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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. Yes it is. It is a made up hyperbole intended to ridicule. In the case of hillary and Ben both people over the years have made claims in media and paper themselves those are documented. His example would be hearsay and completely irrelevant unless you can show me carson saying what billvon is claiming. I or nor anyone else made up what hillary is claiming. She herself has stated it many times in print and video as did Carson. That's is what makes bills statement ridiculous.
  2. Yes that is all true. I said(asked)it before the thread got derailed is we don't know what percentage (to my knowledge) of the warming is man made vs natural. I agree it's warming I agree man can make it warmer by many medthods
  3. You are still going to have to deal with collateral damage and the Proportionality Doctrine when deciding to drop these missiles in areas where there could be civilian injuries and death.
  4. Why, would the moderator of a forum who was just notified of the problem of such actions be the one to continue it? Honestly bill that post is completely an example of the problem here.
  5. You tell an ISIS from a civilian by special forces, and other alphabet soup agencies that track down these people, and put a hellfire missle on their face. Well that's how it is usually. Search hellfire missile video for some sweet freedom deliveries by drone.
  6. Your right it hasn't gotten the level of media attention and the investigations that Carson did to prove her truthful or false. Correct?
  7. Hillary tried to join the marines she said, it too is unsubstantiated claims, but not railroaded across all media.
  8. Why do you feel this is necessary to say? I stated it before your add on comments to someones elses drive by slams are one of the issues degrading this place here especially when it wasn't even your argument. You are acting like a hype man behind a crowd of two people fighting, running back and forth going "Ooh get him, he ain't shit, stick him."
  9. Thanks for refreshing my memory, your right CNN can be shit at times as I showed three times, but my statement still stands.
  10. Americans having guns is a deterrent. Do you recall Japan's Isoroku Yamamoto alleged comments on invading the U.S. mainland? And a gun hiding behind every blade of grass? It might not be true that he said that but the notion still rings out true in many people's minds, especially yours as indicated by your hyperbole comments about crossfire deaths from Americans shooting.
  11. Democrat canidate says Brilliant
  12. Thanks for the constructive comments. I have a hundred things I would like to say to you about how wrong you are with your statement, your tone, and many other things but I am taking the high road. Ignore my posts from now on thanks.
  13. It started going south for me when I was trying to ask if we knew for sure if all this was man made, natural, a combination of both, or what, and the head moderator started shit with someone else in his reply to me. ME BILLVON
  14. As did 9/11, the killing of 3000 Americans and 76%+ of us wanting revenge. Don't put this on the politicians alone. America wanted blood for the terrorist attacks, there was just too much tunnel vision to see the outcome of the actions.
  15. True. One of the keys for them to take over the world is to expand and migrate across the globe. This is very well shown with chronological maps that show ethnic makeup of Europe.
  16. When have I ever said it wasn't a good news source. Despite my strong feelings against a few of you here I am an independent and will be voting for sanders so it shouldn't surprise you that as long as its facts I dont care what news source it comes from.
  17. You could do it in PE. Not because I hate Physical Education, but in all of high school if you were not on a sports team during PE you just sat on the bleachers and talked for an hour and did nothing. If thats the way its gonna be at least bore them with a powerpoint.
  18. I'm glad you said it. I wanted to but knew I would be bashed for saying it.
  19. I didn't write that. You are fabricating. It wasn't supposed to be a direct quote it was a meme in your words.
  20. When it did this years ago like >10 years people questioned it and we were basically told deal with it we had it good for too long this money will go to improvements around the dz, which I understood needed to be done tho.
  21. Do you have any answers that aren't completely predictable? You guys sure get a long leash in this forum don't you. Cvfd whining about imaginary injustices - now that really was predictable! More class from the left .