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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. It kinda depends on the timing and conditions too. On a no-wind traffic....I'd be eyeballing my touch down point about 7 or 8 second before beginning the riser pressure for final. My head nor eyes will not move until passing that point. Like the whole 'keep your eye on the ball' theory.
  2. Vertifly


    Yeah, but one leg only means half the effort. gotta know i am joking.
  3. I think that is all good advice dude. But 500 jumps on a Velocity isn't what I would call following slow progression.
  4. i can't believe no-one has said jumping out of a plane.
  5. Vertifly


    I like 5 but it has taken a while to get comfortable running that distance on the regular. It used to be 3 - kindof embedded into me in the service. I am kindof a bigger person (width-wise) and any more than 5 every other day for me seems to be accompanied by lots of strange injuries every few weeks. Sciatica, schin splints, strange cramping and stuff.
  6. It's messed up really. Sun Micro has been using 64 bit hardware and software on their systems for about 8 years now. Shows how slow retail has to catch up to corporate. But you're right, it is gaming that pushes the retail industry.
  7. Yeah...only a chick could pull that off though. Some cool chicks gotta be around here. Please do it...for us? Pretty pleasssse.
  8. No way man, are you nuts? Just post them in that web site. Maybe you'll win a a toilet seat like that one in here or something!!!! Fruitcake.
  9. please let us know where you plan to do the first 99 of them.
  10. that is a really good point.
  11. Hey, what's up all? Yeah, it is time. Swooping is going ok. It's been real. Getting more and more accurate over time. And with a very slow progression to the canopy I am flying, it is time to start experimenting with respect in the speed. I gotta start doing the carve thing. Bored with a regular approach?...maybe just a little. Just need some style in it or something. Anyway, I want to learn to carve...and carve well. So far, coming in on my 1:9 loaded kat has been either high, or right on I just wait till the breaks are ready to be used. So, I am going to start playing with my rears a lot more and stalling on them if possible. With the speed on approach this thing provides, it feels like the canopy can pull off a decent turn and stall on level. There are mixed ideas on the forum about setting up a carve - when to start one, wind direction (come in crosswind and endup turning 90degrees into the wind), whether to apply rear riser pressure and release one side or to apply no pressure and start applying it to the inside one, etc. etc. etc. So maybe those of you who are experienced in carving can provide some pointers on the approach. Theory, experience, how you got started on them, anything you got. If you don't want to be too informative due to the difficulty involved, that is cool. But perhaps you could explain that too - I sure anyone can get something out of any info you have on the move. Please advise.
  12. Sorry dude. Your comment is noted, but you are clearly speculating. EDIT: But then again, part of the fun/entertainment that comes from magicians is trying to speculate the truth. Frustrating isn't it?
  13. How could it be a trick if he failed?
  14. It is kinda weird dude. All of his street fact, most of his stuff until now is a bunch of tricks, slight of hand, and misdirection. Now he did this stunt. And I thought this sphere-underwater-thing was total BS until he actually didn't do it last night. Like maybe he had an oxygen tube surgically implanted into his ass running into his lungs or something. OK...i am an idiot. Truth is, that if he made it to the full 9 minute mark, I would have thought it was a trick. Now that he didn't make it, the stunt is believable and he has my respect. 7 minutes is a long friggin time to hold your breath.
  15. yeah dude...they used to fly this way, together, in the late 90's. it's cool, it kinda feel like back flying with a bunch of projectiles or heat seeking missles around you.
  16. that kinda looks like a guini pig i once had
  17. I totally have to agree with you on that. Friggin squish there faces - love them dogs!!!!!
  18. Making a 170? This thing flies perfect at a 1:9 or 1:8 wingload. That would make a pilot about 300 lbs. I would argue that if a pilot is 300 lbs, and unless a bodybuilder or incredibly in shape, they should maybe consider a different hobbie. I don't know...just thinking out loud.
  19. they pronounce it worsh-ta-shy-er around here i think
  20. dude...if we go atmonauti and beat everyones you win something? hahaaa!!!
  21. dude...i hope you know that i am not referring to the hard woods....rather the carpetless.
  22. no way...matching carpet or bear floors is just as good.