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Everything posted by cocheese

  1. cocheese

    Happy luvin

    I always say " can't we all just get on a load ? " I don't even know you, but i love you..... all of you ...skyfriends. Is this what you were looking for ? Just plain ol love ?
  2. A living hell I bet. So sorry bud. If you can survive this , and you will, you will become one of the best skydivers around. Keep up the hope and positive thoughts. I know I met you at the dz a few times.I'll Buy ya jump and a beer when you are ready. Be strong. I don't know what you are going through.Never been in that situation. Write anytime.You'll be back in the air by the time this frozen state warms up. Glad you're still o.k. or not worse. Jeff
  3. we're not alone ! Ya know life is good when it happens.
  4. You're driving home from the dz, thinking about the great day you had and some cool happenings, then all of the sudden, out of nowhere, you just start laughing Bwahaha. You know the laugh. Don't you ? We need a name or word for that. Any ideas ? How about Bwahahing ? or freecrackin ? Mad scientist laugh (MSL) cut me off !
  5. He's right , Mine is the 27th. Happy Birthday Jason. Best wishes/skydives.
  6. If sleeping is kind of like being dead, then is being dead kind of like sleeping or dreaming ?
  7. Doing the Indian style sit fly too many times. It's not the peace pipe I swear. I'm sure the spelling is way off too.
  8. We need to get the rig companies to reinvent the leg straps like a diaper or something to disperse or displace the shock force. I thought about wearing barefoot wetsuit shorts but have not bought any yet.I'm also worried about keeping things pouched out so they don't get smashed during opening. I think a bra-like chest strap could be a good option for the ladies too.
  9. Killer shot, Weegebabe Shoes need air too. Natures way of saying "Get some new shoes Girl!" Thanks for the pic... a reminder to tighten those laces.
  10. I used to get smacked when i said "c'mon Baby open up", Now I just see great openings. Can I hijack my own thread ?
  11. I think my heart and breathing stops as I try to feel everything and listen and see if it's all good. Sensory perception seems high ,but rushed. So many things going on at a time. But it's usually over so quickly. I hear myself saying " C'mon Baby... open up! " "ahhhhh Thanks (packers name) or if I packed it myself. .."sweet it worked !"
  12. poor little innocent Weegegirl. Her sweet innocent post got all sweaty like balls n shit
  13. Ya gotta love a chic who says "Hot as Balls".
  14. cocheese

    Giving advice

    Pass the bong. Best advice i heard all day. And don't forget to pour out the water when you're done. And never buy the cheap can opener. Those things never work.
  15. It's about how much other shit you can "cut-a-way" in your life. See Cutaway Movie. No seriously, if it doesn't help you get in the you really need to buy ? I quit the bar scene, expensive foods,sold the toys. Sell everything you won't need anymore. Priorities: 1) Save money 2) Throw money and self out of plane like confetti !
  16. I can never get my face out of the front door. Then Spike always wants to check it out too. Back door schmack door. It's a one way only for me. Butt... ya never know til ya try.
  17. Great Jeffs think alike. SOBE!. It's worth the extra time in the car Dude. Trust us. One sunset load and your mind will warp itself.
  18. Snoop Dogg Tha Ass Grabba I be livin wit dat.Ahheyeite !
  19. When I read that it was patented by Marcus Antebi (sp) I knew it HAD to be a joke. Why no hotdogs in the ad ?
  20. Sunday the 8th. 40 jumps were made out of Russell's Cessna 206. Nicest weather day of the year. Blue, 30 and some tolerable winds. Two different drop zones came together for a 5 hr. blast.Tecumseh and Saginaw. No injuries,chops,cops,or even a disagreement was present. O.k. more beer and some packers next time. Way more fun and festive than expected. Thanks to all who made it the coolest event in the state that day ! Thanks Russell, Fox66 for the coverage and Petey is submitting pics to USPA. Blue ones. jef
  21. i just saw it too. I see both sides of the story. When in doubt, television whips it out. It was a bad visual. ;....and audio.