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Everything posted by mardigrasbob

  1. Count me in! Can I be the West Coast P.I.M.P? I already my hat, cane, cup and pimp-ride. All I need is hos! ----------------
  2. Got lost and found this! Badass! -----------
  3. ***'beware of passing gas in front of people, you never know when there might be a knot'*** Any excuse to post a funny clip! ------
  4. Wrote a webpage about it! Want to see it here it is! God sometimes I crack myself up!!!!!!!! ---------------------
  5. And what a magnetic personality. Great men are created, great intellects are born! We all have the potential to be great! Very few have the potential to be wise! -----
  6. I could tell you, But........... ----------------
  7. Your left wings are showing!!! Action takes courage! Inaction requires only cowardise! Time will tell; My friends, we are living in the golden age of freedom and democracy! GWB will go down in history as a man of incredible vision, foresight and yes courage. Just like the '60s, all the bleeding heart liberals, who at the time were so hip, will soon go the way of Abby Hoffman, the Weather Underground, SLA, Eldridge Cleaver, the Chicago 7, Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, AKA H. Rap Brown, Huey Newton and yes Jane Fonda. The one who are not dead(suicide, OD, or killed by cops) sold out their ideals, and became the capitalist pigs they railed against. It is easy to follow the sheep! It takes a sharp eye and sharper talons to be an eagle! ---------------
  8. According to the big bang theory, favored by many scientists, the universe is between 10 and 20 billion years old. At present the universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light-years in diameter. That makes our solar system 42,700,000,000,000 times smaller than the whole universe. The universe is full of stars, arranged in galaxies. Our Sun is one star among 100 billion in the Milky Way Galaxy. And there are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each with a comparable number of stars. With some simple math, we can figure out the total number of stars in the universe: (100 billion stars/galaxy) x (100 billion galaxies) = (100 x 10^9) x (100 x 10^9) = 10^22 stars How many is that? The number of stars in the universe is more than the number of grains of sand on all the beaches of the entire Earth! More stars than there are grains of sand! So far no life has been discovered on any other planet but when you ponder on the number of stars that there are, it seems inevitable that there will be life on other planets. Lets just hope humans don't taste like interstellar chicken!! -------------
  9. speciousness noun 1 obsolete : SHOWY 2 : having deceptive attraction or allure 3 : having a false look of truth or genuineness : SOPHISTIC - spe·cious·ly adverb - spe·cious·ness noun --------- Let's put this argument another way. If the crazy bastard who lived down your street broke into his next door neighbor's house, raped the family, then poisoned his own family and shot at you when you came to help and the cops were either too afraid or corrupt to do anything. What would you do? --------------------
  10. If you see a pudgy skydiver with sunken eyes and a purple/green/gold javelin, please say "Fuck you Bob" --------------
  11. I search the Holy Book and found these: Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:28 - And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. I could not find any references to: green men, area 51 or Elvis. -----------
  12. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Mr. President Happy birthday to you -----------------
  13. Very cool! How about the Iraqi government providing intelligence for the most recent air strike!? ------------------
  14. Alien Tail Soup: Ingredients: One adult alien 9 liters of water 4 big onions 2 bags of bouillion 4 tablespoons of salt 3 tablespoons of pepper Eventual some vegetables. 1. Kill the alien. 2. Let it be for about 5 days, as this neutralize the acidblood. 3. Use a carving knive and cut off the alien's tail. It is easiest if you cut between the exosceleton "scales". Beware - the acid blood might still be potent enough to melt a hole in something. If so - leave it for about 2 days before you make a new attempt. Remember - it is perfectly safe if you don't rush! 4. Boil the water and put the alien tail in the hot water. 5. After 1 hour, add bouillion, salt and pepper. 6. Let this boil for 2 hours. 7. Then add the onions and vegetables (if you want some) and boil until the veggies are edible 8. Cool off and enjoy! ----------
  15. Thanks very much! I didn't realize you were a Brit! What is your country's policy toward free speech, press, assembly etc. -Bob- -----------
  16. In the immortal words of Bubba LeeRoy Ladner " Hogwash!" ---------------
  17. Snuck in last night; paid for Spiderman! All I can say is: The Roof The Roof The Roof is fire We don't need no water let the Muther F****er Burn! ---------------------
  18. Dangerous to whome? Free elections and press didn't prevent Enron et al from screwing its employees and shareholders. Nor did it prevent Tony Blair from suspending a pledged ban on tobacco advertising following a 1 million pound donation from the owner of Formula One racing - a sport reliant on that advertising. Nor did it prevent the USA from invading Iraq on the flimsiest of pretexts in the face of overwhelming opposition from the rest of the world. People in capitalist societies are constantly fucked over by governments and big business. There are millions of people on this planet who are as happy living under a communist regime as others are living under a capitalist system. The Democratic way isn't the only way or the best way, it is just another imperfect system that works most of the time for most of the people under it. China is far more interested in making stuff and selling it to the rest of the world than in converting anyone to communism. It is already becoming more 'westernised' and allowing increased foreign investment. The only recent 'conflict' with China was when they caught a US spyplane that then collided with and downed one of their fighters back in 2001. Other than that, what threat have they posed to any western nation? I wish more Americans would go to places like China on holiday - they are different and fascinating countried and not at all as scarey as people have been manipulated into believing by all the cold war propaganda bullshit. I disagree with everything you say, and would fight to the death to preserve your right to say it! -----------------
  19. Was doing a 4-way. No ditter or AAD. Completly lost track of altitude, The guy directly across from me looked down, paniced and pulled his reserve as did the other 2. I went for the main, missed it, went again. slow opening! watching the ground come up,I mean I could see peoples eyes! Constantly looking up and down as it opened. Cleared the brakes flared and landed. Hairy!!!! ------------
  20. 1. Maoist/communist 2. Nuclear weapons 3. 1.2 billion people 4. Korea (Yalu River)54,246 Americans service men and women lost their lives during the Korean War 5. Vietnam 58,178 Americans service men and women lost their lives during theVietnam War 6. Taiwan 7. American sales of nuclear and rocket technology during the 1990s ---------