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Everything posted by gmanpilot

  1. The Tree-----Joyce Kilmer _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  2. You're gonna get behind him, and slip him your goulami?? interior decorators are freaky. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  3. Yes, the world IS a dangerous place, and some of us work to make it a safer place, for you and yours. You don't know much about cops or criminals. Happy Holidays. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  4. The National Cathedral........uh huh. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  5. gmanpilot

    Lamb Stew

    add a few mint leaves _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  6. So walk across the way, kick him in the nuts, and ask him if he would be so kind as to tell you where he took your chair thingy... _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  7. That is awesome! It reminds me of my place when I got back from my wedding. My brothers and the wedding party had dropped by for a visit while we were gone. Every single piece of furniture and artwork was perfectly a different room! Every single piece of our clothing was strewn around the house. My neckties were tied end to end, like a spider web around the chandelier. ALL of the lawn furniture and the garden hoses were way up in the trees, and yard signs for various divorce lawyers were stuck in the lawn (a prophecy). They were kind enough to leave a group photo of them all wearing my underwear on their heads. Bastards and bitches, all of em. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  8. Within the last year or so, I got a divorce, a new job, and moved to a different state. It will suck for a while, but it will get better. I still live in the Southeast, and you could do a whole lot worse. The Southwest (ie; the desert) is weird to me, it's like being on the moon. It kinda sucks, really. Come on down to Dixie, but leave yer yankee ways behind. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  9. It's really weird, it has only happened a few times, and it always catches me off guard. I end up looking around to see if someone is setting me up for a joke or something. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  10. constant change well-kept secret _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  11. I want to be gratified, not instantly, but eventually. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  12. WTF?!?, that can't be real....... _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  13. Yep, he's an Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler), and I miss him horribly (long and painful story). The worst part is that I think he loved me as much as I loved him. Here is a little better pic. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  14. Here is a pic of my super friendly dog after joyfully greeting an unsuspecting trick-or-treater last Halloween. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  15. I shit you not. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  16. That's a tough one. I think it's a perception thing. I think good skydivers approach and react to things differently than others. In my ten years of skydiving, I have only met two non-jumpers who I knew would make good jumpers, and proactively brought them to the DZ for a tandem. They both were skydivers the second they left the aircraft, the tandem masters just went along for the ride. Actually, they were skydivers before they ever got to the DZ, they just didn't know it yet. The vast majority of tandems are great folks who are just there for the amusement ride, (There are also, unfortunately, too many AFF students who fall into the same category) . They are no better or worse, and I am not making any qualitative distinction here. They are there to have a good time, but they are not skydivers, they are fun-loving passengers. They take home great memories and a video of the coolest amusement ride ever. I'm glad they are there too, they give the sport good exposure and make it possible for us to ride to altitude in a proper aircraft. The true skydiver? She is the one who takes the tandem master for the skydive. He is the one who shows up at the DZ for the first time, not to be a spectator or a passenger, but to be the driver. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  17. I'm ALL about upsetting the balance of things...... _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  18. gmanpilot


    The Kimber, or an extra kidney? _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  19. You might want to add a selection in your poll for those who don't want any ring. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  20. Damn, you sound like Tom Cruise interrogating Jack Nicholson. When you smell flowers, do you look around for a coffin?? BTW, nice hijack job on this thread. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  21. Pretty interesting poll. With almost 1/3 of the respondents making over 70K, I would venture to guess that the results are anecdotal, and not representative of the general skydiving population. Don't let the dz owners see this, they might feel compelled to increase jump ticket prices! _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  22. That is EXACTLY the salient point. I could not give a flying fuck about the political motives of the strategists who orchestrated this gig. I have friends who have died over there, and GW's actions and tears emoted his inner-most, heart felt thanks for the sacrifices they are making on a daily basis. That is huge for them. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  23. gmanpilot


    peas suck _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  24. The best advice I can give is the same advice I got when I was looking. Think about the activities you participate in where the following things apply, and get a job doing it: -The task is challenging and requires skill. -You concentrate. -There are clear goals. -You get immediate feedback. -You have deep, effortless involvement. -There is a sense of control. -Your sense of self vanishes. -Time stops. No, sex does not count. Only you can answer the question for yourself. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
  25. No, I don't know the author, it was forwarded to me by a friend. _________________________________________ -There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.