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Everything posted by jdog

  1. Shindig was so many things. Here is some of what comes to mind. He was a leader of men. When he told a story it was not uncommon to have 10 guys listening intently. He was an awesome flyer. When he videoed a tandem it was guaranteed that the student, the instructor, and he would have a blast in freefall. He was a proud and good father. He never had anything bad to say about anyone, but he was not afraid to let you know if you were doing something stupid. He was full of positive energy and passion for life. Blue Skies Rick. We will miss you man.
  2. One reason not to give them the opportunity to pull is that it can make for a shitty opening. You really need to be doing your most active flying as they are gropping around for the handle. Sometimes they ball up (de-arch) to try and get it. This can pitch you head low as you go through the trap door effect. You should be able to out fly all of these effects, but it would be nice not to have to. Also, sometimes they pull way too early. Usually you can block it. This makes for a super long canopy flight. This being said, where I jump we give them the handle. Jim
  3. I got mine automatically. I am really not sure what it means.
  4. Wait, how do you have a video of my 100th, when I don't even have video of my 100th?!! That's the way it works, even when you don't call in the local wuffo media to document the fun.
  5. I update my profile 3 times a day because I am afraid of getting flammed by people who may accuse me of having missing or false information. I see this happen so many times, I am not taking any chances.
  6. GREAT idea, but what about carbon monoxide? Walt Thanks Walt, I knew I missed something. I was just trying to post as fast as possible before someone decided to steal my idea and be on the 6 o'clock news.
  7. My creative suicide idea is really a combination of more traditional methods. I want to swallow some poison and slit my wrists. I will then climb a ladder with a noose around my neck and a pistol in my hand. I will light myself on fire as I jump off the ladder and shoot myself in the head. I have always felt bad for people who attempt suicide and fail. I mean, their life is bad already, and now they can't even get suicide correct. Jim
  8. I saw that happen in el cajon. I was turning right from base to final for the parallel runway. The stearman was 1/4 mile further out on a straight in for 27L. The pilot came on the tower frequency and said "This is an emergency!!!! Some guy is trying to jump out of my airplane without a parachute!!!" At first I thought they were practicing an airshow comedy routine on the wrong frequency, then we looked over and could see him struggling with the guy in the front cockpit. Next we saw the guy exit the aircraft and go right in behind some buildings. The pilot was on the radio right away- "He just jumped, I tried to stop him but I couldn't. Someone needs to get the sheriff over to my hangar, that guys son is there waiting for him." (very remorsefully). That old man ruined the pilots day, scarred a couple of kids who saw him go in, and could have killed some other people. He could have picked a less populated area to jump over. Also it always puzzled me that he got out so low. It was at 500 feet or so. I would have thought he would have liked to have a longer delay before impact. I am sure his son knew he was going to do that, making him just as irresponsible! I have to say that I found it kind of ammusing at the time. It was not like a skydiver going in. This guy just decided to jump without a chute by his own free will. Jim
  9. My first kiss pass was with another guy. His name was Jack Rumple. My life has never been the same since. I kiss anything I can dock on. I guess I just came to terms with the fact that nothing could be worse than that first time with Jack.
  10. I've had both, I think airhead is more dangerous if you are flying VFR. With roadhead you know the other traffic will be on the road. With VFR airhead, the traffic could be any where!
  11. I am afraid when I cross the street. Something about the lack of control.
  12. The mighty Jombi was might favorite part of the show. My brother and I just loved it when he would say his magic spell. "Mecca lecca high, mecca highney ho. MECCA LECCA CHI, MECCA CHINEY HO!"
  13. Neptunes are simply no good. Mine didn't work brand new out of the box.
  14. Does any one have recommendations for or against swoop cords for an AFF I jumpsuit?
  15. The massage therapist is only going to be getting $25 to $40 of that $80. If it is a good massage, you should tip at least 20% of the cost. If it is a great massage, I would tip $20. A $20 tip really shows your appreciation. Being a massage therapist is a lot more work than waiting tables.
  16. Thanks for the information! Now I just have to find a date that is worth taking there. Of course she is going to have to pay her half!
  17. A small selection of my Dad's classic lines: "You don't have to be going balls to the wall 100% of the time." "I don't care if you skydive, just don't BASE jump, that's too dangerous" Every year on vacation when my brother and I were running around barefoot - "Get some shoes on! One cut on the bottom of your foot can ruin a perfectly good vacation." I should have listened to this one. Landing out while barefoot, on what was supposed to be a beach jump, in Mexico did ruin my vacation.
  18. Thanks for the video, that is bad ass! My grandfather used to do that, but I had never seen it done so I was a little skeptical. Now I am ready to give it a try!
  19. You just have to remember that a college class is all about playing that professors game. Your grade depends totally on how well you can play that particular professor. The more I hated a professor, the more I made it a point to do what it took to get an A. Then I felt like I won in the end.
  20. jdog

    Madame Pope???

    Dude, you have a drinking problem. You can't even make it one month.
  21. You might want to visit Carvin in Poway, CA. One of the family/owners is a noted freefall photographer.
  22. It has to be Trader Joe's organic peanut butter for me.
  23. I do shiatsu, deep tissue, and swedish. I guess I am good, since I used to work at a spa in La Jolla.
  24. Nice job man! I am a little over 2 years now. I love life more now than ever.