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Everything posted by pegasus

  1. Thannks for the trailer link...that looks like an awesome flic...will definitly be there to see that!
  2. pegasus

    How do you?

    Put smilies in your posts show that the show up actvie & not as a link to a website? I 'm not refering to the smilies that are offered here either...
  3. I did AFF & was through all of my cat's in 12 jumps, did my check out dive at #20 & got my a license. There is a girl atour dz now who is doing static line (well she's beyond the static part) she's now doing her 10 sec. delays. But as far as jump #'s go, she has about 5 on me and is now where near being done. I am a fan of AFF, just my 2 cents...
  4. well I doubt if you'll wanna use my idea, but it got me an A in 7th grade science 17 years ago. I will prelude by, I grew up on a large performance quarter horse farm in central FL.... I made a light bulb light up from decompossing horse poop... yep, it stunk...but it worked... I'm sure I can find the notes for it somewhere seeing how I'm a pack rat & all....
  5. excuse me from the forums, while I go loose my breakfast.... That was just gross... Yes im a chic, but I enjoy looking at pretty ladies just as much as any guy, I kept expecting to see guys heads atop those bodies....the only one that was somewhat okay was pic #3 in the white bikini... Its one thing for a woman to be fit, but that is just gross...IMHO
  6. ooh ive seen those my boss has one...his is called a mouse read with an oriental design...real cute!
  7. theres stuff to do besides skydiving?
  8. Its when 3 or more get in a group sit fly with your legs intertwined hold on at arms and goes really fast and sometimes spins pretty viloently...alot of fun!
  9. OH YES! Just last week in fact, I did my first 3 way horny gorilla! I think I musta kissed everyone on the ground after that, i was exstatic! Plus I stood up my landing, which I know to most here that is no big deal, but to me, being at jump #26 it was an awesome thing, cuz it still isnt happeining that often...
  10. Thx D! U such a good buddy!
  11. IMHO, when you are married or engaged to be married, anything that takes place with someone other than your s/o is cheating. As just boyfirends & girlfirends the field is too widely open to put much of a barrier on it. I am really open minded about alot of things, and I dont consider playful flirting cheating, AS LONG AS both participants know that it is all in fun and there is nothing serious meant by it. I have been married for 6 years now and would not cheat on my s/o for all of the money in the world. Sure I look at other guys & flirt harmlessly, but would never cross the threshold. Especially when there are kids involved, the only outcome possible is everyone getting hurt, including the kids. My philosophy has always been that if you want to be with someone else bad enough to consider crossing the infidelity line, then you should be man enough or woman enough to face up to your partner with the truth BEFORE HAND. Sure it will hurt them, but not nearly as bad as dishonesty and infidelity. Just my 2 cents...
  12. I actually had a kinda groundrush sorta thought thingy happen today... I am a relativly new jumper...made #26 today, & I have been pulling at 4000' for my last few jumps. Well today for some weird reason I looked at the ground as I was reaching for my hacky and realized just how fast it was coming at me...kinda werid I lthought...
  13. Here's my girls & boy... (well he's an it now...) The black manx is PD (for performance designs..) the Grey kitty, is my pound baby, her name is Snow & last but definitly not least is my sweet baby kitty girl, spoiled rotten princess...Wheelie girl...
  14. She is so precious...I am a total cat lover! We have three, the last a long haired bob-tail that I "found" ah hem..."ya, found" thats my story & I'm sticking too it...well anyway.. I am cat grounded, by no means am I allowed to bring home anymore....but we'll see...Congrats on the new member of your family...Im sure your other girls will adjust soon.
  15. Student parachutist's exam part 2 I scored an 80% how did you do? 1966 quiz
  16. well in my short to date skydiving life I have managed to rack up 5 in 25 jumps... cessna 182 & 208 caravan & a grand caravan (dont know if thats counts as two or not) & a twin otter... not too bad for my low jump #'s...
  17. Sounds good here... I am an office manager/property manager and it makes sense then only thing I might do is suggest a figure....just a thought...good luck
  18. Can someone here provide me with a link to the pieces of eight skydiving group? I am pretty sure they are based out of california. Thanks alot! Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Definitly the ride you get in Mike Mullin's king air. If you ever get a chance to ride right seat on a load DO IT! Caution, you may be green when your back on the ground.
  20. A monkey fist handle & a log book cover, our dz doesnt have any right now and I didnt see any in the classifieds, so if you or anyone you know can hook me up, I will greatly appreciate it!
  21. A reporter is coming out to our dz within the next 2 weeks to do a story about skydiving. I am needing some stories of diversity in skydiving, that can be backed by facts. We are wanting to do a hot hot story on our SAFE fun sport. By diversity, I mean the oldest first time jumpers, handicapped jumpers (does anyone know how I can contact the group "pieces of eight"?) Any help would be greatly apprecitaed, I can be reached through email at [email protected] Thanks!
  22. I did my first (I know I know, I already bought beer at my dz) freefly today in the form of a 3 way horny gorilla. No jitters, no nervousness, IT WAS SO FUN! I also had one the best landings I have ever had, just a nice soft feather stand up, oh today was a perfect day! Thanks for letting me share!