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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Gorgeous isn't it... FL, here I come... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  2. Kramer

    Adkins Diet

    Michele- Firstly, start eating a lot more than just one meal per day at 7:00 pm. Healthy or not, this isn't good for you whatsoever, and you can probably attribute it as the biggest reason for your seemingly low-metabolism. Two things you can do to raise your metabolism: 1. Start a weight training program. You don't have to lift to get buff, lift to get lean. If you lift weights, your metabolism goes way up. So when you are lifting, try doing like 3 sets of 12 on everything. You don't want to do 5 sets of 5, because that is going to make you bulky (unless you wanna be bulky). So few sets, lotta reps... Also, don't work out the same muscles in the weight room within 48 hours of each other. The way I lift (I'm a guy, so it's a bit different for me, you don't need to give it this much time between exercises if you don't want)...anyway, I have a four day lifting routine. Day one, pushing. I do anything that requires pushing (bench press, dips, shoulder press, incline bench press, etc). This helps your pecs (again, probably not a concern to you), triceps, and shoulders mainly. Day two, pulling. I do things that require pulling such as bicep curls, lat pulldown, seated row, back extention. This helps your biceps and your back mostly. Day three, legs. I do squats, toe raises, hamstring extentions, and sometimes horizonal leg press. Day four, rest. I do nothing on day four, it's always good to rest your body. So in whole, I give each muscle four days between lifting, getting on a schedule like this, or a similar lifting schedule is a great way to increase your metabolism. 2. Eating lots of small meals in a day will increase your metabolism. If you don't ever make yourself "stuffed" but still make yourself "full", that means your body is digesting the food at a good pace, and thus not storing any of it as fat...which increases the metabolism. It is good to eat a lot, just never over-eat, or eat till you feel sick. You know that feeling you get after eating in a restaurant where you think "I'm never going to eat again"...yeah, you don't want that feeling if you're trying to increase your metabolism. You said you usually only eat one meal per day, to the layman, this may seem healthy, but it's just about as hazordous to your body as eating at McDonalds three times per day. Try eating five or six small meals in a day. Say you wake up at at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, and a small snack right before bed. Eat foods high in protein. Don't eat foods you know are not good for you. While three pieces of pizza may look really good, you'll end up regretting the fact that you ate it later. Try eating things like pasta, fish, hard-boiled eggs (don't eat the yolk), baked chicken sandwiches, maybe a protien bar right after you lift weights, the occasional steak, turkey sandwich with mustard instead of mayo, lots of fruit and vegetables, etc. Drink tons of water. I drink nearly a gallon of water per day, while this may be a bit excessive, it's still a very good idea to consume a lot of water to flush out your cells of all the toxins you come across in food. Remember, while they taste good, and are a good time, things like pizza, cake, sweets, beer, etc aren't going to help your progess too quickly. So just ask yourself, what is more important? Looking good, or eating what tastes good. If you choose "looking good", why eat the junk food? (Sure, on occasion, it's not bad to splurge a bit. ) You get the idea. I hope this helps, PM any questions you might have, I know a few things on the subject. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  3. Very awesome letter. Say what you will about Bush, and Iraq, and his visit to Iraq; I personally think it's classy as hell. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  4. You are not the only one. I download stuff from and watch it all the time. I sit here with my heart thumping right before someone exits everytime without fail. We're dorks... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  5. nnnnn-Yup, you're hot too. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  6. Kramer

    Adkins Diet

    Haha...just imagine 50 more pounds on there. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  7. Kramer

    Adkins Diet

    Chute- I researched the Atkins Diet for a paper a few months ago. It's pretty toxic to your body 'cause you are depriving yourself of so many basic nutrients and elements in food (such a carbs for example). It's not going to hurt you to go on it, but there are much better ways to lose weight. I came to college, and lost 50 pounds in five months just by eating a low-fat diet, and exercising a lot. Try it...(I attached a post-diet pic...never underestimate the power of a low-fat diet and exercise). -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am obsessed with Seinfeld (see username for verification). I love it, I have seen every episode, and watched them all in chronological order in two-weeks once last year. I have them all on DVD that I stole from the internet, if you want a copy, I could hook ya up...just for backup purposes only of course. Favorite episode: #93 "The Switch". Jerry schemes to date his girlfriend's roommate, and we learn Kramer's real name. Hilarious episode. (I'm gonna watch it now actually ) Seinfeld for life (go see Jerry in concert sometime, funniest man alive). As for something nothingly to say: I hate Philosophy 100, and if you ever take classes at Ball State, don't take this one. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  9. I hear ya FrogNog. I'm flyin down to Florida in a few weeks to do AFF, 'cause I can't stand to wait till spring to do it here. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  10. Pop-up Free Link Nice pic. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  11. Tunaplanet, thanks a million. I really appreciate the offer. When do you want me to email you? (basically, when will you know your work schedule?) -Kramer PS: Pimp job by the way. The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  12. Prizzayers out the waazoo. She'll be fine billy, and she'll be a stronger person for it once it's all passed. Tell her hi. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  13. Wow...I didn't even know you could do that search thingy... So much for this thread. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  14. What member has made the most posts on these forums? I think the highest I've seen is AggieDave with 15,xxx-something. Can anyone beat that...or does anyone know someone who does? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  15. It's not just John and Goose, I'm still reading. - Jim As am I...I just can't keep up with you guys, so I choose to read on my own time than participate. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  16. After seein that avatar...bkdice. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  17. Good advice...advice I plan on taking. Basic's not that hard is it? I mean, I realize they're gonna kick my ass, but if you're in good shape, and sorta strong, it's manageable, no? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  18. Can you wait like...four weeks? -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  19. Jealous!!! I'm joining the AF Reserve, I have basic this summer, hopefully at some point, I am ordered to go to Florida....sigh...if I have to, I have to. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  20. Sweetness, I will do just that...tomorrow. In the meantime, if anyone out there jumps at ZHills and wants to hook me up, just PM me. Thanks guys. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  21. I am flying down to Tampa on January 2nd to do AFF at ZHills. Is there anyone out there who might be able to pick me up at the airport, and take me to the DZ...I would be more than willing to compensate time and gas money (in the form of cash or beer, your choice ). My flight gets in at 9:46 pm from Atlanta (connecting flights), on January 2nd. I'd need a ride back to the airport on the 8th, but don't worry about that, I'll cross that bridge after I've gotten down there. Oh...I'm an innocent 19 year old with no criminal record. No need for a background search. Any help whatsoever is appreciated. Feel free to PM any person questions or what not, bless you all. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  22. VanillaSkyGirl looks like quite the princess from what I can tell by her avatar. I'm quite the taln1rigr fan too though... It's a tough call going just off of that're all beautiful. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  23. You owning a gun isn't going to make the prison population go down. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  24. Muenkel- Hey look at the bright side, this gives you a year and a half to get all of the stuff in your life done that you've been procrastinating because you're too busy skydiving. Write a book or something, use the 18 months to it's fullest advantage. You'll be back up in what will seem like a couple days... -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!
  25. Yes! Thanks Dave for the hard work. -Kramer The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!!