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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Wow...I was sitting in my night class tonight just thinking that I needed to remember to ask if anyone's ever landed one. That would be nuts...any personal experiences of someone landing one out there? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  2. I our heart rates go up so much during skydiving, could we consider it a workout just as productive as jogging? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  3. Can it be done when the passenger weighs more than the (insert word for "non-passenger" here)? I'm like 170lb, I think the passenger aspect of it sounds the most fun, though I might have a hard time finding someone bigger (preferrably a girl!) to pax yeah, do they have to weigh more? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  4. Congratulations. I remember the first time I was on the History's something I'll never forget....err....what a minute. Pimp, with a capital P Deuce. That's pretty freakin cool. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  5. Nice pic, are you one of the two, alana? Or just the photographer... Are the openings really rough on a Mr. Bill. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  6. I like it! Someday I must try... (anyone have any video of themselves on a Mr. Bill jump...I'd like to see something like that). -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  7. He basically fizzled out after A Christmas Story. He's been in like ten B-Movies in the past 15 years, none of which I've heard of or seen. More info here. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  8. I read so damn much about "Mr. Bill" on these forums, yet I really don't know what it means. From context clues, I think I've gathered that it possibly means jumping out of a plane without a rig, then holding onto someone while they deploy their rig, thus saving your life.! -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  9. It's hard to narrow it down to just five, but we do what we have to... So, what do you guys think? While they're all good movies, I'd have a hard time falling asleep at night if I didn't vote Its A Wonderful Life. (For a poll with more options, toss your vote here). -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  10. Now you're talking. Two dollars to keep jumping (every man has his breaking point...eventually I'll get to it )?? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  11. Phenomenal song. Heard them play it live a few weeks ago...amazing show. Coheed and Cambria's "Delirium Trigger" is tickling my fish right now. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  12. Flashy suit. I like it. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hehehe...I laughed, I did. In related news, I forced my far right-field ultra-conservative Dad to watch this movie last weekend. He actually really liked it, and I think, for just one second, a little Christmas Liberal was in his spirit. A couple hours later he firmly told me that the movie was bullshit 'cause "we have a Constitutional right to own guns!!!". "Alright Dad, you're right
  15. Vizibes galore Rus. Just remember, whatever you're going through, will probably be something you're able to look back on with a smile in a couple weeks. Everything happens for a reason, find the good and exploit it. Blue skies. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  16. Sweet, were you the TM? What was the occasion? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  17. Grr... I'll give you a dollar and be your best friend if you start jumping again. Now c'mon... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  18. Kramer dating

    Single...always...single. I'm hopeless. This shoulda been a poll, so us singles can see how truly pathetic we all are. (I'm joking..being single kicks ass, no strings attached). -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  19. I noticed Greg Gasson is listed as a videographer for this boogie. Is he a member? That guy kicks ass... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  20. How did you get to do that? And it looks like it was during the game, is this so? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  21. Sweet, you know everything! Priceline is dicking me over on airline fares right now, I'm gonna have to settle for like 150 round trip, which I guess isn't terrible... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  22. You speak of Greg Gasson I believe. The pic is found here. There yare. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  23. Yeah, I'm only 19, so I'm pretty sure I can't rent a car. Otherwise it's a fine idea. I'm checking out for tickets right now. If I can just trick someone into picking me up from the airport, I should be good to go. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  24. Excellent, thanks for all the info ladies. I like the ZHills idea the best. If I came, it wouldn't be until like Jan. 4-8ish, so the X-mas crowds would probably be gone, not sure how much that'd effect your advice. I'm looking into cheap airfare to Tampa right now. Bless you all. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  25. I was kicking around the idea of coming down to Florida for a few days on my X-Mas break and making my AFF Jumps. I live in Indiana and really don't want to wait around for a nice somewhat warm day to jump (won't be for quite a while now...). Anywho, if I came to Florida, what DZ should I jump at? Could I live there for a few days? What airport would I want to fly into? Anyone wanna pick me up? Haha...this is just a dream at this point, but if I hear the right words, it could quickly become a reality... Lemme know, thanks. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!