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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. This is really excellent news...thanks!!!
  2. Vertifly


    yeah...then it would look like: p@-%op
  3. Vertifly


    it is just the word "poop". rather go with crapping or shitting. poop.....the word is almost shaped like poop. nasty!
  4. Vertifly


    why does this need to be discussed?
  5. Made it 3/4 of the way through the book and put it down. not really my taste so the movie will be just with friends or something if that - or maybe just when it comes on cable. Angels and Demons was a lot more entertaining, i thought. Plus it is scientific rather than religious which is more my taste.
  6. something tells me that, either way you are in person dude. we are just going to throw down a 6 pack the first time we chill dude. i ain't shitting on any bear porceline though!!
  7. this place is a total outlet. i am much more quiet in person. plus, i really don't know anyone here so i tend to just talk shit.
  8. wow...wish i had pics of some x's on the internet; but as a spite thing...hahaa!! but still, walt - are you just trying to get people's goat on this one? the thought of getting off on an ex-girlfriend is a huge turnoff indeed. things just have to mend first or they remain in the X category. but what about x-girls that were not really your girlfriend and you knew you were just getting it on together? totally different story. cause of the lack of bad emotion involved it is easier to think of those ones from time to time.
  9. OK about a virtual group hug...sheesh. The community niceness and love in here is nausiating. Only four days till Friday and I am losing it.
  10. Vertifly


    yeah, amoungst yourselves. hahaa!! for one reason or another i just disagree with the view. regardless of any of this, EC seems to have its act together.
  11. I'd like to give this a try... Back to the Future is a story about a kid who travels 29 years in the past in a Delorian. The movie was made in 1984. That is 22 years ago. In seven years they'll be able to make something similar. But damn, is it me or have things NOT changed that much in this cycle.
  12. never let the hot wax go to waste either.
  13. ok...i'll hold a candle in my right hand and do the one-handed hug then the nasty.
  14. warm, long, naked, and followed by a wet... forget it...a quick hug and straight to the nasty.
  15. Vertifly


    i know everyone here is entitled to there opinion so. ...mine would be, are you smoking crack?
  16. they say when you drink alone, you've got a problem. what does it mean when you are, performing alone, the cannibalization of the shit from your toilet into your bathtub? maybe you can sign up for group help somewhere, walt. "hi, my name is Walt, and i am a shit manipulator." "Hiiiiiiii...Waaaaaalllllltttt!"
  17. wow man i don't know what else to say ; ummm...if it is true then you may be needing serious help.
  18. please tell me he did not shit in the tub.
  19. what up devildog. it is a lot more common in the underground than you may think. i personally, from experience, would not advise it for anyone. it takes an extra sense of control; but that isn't the doesn't make the experience of jumping any better. the sky is much easier to appreciate when you are straight i think. and yes, i happen to think it affects your judgement for accuracy and such. if you're just planning to fall - then pull - then flare, not learn anything, nor get any better at what you are doing, swooping, or whatever your goals are in the "sport". if this is just a pasttime that you happen to take seriously, which few do, then maybe it is ok. but still, be careful with it.
  20. yeah count, but a lot of us have to go through school using the yellow books... cliff notes, for dummies, and some more interactive ones like majic marker highlighter fun man. vvv-one, too-oo-00, thr-rr-r-r-rreeeeee, forr-r-r-r-rr.....hahaha!!!
  21. Good choice of tunes - looks like it is going to be a nice flick.
  22. great stuff dude!! that is close to what i was looking for anyway.
  23. Nice Dee, You look like you are enjoying that! ps. thought I should tell you though, your shoe laces are a shade off from your toggles. may wanna fix that!!!