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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Most predictions of the collapse of democracy in America lately are focused on 2030-2050. Seems to me that the only way for that to be wrong is to advance the date a little. I don't know but I believe In President AOC Sound off.......
  2. We'll see. How do you suppose he'd fare against an AOC-Jayapal ticket?
  3. I'm good. Your push back is sufficient.
  4. Hi there, too. Depends on your pleasure, really. Do you consider dust devils, high humidity, and sub VFR cloud clearances weather?
  5. Just disable your javascript, upload Codec v.2, and adjust your HVAC. No problemo.
  6. You having cold flashes again?
  7. Pointless is what we do best and any pretext is good. I'm thinking we simply claim self defense against those damnable polar vortexes you keep attacking us with.
  8. Attack Canada and we'll send a loud and clear message to the world: this is how we treat our friends. Do not fuck with us!
  9. JoeWeber


    Yep, that too. Poor bastards.
  10. JoeWeber


    Excellent point. I can state as a fact that a number of people, actually quite a number of people, caught the bug to skydive, fly airplanes and scuba dive after coming in close contact with me.
  11. Being given authority often breeds the belief that you are an authority. That combined with free audiences is both validating and intoxicating. With most snake oil salesmen the receipts in the drawer eventually cause them to believe that the shit they are selling really is good shit. Rinse, wash, repeat.
  12. Say the happy campers from the failed state of Happy Valley.
  13. I also don't understand why my stocks don't go straight up. It's chaos, I tell you.
  14. JoeWeber


    Brother, that ain't news. Endemic has always been the end game. Might be we've caught a break with Omicron, it being more contagious and less deadly. If that gets us to <Re 1 I'm a happy camper. We'll never convince the deluded many to get vaccinated and we don't have the balls to lock them out of normal life so just maybe it's nature to the rescue.
  15. What that affair demonstrated is that our open carry laws and easy access to military style weapons can lead to morons getting off for self defense when they shouldn't have been there in the first place. The asshat was there by his own decision as a vigilante. If he'd have stayed at home the killings would not have occurred.
  16. The unintended double entendre not withstanding, we really need to do better than fund things for a couple of years planning to come back later with more money. Yes, he's a douche for being a dick head negotiator. Yes, he's an ignorant bigot praying to be reelected by other ignorant bigots who need to hear him say that poor people buy drugs with their kids lunch money. Yes, naming your boat after a John Denver song should be disqualifying for the meanest elected office. But also, yes, we live in a better country when a handful of newbie progressive congress critters get schooled on how the world really works.
  17. JoeWeber


    Now that sounds like a gastronomic delight.
  18. Of course it was a joke. How can anyone doubt that Pfizer came up with another great pill?
  19. How about ditching the stupid union that "qualifies" stupid people in charge of serious shit?
  20. Seriously? I nearly choked on my hydrogen peroxide gargle reading that.
  21. Not every fish bites the worm.
  22. A pejorative term currently being developed as a catchall definition for anything libtards want to find wrong with Christianity. We're not as adept at otherism as others are so it's still a work in progress. It would definitely not apply to Mennonite Barn Builders but would probably apply to Machine Gun preachers who can't help themselves from leaving behind a few crates of bibles after some good works. No matter, we need to tone it down a bit. After all, we all know believers with huge hearts who are good and fast friends. Maybe I'll start with me.