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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. Whatever it is completely clear trying to reason with you is like banging your head on a brick wall. You are going to believe what you want and everyone is wrong. Well others can come in see for themselves and express their own determination if they want. But in my opinion this was a misrepresentation and implication by politico to make readers think more into what really happened to tarnish Carson. Facts are there is no record of an admission because he never applied, he never said he applied, and west point admits there wont be any record of anything unless he applied which he diddnt, and again never admitted to.
  2. Please explain what I could possibly gain by weaseling for Ben Carson. I have already stated I dont like him, and am voting for a Democrat. That right there should show you im not sticking up for the man, but the principal of this issue. "This post was edited by kallend on Nov 6, 2015, 4:45 PM" Nice ninja edit you did to add this three minutes after I replied to you , but I will debate it. "He WROTE (on more than one occasion) he received an offer from West Point. West point says he didn't even apply." That's right west point said he diddn't apply, neither did he and in that case west point themselves said there would be no record. "He WROTE he was offered a full scholarship. West Point doesn't offer scholarships." What would call it when an institution of higher education allows you to attend free of charge for the entire duration of your education? Furthermore how would you explain that situation to someone unfamiliar with the process. Its a god damned semantics issue. Yes they dont do "scholarships" but if you get in its fucking free scholarship for a college education. If you deny that isnt the case and how you would explain it to someone well your too obtuse to even carry on about this anymore. He WROTE he met the general on a date when the general wasn't even in town. I am unfamiliar with all of that let me get back to you.
  3. Obviously you should go back and read the thread because I spelled it out for you earlier that it is tuition free, but that someone who was offered a slot could totally explain to someone who was unfamiliar with it that it is basically a full scholarship paid by the army(feds). Someone has to pay for it right!
  4. You have ZERO proof that he never received an offer from the general or other staff at that dinner. None. It is totally possible as even West Point admitted that he could have had all the hookups necessary to get the ball rolling but decided to go to medical school instead which would leave NO paper trail. From his book: “I still had the scholarship offer from West Point as a result of my R.O.T.C. achievements.” From his Facebook post in August: "The next question is from Bill. He wanted to know if it was true that I was offered a slot at West Point after high school. Bill, that is true. I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point." Great that changes nothing it is still 100% possible he was told by the General and West Point staff that he had whatever he needed to get in(call it as reserved spot, scholarship, full ride, whatever) and west point admits that that could have been the case and that no paperwork would have been done at the time unless admission took place. The only thing you have to argue at this point is the wording he used, but the intent of what he is saying is 100% possible. You cant sit there as an honest thinking man and say that there is no way a bunch of higher up military/politicians could not have met a person one on one and offered something to someone knowing the probably did not have immediate authorization, but could get it done if the person wanted. That is what we are talking about here. A general and west point staff seeing him and his ROTC record at a function and offering or promising him into west point. We see shit like that done for well off connected draft dodgers it is completely plausible this happened.
  5. You have ZERO proof that he never received an offer from the general or other staff at that dinner. None. It is totally possible as even West Point admitted that he could have had all the hookups necessary to get the ball rolling but decided to go to medical school instead which would leave NO paper trail. I dont like the guy I think he looks high all the time and talks with a mush mouth and would not vote for him but I will be damned if I sit here, do nothing and let you spin this into something it isn't
  6. Where show me where he lied underline it please. And you can turn your sarcasm filter off john I have admitted to voting for sanders I am defending no one but common sense here.
  7. My experience was that kids who went to church benefited from at least one day out of the week having to get dressed up and properly behave in front of a group of people. They were generally nicer and more giving kids. The ones that did not go to church were more wild and unsocialized generally. A church family helps foster connections in the community which leads to others having a helping hand raising kids. If we went down the street it was a good chance someone knew who we were and we knew to not act up or be bad. Other non church going kids would ride their bikes to other neighborhoods and start fights at basketball games or steal stuff from others clubhouses.
