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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. Dude, is it me or is A1 steak sauce just Worcestershire and corn starch?
  2. some of his tricks are more like a magician's. and some are kinda good.
  3. hopefully honestly and with a clear understanding of their position and amount of service, education, and labor for the rest of society. why? overworked and underpaid?
  4. you had me at, "i know" now, can you explain the rest of what you are trying to say?
  5. Kinda curious what the majority of people are finding out there in today's active job market. Please take a moment to answer this poll. How would you consider yourself in the job market today?
  6. I hate girls. That is why i screw them all the time.
  7. Yeah dude....what is your problem? What are your views against people who don't wear matching socks? Or who aren't in your club?
  8. your avatar hurts my eyes. frigg...i can't tell if i pulled my glute-muscle or my sciatica hurts from running!!!! ouch....fucking killin me.
  9. I really have no idea about anything....I just rely on my reserve for everything....
  10. Walt, Saturday Night Fever was the top grossing film of all time. That shirt is the grossest thing I've seen this week.
  11. I'm going to hijack this thread by being in total agreement with the subject. There is no way, shape, or form to hijack this thread... go ahead and try it. whatchu gonna do?...change the subject. cause you can't; there is none!!! haaaa!!!
  12. dude....everyone has their standards. but those are universally acceptably nice tits. just wanta put my face in them and go..... rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrbbrbrbrbrbrbrbrrb!!!!!!!!!!
  13. oh...thought they got hurt or something. sounded painful.
  14. what is a thick white cloud? ps. me like 0,,2006201601,00.jpg
  15. you could make an adjustable baby seat out of them for the kitchen table. who's to friggin say that you live a populated (or unpopulated) enough area to get a kids head at the right height. friggin stereotypical ideas...the uspa are super-geniouses
  16. hey spizz, can i spizz on your spizz. sike, it was good.
  17. Enjoy's flying parachute's of different kinds keeping him knowledgable of various aspects of flying them.
  18. is nice enough to explain what that avatar is. ???
  19. wow...that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years.
  20. just realized that all the people around the bonfire dropped some X.
  21. the only person I've ever known to actually make a rainbow.