going to make it go up, and the quality of care is going to go down. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  5. I had knee issues, went to Orthopod got x-rays (clear) and MRI (radiologist said I had torn meniscus) so arthro surgery...with a spinal block so I could be awake and watch. Imagine my surprise when the doc says 'your meniscus is fine, there is no tear" "Ummm, WHAT?!" is what came out of my mouth, but in my head was thinking 'hey, is that my leg up in the air??? I cant feel it " He showed the meniscus on the screen while he was flipping it around with the instrument thing...'ok stop playing with it before you do tear it, please"! Then he says I see the problem, and holy shit you have a high tolerance for pain. Anyway, turns out I had a massive wad of scar tissue in the joint from an ice skating incident 16 years prior. They trimmed it out, I went home that afternoon and was on crutches for just a few weeks, no issues since. It gave the same symptoms as a torn meniscus, and apparently its location fooled quite a few radiologists If you can spend the money, a second opinion is never a bad thing, especially surgery on a joint! Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  6. Warm bath with ivory soap or other gentle type dish soap. Lather them up really good, let it sit and you will see the fleas smother themselves. Keep close attention to their eyes not to get the soap in them if you can help it. Edit: Or you can squish each flea by hand, but that tends to be tedious and time consuming Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  7. I am wondering how the book can possibly be so many pages....apparently there is not *that* much to the average american male....must be mostly pictures Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  8. Yup I agree, green slime is likely infection. Choke slime is the color of the food they were eating...so unless there was alfalfa cubes or any other green stuffs in the feed I would be more concerned with infectious etiologies. Maybe equine flu or strangles... neither one good! Steve1 - did the mare have any sort of lump at the back of the jaw, between the jawbones? and can you remove any other horses from where she was and bleach the hell out of all the water buckets, feed buckets and anything else she remotely could have breathed on Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  9. Yup I agree, green slime is likely infection. Choke slime is the color of the food they were eating...so unless there was alfalfa cubes or any other green stuffs in the feed I would be more concerned with infectious etiologies. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  10. Yeah, losing them is painful. None of us are perfect You can't go back and change anything now, all you can do is learn from it and try to not make the same mistake in the future. And just to make life interesting....even when you do all the right things (not much unlike skydiving) crazy shit happens Good luck in the future! Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  11. I realize a LOT more than you think Like I stated before, I understand the reasons for wanting them bred. Many different people do it for a variety of reasons, and yes lame horses are most often broodmares. I would have the same issue with someone breeding a grade horse as a multimillion dollar horse - quite simply no uterus, no foal. Without knowing what really happened, you don't know if it was an easy fix or not, if she was gonna die anyway or if she had lived another 15 breeding seasons. Whether they are 'expensive pets', 'business investments', or someone's 'livelihood' breeding a nutritionally unsound animal is irresponsible. You call it judgemental, I call it honesty. We can agree to disagree. Glad to see you can get a dewormer for Clostridium out your way, wonder why they are keeping it under wraps on this side of the continent. Guess I need to move out where the mares are grown from colts to be privy to that. You asked the question why something happened, people gave you ideas and opinions but the person with the best answers (your vet) was too expensive. I am not saying she needed whirlpool hydrotherapy or any of the other 'super fancy' treatments for anything. I am talking about restoring her nutritional plane before breeding. You can make a limping/lame horse run a race, but it does not mean you should Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  12. I know this is sad for you so I am not going to brow beat you, but I just have to get this one point out...you let this horse down, you cant change it now, but you CAN keep from doing it again in the future. Horses are expensive, and vets are certainly not cheap. There are some parasites that they can acquire our regular wormers dont touch. They can get them from stagnant water and such, and you know there are many diseases they can catch from mosquitos and such as well. You just can't know if those played a role without a decent workup while the animal is still alive, or as you mentioned necropsy. Toss in the possibility of infections, colic, toxins, choke, and there is no telling what else...you just don't have any way of knowing. The weight loss started LAST fall, the horse is already lame, so now she becomes a walking uterus?!?! Pregnant mares and baby horses take lots of vet visits and money too! The thing that tweaks me the most is taking an admittibly debilitated animal and using it for breeding. Many lame mares have to be bred with AI since the weight of the 'act of the deed' is too painful for them to stand during....but honestly....what did you think pregnancy was going to do in an already weakened animal of unknown cause Babies draw down even the fat and healthy ones sometimes, adding a 'uterine parasite' into an animal with already a bad nutritional plane is just plain IRRESPONSIBLE. I understand your desire to breed her for a baby, but you knew long before you took her for breeding there was something amiss. Just remember the heartbreak the next time you make a choice between 'tossing lots of money away' and getting a foal out of her before she goes. The babies don't tend to grow so well when the moms die edited to add: FWIW, many 'skeleton horses' come around and do ok when the source is discovered and put on a proper feeding plan. My gut feeling since you described her hanging her head...especially when her grain was increased and even more so if the grain was pelleted, was she suffered from an episode of choke - scarfing the food to quick and it expands in the esophagus and blocks it. Usually you see slime from the nostrils as soon as it happens, but if you saw her a while afterwards it may not have been there. Shot of oxytocin and/or a stomach tube passage (plus farm call fee of course) and you are looking at around $100 bucks. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  13. (Looks at profile) Sheeeeeet. Ya mean ya can't convince yer brother to help ya start a litter? OUCH! When did I piss you off Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  14. You just described my twin sons. Is this further proof I am qualified to raise children .....I may need your help convincing some people..... Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  15. mere childs play for my 'girthy' horse.....he liked to explode like a bomb....broken two stall doors, bent one truck and one car quarter panel, cross ties, rear up, fall over, run around like a horse eating monster has him......luckily we worked through those issues fairly quickly Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  16. 21. I will NOT use my human's shoulder as a salt lick. 22. I will NOT pull out my human's hair clips, scrunchies, caps, or sunglasses for my own personal use. 23. I will NOT steal snacks out of the saddle bags while on a break on the trail. 24. I will NOT 'frisk' all new visitors by inspecting all their clothing pockets for peppermints. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  17. you have never heard of tuna its the universal cat bait or...you can borrow my dog Alf Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  18. Too easy... get a cat, place it in the attic with the lil fuzz balls.... no more squirrel problem Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  19. NtheSeaOrSky


    I wonder what other 'businesses' are located on that street. Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  20. A+, have donated every 8 weeks for 10 years except for several months when I was broken and in a wheelchair and couldn't drive. I always figured, if I have extra why not give it to someone who could use it. Never really thought twice about it. Several months ago that way of thinking changed - someone I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with was in an accident out of town and needed blood. He did not make it through his injuries, but knowing that the blood was there when he needed it suddenly made me understand what it was really all about. Not all the people who get the blood and blood products are trauma victims, but know that it is not always a nameless, faceless person who benefits, the life you save could be your friend, your family, your child. Is it worth the 'inconvenience and discomfort' then???? . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  21. would it be wrong to name the white, one-testicled bunny 'Michael Jackson'????? . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  22. Only if I get to watch you sew yourself up afterwards
  23. *zips up flame suit* well you do have this in your favor : prolly won't matter much what story you make up - she will believe it Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...
  24. I am laughing with you I promise! Have you tried taking some benadryl? . Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...