  9. Spin it however you want. It is totally plausible that he did get an offer from the General to help get into West Point (which is free of charge so a recommendation letter is basically a full scholarship) in a conversation and he never applied. See that's the thing show me where Ben him self said he applied. The media is spinning it to sound like he said that he did and claiming they could find no records. Well of course there won't be any records he never applied or said that he did. It's half truths spun up for the less informed leftists. The same shit fox does, now admit it.
  10. Ooh yea there's also forcing students to buy a bunch of books the teachers never use because of some deal the school has with the private company. Come to think of it that makes the news more than grading papers does.
  11. I will repeat it again but I am independent/right leaning and unless a bombshell drops about sanders I will be voting for him regardless what the GOP puts up.
  12. Grading papers is not exciting news. A severe weather issue with rescues is exciting and therefore catches viewers attention and ratings so you get to see it on tv.
  13. The silence is deafening. Do you not have anything positive to say about your canidates, or are you scared to actually put out anything in this forum that can be put under scrutinization?
  14. cvfd1399

    Hoods Off

    How stupid they just looked at images and groups of people that liked something KKK on Facebook and made a list, I figured anon had hacked into some private kkk email server and got some real hard evidence. Most of these people are out in the open and well known kkk advocates. And the earlier list was a fake.
  15. This is a slam fest of a GOP hating forum, so let's change the topic. Who do you guys on the left want to win from your side and why. I personally would be considered independent/right leaning but I hope to vote for sanders. If so I promise to write my username on my hand and video myself pushing the vote button for him.
  16. Great I had to post some sketchy question to get this thread some attention. Please go up and choose an answer from my question above I would love to hear which one(s) you pick. And to the above post. Says it does have a measurable effect. Small globally but more in local places. Might be the cause for rain in deserts, and heat in cooler areas? another good read.
  17. What about the solar cycle it has just peaked. Did the increase in solar activity the last 10 years have to do anything with these increased temps, and if so since it is heading towards solar minimum I will patient, await the excuses for why the temps dropped since it's all mans fault and all.
  18. How the hell is it a false assumption when you admitted to it then gave the excuse it was because I was going "0-butthurt". AND back to your playbook of changing the subject, making attacks, and verbal abuses. LMFAO at you. SMH!!
  19. No the subject is now Butthurtedness.... and what is the underlying root cause in so many departments. Can't admit you were wrong can you. Comprehension is not a strong point for you now is it Holy shit you replies are so all over the place. Let me get you back on track. You stated you did not paint with a broad brush, I proved you did that same thing 3 days ago, and gave you the opportunity to correct yourself. You have since then tried to change the subject twice. Do you have ADD?
  20. Still your word against theirs, and often times the man still looses in those cases despite being completely innocent.
  21. I got the details tonight from her. The only plan they were eligible for under obamacare was 1300-1500 per person per month and a 11,000 out of pocket before it kicks in. She told me that they were enrolled in medicare this week and with "medigap" they have obtained medical insurance only for 193 per person, and are now looking for a plan that covers prescription. She said the reason she wasn't on it before was she 1. Made too much with his pension and her income, and 2. Was on the companies insurance. Once she was let go she had to turn in the pink slip to the medicare people along with tons of tax and financial info to prove they did not make too much to be eligible. So your correct medicare was the savior for now.
  22. No the subject is now Butthurtedness.... and what is the underlying root cause in so many departments. Can't admit you were wrong can you.
  23. People are getting insured because they are held at gunpoint and have to pay huge fines some want to but cant because they cant afford the plans the government is forcing on them. My wife has spent the last 6 months trying to do whatever she can with a social workers help to find an affordable plan for her parents which are both in her 70's both diabetics, and one is a double amputee with no kidney output and on dialysis 3 times a week. The plans are out of their price range and she is a retired(fired) insurance salesman and he retired from a chemical company as an engineer. She was on a private plan through her company until the recently fired her for poor job performance(I think she is getting dementia or Alzheimers myself) Now shes trying to get obamacare.
  24. It's what keeps boiling to the top. I promise you, if there was a start over with new canidates button in elections I would have pushed it just about every time.