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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. Agreed. There are too many guns in circulation now to even consider some type of rollback as being effective, if it was even doable. So if you really care about protecting children in schools make sure the next shooter has to at least deal with some opposition before entering.
  2. This is one reason why it will keep happening. You're searching for a rational answer to an irrational problem. We'll talk again after the next school shooting.
  3. While all of this is great conversation I think right now we need to take action at a local level. I say we need to make our schools safe by employing armed guards. It's a sad testament but necessary. Until enough people can be hired deploy the national guards. Yes...I'm serious.
  4. But it's not just one instance. It's cumulative. It happens everywhere. And the 535 people who can impact it the most are the absolute worst offenders.
  5. While I agree with your statement I have a problem with the stonewalling of ideas that are different. How are we ever going to get anything accomplished?
  6. Regardless of where the money comes from it's still a government bailout. Once again these idiots are saved by Uncle Sam. They should have learned a lesson from all of the grifters who went to jail after 2008. Kareem Serageldin Kareem Serageldin (/ˈsɛrəɡɛldɪn/) (born in 1973) is a former executive at Credit Suisse. He is notable for being the only banker in the United States to be sentenced to jail time as a result of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, a conviction resulting from mismarking bond prices to hide losses.
  7. I have a problem with this part of the woke culture. Anyone else? "If you're looking at this off sheer statistics, nothing opinionated about this, Lia Thomas, the year before when completing as Will Thomas, was ranked in the 500s at best. A year later winning a national title, being the fastest female in the country and then being nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year.
  8. C'mon John. I'm not making excuses for Trump any more than I did for Bush in 2008. There's a bunch of players in on this one and they all couldn't give a flying fuck about you and me.
  9. It's always been so simple but the game is rigged. Flat tax on everyone individual or business. remove the loopholes. 10%?
  10. But assistance is given now through a multitude of programs. I agree that some people need help from time to time to get back on their feet. To just throw more money at the problem seems like a bad idea.
  11. Absolutely. Just find someone you can't stand and by them a house.
  12. Curious as to why you don't already think we have a basic income in place. Perhaps I'm too old but I always felt that money earned was much better than money given. In fact, I think UBI would just be another program that keeps folks down by de-motivating them to better their lives. Of course there are always exceptions but when the country has surpassed $32,000,000,000 in debt eventually that chicken will come home to roost. If you need an object lesson in whether we need UBI simply compare the amount of WalMart shoppers in the first week of the month v. the last week.
  13. Well that's just like you're opinion man.
  14. While I agree on most of it, the country was being torn in half in 1968 over our involvement. "I can see by your coat my friend you're from the other side. There's one thing I got to know. Can you tell me please, who won?" CSN I sometimes fear we're heading for another Civil War.
  15. I would have to say it was in Boy Scouts when a camp counselor tried to get me to come back to his cabin to look at girly magazines.
  16. I'll add that it started with the Vietnam war.
  17. They might be learned behaviors but once you've matured (except for rock of course) you kind of move on from that. BTW I have no problem with any of it (LBTG) until it starts to be come "fashionable" and a choice made to be cool.
  18. Key word being "adults". I don't care what you do with whom as long as it's consenting adults, but there is a certain media fixation with all of this that I think steers or grooms some kids. Puberty is tough. All hormones all the time. Some of the ones who are being left out of the traditional roles can be swayed to LGBT. Hence the Q
  19. Something tells me his warranty is now void if Rivian sees this.
  20. Sorry Bill, and believe me I know I need to tread lightly here, but I have a problem with you're explanation. Every example you gave applies to all sorts of folks, from all economic and social backgrounds. The tax code deals with them equally, regardless of race. No one is asking anyone to be more white. Now, does the tax code need re-worked? Absolutely. I agree with John when he says it's tilted towards the rich, the majority of whom are not black. But I think it's an issue of money, not race.
  21. I'm going to need some help on this one. I don't believe the tax code is fair to many people based on income and assets. As far as I can tell she points out some valid things that could be changed but none of it is specifically targeted at a race. It just struck me as odd.
  22. This. Anyone else notice that our military "threats" have been over stated in the last few years? Not saying he isn't a threat but the military power obviously isn't there.