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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. And the PC crowd whines again. Grow some balls, be a man and stop feeling so sorry for yourself. The pussyfication of America for all to see. Oh, sorry, is that only when other people are upset? Oops. So you are ok with racism and ethnic slurs? Wow i figured you for someone else then.
  2. I sat not 30 feet away from Neil Tyson the other night and listened to him talk for 4 hours. He got on a topic of "Banning" things. He said we should not ban anything. Think about the first car that hit a pedestrian and if we had said ooh well lets ban cars. Or if the first medicines had made someone sick, and we said ooh well lets ban medicines. He said the way we need to go about it is with true unbiased research, implementation, and review of things. He also got to talking about bias and the media and said that we are screwed as a society if we do not stop the cherry picking of information to give to the public. One it causes people to be closed minded, and the ones that are open minded who catch on to what they are doing will no longer trust the media, and when we stop sharing information and learning its over and another country will begin to take over which is happening. One of his examples was the U.S. funding that got slashed for the Superconducting Super Collider. The US gutted the funding and well science will continue to be done the LHC was built at CERN and they were the ones to find the higgs as well as many other achievements. We need detailed unbiased information and to quit all the hyperbole and clickbait media influencing the hivemind before anyone can begin to understand how bad of a problem this is.
  3. Not at all He made the claims in a reply to me that "And thanks for the examples of how the media did not take it easy on Obama, despite the claims to the contrary." I stated to him who here is saying that. He replied it was rush, Then I replied great so why are you replying to me implying those type of claims are mine. I never once stated "Shut up when you are talking to me" or whatever other bullshit both of you are trying to spin this as. If I had came out of the blue and said why are you replying to me yea I would be with you on this, but I asked him a question, he answered that it was ment for rushmc, then I said great then why are you replying to me about it(the claims). CONTEXT@!
  4. STD The gift that keeps on giving lol
  5. Yes stop replying this(the statement implying I'm the one saying the media never goes after obama) to me. How fucking hard is this for you to comprehend?
  6. Less than 0.176% of cops kill Americans a year. That's total deaths justified and not. Now subtract homicides you would even say is justified and see that number dive behind the decimal point further.
  7. Yep. You are right hundreds of thousands of good cops are doing their job legally and properly.
  8. What facts? Is there a database listing users and their number of bans and dates? Kinda hard to fact check when people get banned here without notification to anyone. They just disappear.
  9. Stop just stop. Are you next gonna say it's ok to call Mexicans wetbacks because they think its a badge of honor that their backs are wet from all the hard work they do??!! Don't insult me further just stop.
  10. You freely called me an ethnic slur without the awareness that it is insulting to us from Louisiana, then claim to be above racism....what!
  11. Complete misunderstanding by both of you. I never told anyone to stop replying to any questions. I said if I'm not the one making the claims obama is never picked on then don't insinuate to me that I am when you do reply to me.
  12. Well black people still call other black friends "my nigga". I don't suggest you go using it on them either just because they are still using it.
  13. That was a long time ago the 70's right? Was it still ok to call people niggers back then too? Jesus Christ times change. It is not ok to call people coonasses anymore.
  14. I served in the military with a coonass.... He had a sense of humor...... I guess time has eroded things in that part of the country. Again a derragatory term that I take offense.
  15. Let's see how it goes if I say it to you around here.... I don't think it will get the same results.
  16. Bitch please ...........................not every thing is about you ... Enjoy your time off that was uncalled for
  17. Well then maybe I banter back and forth with them more and know what's going on. That was directed at myself and rush from Amazon. Anyways it's not worth responding to you about again anyways so whatever.
  18. You don't post here often enough to see how indirect attacks go from a select few. I call it a "tag on" and it is very easy to see who it is directed to by looking at who posted it.
  19. Ben Carson syndrome. Only this time his half truths make him correct.
  20. "This letter is to inform you that you have demonstrated you do not meet the standards to attend Yale and will no longer be allowed to continue your courses here."
  21. Yeah a public fire department puts out "newsletters" blasting denier propaganda...