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Everything posted by rhaig

  1. maybe mobile ID stations that could drive to the remote areas of the state. (google Texas mobile ID stations) maybe waiving ID fees for those who can't afford it (already available in Texas) there are some hardline republicans who want to enforce voter ID because they want to disenfranchise some voters. sure. There are also some far left democrats who don't want voter ID because they support voter fraud. we will see numbers about how small of a problem voter fraud is. we will have several elderly people in remote areas of the state mentioned as being disenfranchised. the numbers are about a wash so let's not get into them. disenfranchisement is a problem. so let's support programs like the mobile ID stations and waiving of ID fees to make disenfranchisement not happen. Then we can also make voter fraud not happen. -- Rob
  2. You are UN FUCKING BELIEVABLE....Throwing that statement out there.... All I stated was that its kinda fucked up that the government scooped up 700 million acres, and wont let people graze cows on them without paying them millions of dollars... If calling people terrorist sympathizers over a statement like that is your MO of debate I am done talking to you, I think your here just to start shit. Well, first you agreed he was indeed a terrorist. Then you stated that you somewhat agree with his position though. So, you are sympathetic to what he (someone you labeled a terrorist) is fighting for. http://rs1img.memecdn.com/the-art-of-trolling_o_237123.jpg -- Rob
  3. wait... this is SC right? You're speaking madness!! -- Rob
  4. Get defensive much? I was with you on the backpedaling comment. But now you're just being a dick. -- Rob
  5. Like the Bell, FL shooter. Who was not allowed to have a gun because he as a convicted felon. Yet he got one. There was a law. Probably several. And it didn't matter. Maybe if there were a few hundred more laws that made his possession illegal it would have served as a deterrent. It would have made it double secret illegal for him to shoot his family members. Fella was nice enough to call the police, though, which is the only appropriate response to a crime. I don't believe I have ever called for MORE gun laws. I have regularly called for more effective enforcement of existing laws. You've never called for background checks on person to person (non dealer) sales of firearms? I must have misremembered. You've never suggested psych evals as part of a requirement for owning a firearm? I must have made too many inferences from your complete vague position on the subject. Because if you'd done either of those two, it would be more laws. -- Rob
  6. this... a good friend of mine is very anti-gun. Yet she has asked me to teach her 2 kids (13 and 16) about firearms so they won't be curious and ignorant. So I'll be getting a friend of mine who is a certified instructor to help me out. I don't care if they will ultimately like shooting and guns, or be like their mom. My goal next weekend is to educate. -- Rob
  7. 18 is not a minor There was no residue on the body. But the clothing and personal effects were not available at the time of the second autopsy. "He added that he did not have access to an important piece of evidence: Brown's clothing. Baden explained that if gunshot residue is found on clothing, it will tell a medical examiner that the gunman was within two feet or closer." -- Rob
  8. add a wind farm and maybe we can get it pre-sliced? -- Rob
  9. So what you're saying is that the data cited is what it is, and the interpretation is unimpeachable. The only thing you have to attack is to attack the person offering the opinion. This is prettymuch what I've been saying for years. Because I look at the data and look out the window. The earth is warming. Human activity plays a role in it. But the warming has been marginal, will continue to be minor, and well-within human and natural ability tro adapt and will not be remotely disastrous, except to those who have a short memory about what is precedented. Even the deniers aren't really deniers. Sure, they do deny that we will die in fire and brimstone under a mile of liquid water by 2070. Which is the actual dividing line in this whole debate. Heresy! Burn him! He's a witch! He turned me into a duck!! -- Rob
  10. yes. I have voted for non-republicans. I didn't vote for Ronnie either. -- Rob
  11. That's called bribery. A sort of end-run around the 10th amendment in this case. Sorry but you can blame it on that huge RINO ..... facts do really matter. President Ronald Reagan signed into effect the National Minimum Drinking Age Act (NMDAA) in 1984. http://www.legalflip.com/Article.aspx?id=20&pageid=91 no shit. You think you're telling me something I didn't know? It's still bribery and an end run around the 10th. You and John seem to think that anything the Democrats do is good, and anything the Republicans do is bad. Blind party loyalty and apologies. They're politicians. The lot of them. -- Rob
  12. That's called bribery. A sort of end-run around the 10th amendment in this case. -- Rob
  13. So Washington believes a person can use a firearm to defend and possibly die for his country, but is not good enough to be licensed to own one. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh - um . . . OK. And in Texas....he would be allowed. But, he can't be trusted to sit in a bar and have a beer. Yup... we can thank our feds for that one. Thirty years ago congress passed the national minimum drinking age act punishing every state that didn't raise it's minimum drinking age by reducing the federal highway funding apportionment. -- Rob
  14. and in truth, the term loophole is incorrect too. The federal background check law covers sales from a licensed firearms dealer. Meeting a private seller to buy something from them is not covered by that law. The term "loophole" generally describes a technicality used to get around a law. -- Rob
  15. Assuming they haven't been declared impaired by a doctor or otherwise gotten themselves on the bad side of the instant check system, yes. -- Rob
  16. This should go in "the rules" then -- Rob
  17. "Jury awards Ventura $1.8M in defamation case": http://news.yahoo.com/jury-awards-ventura-1-8m-defamation-case-182537224.html I am not comfortable with this outcome. Why not? The court decided that the sniper dude lied about the incident to promote his book. The incident was not a main point in the book. He could have left it out without significant difference. Therefore, why would he lie about it. That and the fact that Jesse Ventura is a blowhard opportunist. He is entertaining and I have been a fan. If the suit was about clearing his name, then why the $1.8M? I could care less whether he got punched out in a bar or not. Suing a widow isn't going to clear his name, it's going to make it mud. Blowhard opportunist is about right. -- Rob
  18. What do you think... too optimistic? http://i.imgur.com/zgOtqwG.jpg -- Rob
  19. The words Jay Carney hated saying: "What VP Biden MEANT to say was... ". -- Rob
  20. never voted for McCain, never liked him. I find it funny though how prisonplanet.com is somehow credible when it suits you -- Rob
  21. there are 10 kinds of people Those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who understand ternary. -- Rob
  22. My only problem with this decision is the slippery slope it's set up for corporations being granted constitutional rights of citizens. -- Rob
  23. while I can understand that I'd rather go to Antarctica before NK, I can see how it's holds some interest. Just the same, I can put lots of places on my list above both Antarctica and NK. -- Rob
  24. Just wait... it'll be coming soon -- Rob