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Everything posted by mardigrasbob

  1. GRRRRRR........ ----------------
  2. I found this video and was going to new post it, but I searched the forum and found this thead but the link is no longer good so here it is again. Hint:Turn up the volume Ouch! -----
  3. Just a short distubing story. While I was floating in the condo pool(sunglasses, earbuds,zonked), these young ladies were chatting, paying no attention to me. One girl was bragging about how much better she was that her boyfriend's previous girlfriend. She actually stated:'I taste much better, he used to put jelly on her poonanny for the dog to lick it, I don't need jelly.' Euuuuwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! ------------------
  4. Have you noticed a resemblance? ___________
  5. Oh a redhead!! That explains everything! RUN like the devil is chasing your ass!! -------------
  6. Sorry, I can resist anything anything but temptation!! -Bob- ----------------
  7. Who are the Shut-Up Brothers? ----------------
  8. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. --- Alfred Tennyson Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, -----ROMEO AND JULLIET, Act II, Scene II, ------------
  9. I couldn't even spell psicologist! Now I are one! --------------
  10. Try this test! Clicky ----------------
  11. Wow it said I was the coolest! Clicky
  12. A man having money is like a woman having beauty. It's not necessary, but is sure nice. Marilyn Monroe
  13. Suck it up! Noboby likes a whiner! Dude, act like you don't care! Mother had 'em, mother fuck 'em! That'smy mantra! Women are strange animals, most don't know what they want; except what they think they can't have. Stand back and watch; the good ones are usually in the background. But if you think you got problems now just wait until one of them likes the size of your wallet! ----------
  14. Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." -- Mark Twain ---------
  15. No! He(Samson) was returned badly mauled. kindof a message, i guess. I found out alot about dog fighting as a result. These people are BAD and not to be taken lightly. Well entrenched in many southern and western states, dogfighting is a big money bloodsport. These people will not think twice about doing what is necessary to protect their thing. I've got a new rottie pup(Sammy see..pic), just turned five. I watch him like a hawk. I can only vaguely imagine the rage that a parent of a murdered child would feel; I would lose it! Thanks for your reply! ----
  16. Here here! Most mass murderers start with animals. My dog was stolen and used as training bait by a gang of 'dog fighters'. It has been five years and I still carry a murderous, vigilante rage within me. While I don't agree with those calling for the slow torture of these little bastards, I do understand their anger. These liitle fuckers do need to be punished and closely observed for along time. ----------
  17. It is very much a double standard. Male adults are perverts, their female child partner is a helpless victim; Female adults are lonely and misguilded. their male child parter-ROCKS! ----
  18. You mean the outdated and partially defunct missiles that were scheduled to be removed anyway? --
  19. Blink hell! That was the line. Nothing was said about the deal to trade the missles in Turkey. In fact R.F.K. conspired with the Soviets to lie or not mention the quid pro quo to the American people. J.F.K. was wasted on pills the whole week. ---------
  20. Brought this thread back to life. I just saw a commercial slamming PETA for their support of homegrown terrorism. It's stated' if you send money to PETA you are supporting bombings and terror acts'. It surprises me that they have created such animosity. --------
  21. And Iraq did? What about Cuba, hell, they're only a couple miles from our shores, and they had the support and backing of the Soviet Union. Somehow we kept them contained without invading....well, errr, successfully. It took a near nuclear exchange with the Soviet....well, err. Yeah it did. We also had proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they were building silos for nukes. Still though Kennedy had some major brass balls to do what he did. -------- Balls hell! The Soviet perception that he was young, weak and an appeaser is was led them to place the missles there in the first place. Strength deters enemies. Cowardice encourages them. ---------
  22. Find him a new girlfriend. preferably one with a communicable disease. Problem solved! ---------
  23. Hey, I just bought an entire Otter load; Any women who want to jump naked jump for free! -----------------
  24. And Iraq did? What about Cuba, hell, they're only a couple miles from our shores, and they had the support and backing of the Soviet Union. Somehow we kept them contained without invading....well, errr, successfully. It took a near nuclear exchange with the Soviet....well, err. --------
  25. Sorry; mia culpa. American soldier murdered!