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Everything posted by mailin

  1. What a cutie! Love the little hat!! Ari's not sitting up yet (adjusted for her prematurity she's only 3 months developmentally), but she is definitely trying - she's doing crunches! hehe. She'll have abs of steel! Enjoy her, she's so cute! Jen Arianna Frances
  2. ain't it She's a little diva Well behaved must come from Shawn's mom - cause it doesn't fit us, thats for sure. I'll be calling you in a bit. Jen Arianna Frances
  3. Ok, you guys are making me cry more! I think I need to take more pictures and video now... Jen Arianna Frances
  4. I can't believe how fast the last 6 months have gone. I think I need a good cry now My baby girl is so big now I'd love to freeze time and just stay at this stage until I'm sick of it Jen Arianna Frances
  5. agreed. She's probably getting her jollies off this right now - stop sending her emails! Seriously, its doing nothing but proving her point - she's not as passionate about this as we are. But I do agree with one of her points - crashing in someone yard in front of kids is fucked up, no matter how you look at it. CK may be outgrowing the area... I'd expect this might be a sign of bad press to come for them. Jen Arianna Frances
  6. I've jumped at CK and love it there. But this does concern me, and I can totally see it happening there. That does not do anything toward helping the general public understand. Jen Arianna Frances
  7. mailin


    This was so very very very sad to hear about this morning. I know the Jumptown crw folks will be in mourning Jen Arianna Frances
  8. I'm so sorry to hear you're having a rough time Andrea. Get some air under you and smile, everything gets better with time
  9. I was in my bosses' office, getting laid off By the time I heard about the second plane hitting the towers, I was packing up my desk. By the time the pentagon was hit I was driving home - in the same Boston traffic that became imfamous as the rest of that danm city decided they needed to leave in case planes decided to hit that city too The next week, in lieu of job hunting, I sat in front of the tv watching events unfold. Jen edit to add: hard to believe its been 5 years already Arianna Frances
  10. Congratulations! It is so inspiring to see you come back after all you've been through - good on ya! Jen Arianna Frances
  11. I have used both, and I like milk because it adds a creamy texture and taste
  12. My cats have always LOVED bats. I wouldn't be worried as long as they are up to date on their shots. Jen Arianna Frances
  13. mailin

    Bone Age Study

    Its different for alot of people. My husband is 6'4" and he had pretty steady growth from 13 - 17, with no real 'growth spurts'. My brother on the other hand, most definitely not. If geneticly there are tall people in your family, chances are you'll have height on your side. My mother's family was never tall - both of her brother (twins) are only about 5'6" or 5'7", yet my father's family is full of tall (over 5'11") men. Its not fun being short - my brother was heavy until he went through his growth spurt and he was really made fun of. Thankfully its sounds like your son is pretty well proportion. My brother also has real bad asthma (and smokes, the fool ) and they said the steroids he had to take for his asthma could have stunted his growth - but I don't think your son is in the same category. My brother had been on them since he was 2. Jen Arianna Frances
  14. mailin

    Bone Age Study

    Hi Andrea, My brother had one of those at the same age also. My father is 6'2", his brother 6'0" and his father was 6'1". At 16 years old my brother hovered at 5'6" (shorter than me ) and hadn't grown more than 1/4" from 14 - 16. He hit a growth spurt at 17 (very late!) and got up to 5'10" or so, and thats where he will stay. My mother is about 5'5", so its a good 'medium range' I guess. I don't recall him saying much about the study, other than it requiring alot of X-rays. We can't have everything now, can we Hope you get good news! Jen Arianna Frances
  15. I wish! Show up next weekend, I think I'm splitting some time soon I need a tunnel buddy to kick me in the head Jen Arianna Frances
  16. Lots of good press on local radio too I've got my personal trainer going next week Jen Arianna Frances
  17. aw... bummer. Let me know next time you're there. I need an excuse to drive 2 hours Arianna Frances
  18. Just walk up to mainfest and ask to see them. You can even speak with the pilot - which I have on a number of occassions actually. I had a good conversation with him after Gus Wings accident in Deland - good to get a pilots perspective. JTown does a good job with everything - if you ever have questions regarding ANYTHING they do you just have to ask and you will be given anything and everything you need. I've never been to a DZ that was so accomodating to ... well, everything and everyone. Jen Arianna Frances
  19. You should ask to see his AFF jumps too Seriously, if you have the money go buy 10 min. in the tunnel. Heck, I'll split some time with you if you want to carpool up to NH. 10 min. and all your problems will be solved I'm not kidding - really. I've got just over 4 hours in the tunnel and I've never had trouble in the sky (minus tracking which Darius is gonna help me with , can't really practice that in the tunnel). Now, under canopy, I've always been a bit of a 'special needs' parachutist PM me if you want a tunnel buddy Jen Arianna Frances
  20. Not completely true. He had a caller two weeks ago (actually I think the show was a rerun from a few months ago) where the womans husband had passed away leaving her with a mountain of debt. His solution was to go back to school and get a better job to pay off the debt - even if she had to get school loans to do it. Jen Arianna Frances
  21. Love him and his show. Paid off $20,000 this year with his 'plan'. Everyone can learn something from him. Jen Arianna Frances
  22. Was just thinking about him yesterday. Please let him know myself and my family are wishing him well. Jen Arianna Frances
  23. Woah, I had no idea. I'm using that stuff Guess I'll need something new now... Jen Arianna Frances
  24. Yes, looking forward to that! Thanks for the advice! Jen Arianna Frances