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Everything posted by mardigrasbob

  1. Have you tried to call? ----
  2. I agree entirely, except that; who would have predicted that the USSR would collapse. I hope you are right. I tend to be more pessimistic. I would have attacked USSR in '48 and China in '52. I hope I am wrong about China but who knows. One thing for sure; something very similar to the popular uprising in USSR will have to occur in China. ---------
  3. Words of a pedophile in my book. It's actually a construct of modern, mainly North American protestant culture, to say that marriage and sex or just sex for that matter, with a 14 year old is pedophilia. It's been done throughout history, From ancient Greece, and Rome straight on to modern times (its still legal to marry 14 yr olds w/parenal consent in some states). It may not be your taste, but even the law in most states does not regard sex with someone 14 years of age to be pedophilia, but statutory rape (there is a difference). The thing is man, you should just chill out... I realize you probably have daughters or nieces around that age or something and worry about our European amigo getting ahold of one of them, but please it's much more likely she'll be busy losing it to the pimply faced 16 year old down the block. Pedophiles attempt to portray adult-child sexual relationships as mutual, tender “coming of age” experiences fondly cherished by the child. Such arguments belie the reality of the well-documented dynamics involved in the seduction of children by beguiling, manipulative pedophiles. Pedophiles typically display a range of more fundamental distortions, related to the belief that some children will actively seek sexual encounters with adults, can consent to and benefit from such encounters and have the capacity to reciprocate the degree of emotional feeling and attachment the adult abuser may feel for the child. ------------------------ “But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)
  4. A U.S. Department of Justice report on child sexual exploitation states, “Most preferential sex offenders spend their entire lives attempting to convince themselves and others that they are not perverts and that they love and nurture children.” The tragic fact is that children who are being preyed upon “have been carefully seduced and often do not realize they are victims. They repeatedly and voluntarily return to the offender.” The truth often does not become apparent to them until after they have been abandoned: “Then they see that all the attention, affection, and gifts were just part of a master plan to use and exploit them.” Reference -----------
  5. A year and a half ago all the liberal pansies were saying that we should go after N. Korea instead of Iraq. Well, where are they now? The U.S. is still at war with N. Korea. The Korean War ended in a truce, but the two sides have yet to sign a peace treaty. Korea is no Iraq! War would be long, bloody and probably involve a nuclear exchange with China. The Clinton administration betrayed our country by all of its backroom deals. I believe that war with China is inevitable and the sooner we realize that the better. Diplomacy and strength is the only way to prevent this approaching holacaust. When it comes to N. Korea and The Peoples Republic of China we all need to be Americans; not the vaccillating, divided country we were during Iraq. ----------------
  6. Iraqi Islamist group says it has moved abducted U.S. Marine Wassef Ali Hassoun to "a place of safety," Al-Jazeera television reports. Details soon. -----------------
  7. I like the 'cut the cigarette butt in half' method. I wonder how much messier the floors are now that smoking is outlawed. ----------------
  8. WooHoo !!!!!!! Less than a month to go! I need it baaaaaaaaaaad! ------------------
  9. I thought it was the USAF academy, it may be? Thanks for asking, it caused me to research to be sure and I found this andthis and this Bob ---------
  10. It happens to show the training of police dogs! NOTICE!! No kittens will killed during the making of this photo! -----------------
  11. #1 lamps are unnecessary #2 dunno ,xrmer is short for transformer #3 sure, if you hookup to the plate (anode) of the final Tube that will bypass the ouput transformer but it will have very high impedance and an ouput signal of approx.400VP-P , not very usefull any load will overcurrent the tube. hope i helped ------------
  12. The group, calling itself the Ansar al-Sunna Army, said in a written statement on an Islamic web site that Lebanese-born Hassoun's throat had been slit.,2933,124659,00.html
  13. #1 heaters are necessary, they are for tube filaments #2 Unsure of what you are saying about x-former hookups. #3 schematic too distorted to read; email me a better copy. I'll try to help [email protected] --------------
  14. Searched UPI, AP, CNN, MSN, Fox; no dead elephant. J.J. the singer still alive, J.J., the gloved ones father still alive. Could not find anything on any non-humans named Joe Jacksonl alive or dead. Found a story about dogs killing 13 cats. ---More info please!---- ------
  15. I knew this was going to happen! Where do you draw the line? Once you open the sexual deviate box it is impossible to close. First; monogamy is so old fashion, so lets have open sex. Second;hetrosexuality is square, so lets have sex with our fishing buddy. Third; marriage is unfair to pluralists and homosexuals, so lets do away with it. Now; it should be ok to have sex with a kid who is 14, it's so Euro! Gimme a break!! What next?! The new hip trend, sex with animals!? Deviate sexual activivity is just that, deviate. If we let the hornballs have their way; there will be no more rules at all; it it feels good, FUCK it! ------------------------------
  16. Little project i was playing with! More distruction! MooHaha! Cool gun video! -----------
  17. U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds F-16 aircraft crash ---------------
  18. Alright1 Place your bets! Round and round it goes where it stops nobody knows?
  19. I like his early stuff better! Bomb Saddam ---------------
  20. Something is wrong with my computer; it won't show 7s, any ideas? ---------------
  21. Damn I thought i'd be the first! ----------------
  22. Spammers suck!!! I say block his ISP!! I spend half a damn day removing ' dick hardening' ads from my company message board. The shit in my in-box is unreal. Hey Green ones! Get 'em! ---------
  23. 18 jumps in 2 years! You are a wuffo! just teasing ---------
  24. Seems kind of simple to me. Saddam Hussein was a victim of Osama Bin Laden. America was wounded by Sept. 11 all the way to the heart. There was no way the hawks would allow this to go unanswered. All enemies, real or imagined, were going to be delt with;harshly! Saddam was flaunting his ability to make the U.S. look indecisive. He attempted to assassinate a former President and no-one wanted to be seen sleeping at the switch when the next attack occured. All sides of the political spectrum wanted Saddam out of there, the argument was method. President Bush believes that it is his sacret duty to keep America safe, and it waspersonal too, the former President, Saddam tried to kill is his father; his wife was at the Capitol when plane #3 was supposed to hit. If Sept. 11 had not occured; Saddam would likely today be in a palace instead a cell. ---------------