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Everything posted by mailin

  1. mailin

    Grey's Anatomy

    ahhh, ok. Thats better. So this was pretty much the 'end' of the end of last season then - if Izzie was still in her dress. I can see why they wouldn't answer the vet vs. mcdreamy thing in the first episode. Surprised that the chief and his wife would move so quick from his neice having cancer dying/throwing a big party for her (which was really a lame story line btw) to 'retirement'. I love George, but feel bad for him Black plague huh? Still thing the guy with the explosive inside him was a better episode (my personal favorite). Thanks for the synopsis
  2. mailin

    Grey's Anatomy

    ok... that was a nice skim. I need more in depth.... where's PLFXpert when you need her?! Jen Arianna Frances
  3. mailin

    Grey's Anatomy

    I missed it What happened? Arianna Frances
  4. Reminds me of the town of Centralia, PA - which Hubby and I spent a few house scavaging through 2 years ago. People still live there, even though the sulphur fumes could kill them, or they could fall into a sink hole 20 meters deep But, people live where they want to live, and the remaining residents do have speculation regarding the eminent domain claim made by the state Jen Arianna Frances
  5. mailin

    stolen from vamp

    personal best: 44 miles Doesn't seem to work in Firefox too well (or at all, in my case) Arianna Frances
  6. I have several friends in radio... I feel for your hubby, there is absolutely no loyalty in radio and chances for advancement are close to nothing now-a-days. 3 of my friends have been laid off in the last year We know one guy who responded to a black box ad in a trade magazine for a job - turned out to be his job, for $10k less. So they fired him and offered to hire him back for a $10k pay cut Hope he gets it!! Jen Arianna Frances
  7. In real life I think she'd be looking at possible prison time... but this is prime time, none of that bad stuff happens in prime time... And I hope she chooses the vet... otherwise he'll go away and I don't want to see him leave. mcdreamy is on the show even if meridith isn't with him. Arianna Frances
  8. try to convince her to come to the tunnel with me You're not far from me then, I think I'm on 40 min. from her now... Jen Arianna Frances
  9. Ok, I can stop laughing now. Jen Arianna Frances
  10. OMG - how cool! Congratulations!! Your pictures are unbelievable! I loved your wife's headpiece by the way - I really wanted something like that for mine! Your both beautiful people. Congratulations - many many happy years together!
  11. That is very cool. I join your club next April. Congratulations! Jen Arianna Frances
  12. That's what I was thinking. Hope the effect is minimal! Jen Arianna Frances
  13. Arianna Frances
  14. You don't need to look as far as India for this. Something similar happened on the indian reservation here in RI a few years ago. A young boy was caught stealing, but instead of being left to local law enforcement they handed him over to the tribal elders who handed down a very ancient form punishment, in the form of some kind of humiliation (don't remember exactly). Jen Arianna Frances
  15. Ya, I think thats the case. The article didn't compare digital to CD, or vinyl to digital, which I'm sure would have seen a vast difference. Jen Arianna Frances
  16. Glad I never stopped buying vinyl Bought 4 more records last week (including the Raconteurs, mentioned in the article), bringing my vinyl total of 'newer releases' up to 47 and pre 1980 releases of... many many more. Vinyl just sounds cooler and, imo, offers the consumer more. Check it out Jen Arianna Frances
  17. Ditto. I write programs for windows for a living. If M$ made parachutes, I wouldn't be skydiving. Jen Arianna Frances
  18. mailin

    oh my GOD

    If he follows to a T, at least he'll be off the forums for a week, that ain't so bad Arianna Frances
  19. mailin

    oh my GOD

    Actually, you can put a keyboard through the dishwasher. We tried it here at my office with an old grungy keyboard. We then left it to dry for a week++ . It worked fine, and was as clean as new. Jen Arianna Frances
  20. < - Does not like VS2005. I actually took it off and re-installed '03 on my computer at work. '05 is too slow. As far as webdesign - for what you're doing, just use front page its idiot proof. Arianna Frances
  21. mailin

    oh my GOD

    Talk about it. Then maybe you'll stop boring your 'friends' with your skydiving stories. Jen Arianna Frances
  22. It might be messed up - but its true. We have posts on both of those things she mentioned in this forum, just today... I guess I just don't understand why everyone is getting so worked up over an OPINION column. Anyone that honestly makes a firm opinion based on hers, is not worth your time getting so worked up about anyway. I'm surprised we're not getting this kind of reaction regarding a tandem fatality and its impact on the sport, or the impact this could have on CK as a business. She brings up valid points - yes, while getting jabs in on skydiving and its cohorts, but they are still valid points. Jen Arianna Frances