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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. You think .000314% deaths out of 314,000,000 is considered "a regular basis". And I am giving you every death as a murder. If we are half assed generous and say 50% of the shooting are justified that brings it down to .00015% of 315 million people.
  2. It is not very obvious to some here. Cant help but balance the blinding hateful negativity from some.
  3. Cop saves teenagers life.
  4. I eagerly await his reply...
  5. 1. ME 2. YOU 3.ME 4.YOU 5. ME Number 5 of me asking you to stop implicating me in frequently saying the media never picks on obama was in reply to your post in number 2 where you implied that I do. I am not sure how you got the notion that I was asking you to stop answering my question 3 with your answer 4
  6. I am against uninformed premature stupidity yes.
  7. No sir I said stop replying this to me if I am not the one saying it in regards to this.
  8. You’re not really coming across with any level of insight or intelligence on this topic. Not one single person on SC has ever said all police are bad/corrupt. However, the US does undoubtedly have a problem with police brutality in comparison to all advanced nations. There is undeniably a problem. Does anyone need to see the precursor to a 230 lb policeman punching a 13yr old girl repeatedly, slamming an elderly man’s face into the ground or kicking a woman in the face when she is seated with her arms restrained behind her back – no its uncalled for (at least by anyone with a modicum of intelligence or empathy). You go ahead and post your rebuttal videos of "lovely" policemen savings kittens from trees; it serves no purpose – we know there are well-meaning police in the US. If you are so agitated, go grab some statistical evidence showing that US police (overall) are less brutal and more professional than those of other advanced nations. Actually any use of math, on your part, would be a good start. No in fact Amazon has, and I called her out on using such a broadbrush to paint the police with, and suggested she surely would like to reply and correct her statements, and she never did to my knowledge, only made an excuse that she said that because I was lashing out or butthurt or something. So no you are wrong in that regard.
  9. Great so why are you replying to me with the claims. Have I ever said that?
  10. Bill Ayers After the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers's close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers's girlfriend, Diana Oughton, were killed when a nail bomb being assembled in the house exploded, Ayers and several associates evaded pursuit by U.S. law enforcement officials. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[7] Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. Ayers writes: Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy—weighing close to two pounds—it caused 'tens of thousands of dollars' of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.[19]
  11. Interesting. I was taught to ALWAYS identify my target and never EVER point a weapon at another human being for any other reason that to kill them and only then if you have no other choice. I guess that is no longer a problem for the point and BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM crowd. Do you get paid by the hyperboyle or is like youtube you only get a check once you have reached a certain threshold.
  12. Great now you and bill start a new thread with those that claim that and stop replying to those of us with some snarky remarks about it who have never made that claim.
  13. So you think she is only going to get charged for fraud if she tells them she wants to keep the money her and her husband stole? Is that how it works over there? You only get charged for robbing the bank if you want to keep the money?
  14. No the first question was is it changing. We have answered yes. You skipped the second question/answer and that is what is causing it and why. Which there is no valid answer yet only new research and differing opinions as the one I posted. You have already fucked up and skipped question two and went to action three of let's go ahead and take action for what we have no clear cause and course of effective change. This is your number ONE reason why people are stonewalling this is you can't get your shit together and come together and say WHAT exactly is going on. We all know it's warming, but you are automatically going its man, let's spend money.
  15. Jesus fucking Christ. I can't let you run away with that first line. The cops did not know there was a kid in the car.....they shot at the suspect (in the wrong) and there happened to be a kid in the car they could not see. You saying it the way you are is fucking misleading at best!!!!!! It's not like they said Ooh look a 6 year old lets murder him with bullets to the head. God damn man...please try to be honest. You have plenty of facts and emotions to go on with the regular story without all that childish irresponsible media type writing.
  16. More normal police work. I vow to submit link for link a case of an officer doing good for every one of your bad. Only for the purposes of showing the other side. Let's not turn this place into more of a circlejerk than it already is.
  17. You can keep waiting, in fact hold your breath. All I was doing was playing devils advocate to show him that hey I t isn't just ben all politicians have a closet full of skeletons.
  18. Sucks for the younger kids who were oblivious of their parents and siblings actions but must now suffer through the loss of a father and legal battle now.
  19. What a turd.
  20. Just food for thought from another perspective about politicians. Obamas felon and not so clean close friends. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption. Tony Rezko: Sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks. Courtney Dupree: Democratic fundraiser convicted of bank fraud Willie Shepherd: Obama bundler plead guilty to assault. John Corzine: Top Obama fundraiser currently under FBI investigation. Obama’s “Wall Street guy.” Shervin Neman: Obama bundler currently under investigation for fraud. Abake Assongba: Obama bundler under investigation for fraud. Alberto and Carlos Cardona: Obama bundlers with ties to a Mexican fugitive accused of attempted assassinations. Solyndra: First company to receive taxpayer backed loans from Obama. Solyndra’s investors are Obama bundlers. The FBI raided Solyndra last September. Bill Ayers: Unrepentant domestic terrorist. Early Obama backer. Fellow board-member of the Woods Foundation. 4th of July pal.
  21. Interesting take. If you are looking for long term trends with methods that are not very sensitive you are likely to miss the sharp spikes that are hidden in the records. In other words over your 100,000 year record you are using as a baseline warming constant it might rise as it is today for 50 years then drop back to the normal rate of rise for 50 years but because it is such a short spike is is hard to find it.
  22. We know it's changing. Can we get tha out of the way please. Can we now focus on what percentage is man made, and what percentage is natural. And if it's man made will 500 trillion dollars of some forced emissions on cars, plants, and the world population have any effect on reducing the harm at this point or will cutting even half of it make any noticeable difference compared to the enormous cost.
  23. Scholarship. Explain the two posters shown to you here.
  24. Check your facts son even liberal hive minded cop hating posters on reddit reviewed this years data and stated about 600 of them were completely justified. Even so your acceptance of starting a riot if ignorant hiveminds with no facts about an incident says a lot about your open mindedness about the events surrounding a shooting.