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Everything posted by selbbub78

  1. You are kidding... Gosh, blue skies Ken!!! Wow, I met him a few years ago, and gosh... I got plenty of Ken Oka Women CReW pull up cords. Crap... Holy cow... This is the last thing I expected... Blue Skies Ken!!! I'm going to really miss you.... Ken, enjoy the formations with the others... until I see you again!!! (a sad) CReW Skies, Bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  2. Wow, working out of the country and not having great internet connection, sometimes takes you a while to find out a friend is in trouble or dies. Rev. Jim is truly a fantastic person who has touched mine as well as other's hearts. He's truly a good person, and I will be missing him greatly. Such a great honor to know, met, and call him a friend. Blue Skies Always! CReW Skies, Bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  3. Hey! Can anyone recomment a good massage cushion/chair that is able to be used by battery, AND by electric? A USB port would be helpful. I'm looking for a chair for the plane. I'm not always capable of plugging it in, but sometimes I can by USB or by cord.. Any real help is appreciated! Cheers, "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  4. How often is it that we have time to be drunk on Sunday evenings... sigh... I miss our drunken phone lists... hope everyone had great dives, weekends, and great jump weeks. Cheers, Bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  5. Voted for ya... Good luck on it... CReW Skies, Bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  6. Ya you are, I'll see you down there :-P "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  7. Hey what are close airports for Bridge Day??? I need to figure out where I'm flying in to? CReW Skies, "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  8. There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids. That isn't a turnoff for me by any sense. Lying... that would get a guy no where with me. Lying in a relationship is one of the worst things possible to do. That would be a HUGE turnoff. CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  9. That's always a good one!!! Sadly, I was looking for the 'like' clicky.... CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  10. This is one of my favorites: CReW Skies, Bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  11. I'm in water NEAR Antarticia.. Not too far off the border CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  12. Pull out your cell phone, pretend that another skydiver was talking to you about either A. a recent jump, or B. an upcoming jump... speak loudly for them to hear, and make sure you correct the guy on all the BS he was calling You did the nicer thing though CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  13. gotta do the naked jump CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  14. eyes and ya everyone always comments, assuming they're contacts trust me... if they were contacts... i'd have them red for the heck if it! CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  15. Oh my God! Santa isn't real? Fuck You! No Shit! Heretic! My life is now in shambles!!!!! "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  16. When I first started to try CRW (not knowing that it was the best discipline in skydiving yet), I got a tri hybrid. I found no problems doing casual CRW with lightnings. I liked my tri (i still use it for freefall sometimes), and I would go with a try-hybrid (wing loaded for CRW jumps). CReW SKies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  17. They told me I have too much vacation time left, so I'm forced to take it before I come back to work in January. Where I'm going... First stop Hawaii (scuba diving, running the marathon) 2nd stop Tennessee 3rd stop Buffalo (xmas) 4th stop Mexico (caving/rappelling) 5th stop visiting mates in Houston 6th stop Eloy (obviously skydiving) 7th stop Back to buffalo for a few days before I head back home to Anchorage.
  18. Okay I'm getting ready to leave on a 7 week holiday. I will be able to pack for 2 days. I'll probably pull some things together the day before I leave, then finish the full packing the day off... a few hours before just in case something comes up... lots to remember on what i need for 7 weeks (all climates, all activities, etc...).... CReW SKies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  19. I do too!!!!!!! CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  20. At my high school graduation the principal's speech dealt with all the horrific nursery rymes we had, and how we all managed to come out okay (relatively speaking...)... Never thought of it before.... ....I'm sure the current generation is going to blame that for their outcome of life... CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  21. What the heck CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  22. Why can't we have multiple answers???? That just ain't right... 2010... BADASS YEAR!!!!!!
  23. Damn - you can't even drink real beer for breakfast, huh? Although agreed.... you want to remember PART of the day... good way to do that, is start with water "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  24. have one for me CReW Skies, bubbles "Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM
  25. I usually pack an hour or 2 before I leave. I work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off so a lot of times, I plan to leave for holiday as soon as I'm done. I usually don't have a long time to plan for trips. Whatever I forget, i find someone to help me.