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Everything posted by Blahr

  1. Blahr

    22 days

    2 and a half years for me at this point. I pray to god I never get that stupid thought in my head "Well 1 isnt gonna kill me..." Nope, it wont. But the 273649 that follow it just might.
  2. The fact that the skyhook is new is no reason to not get it. Its been exhaustively tested and is extremely effective. A lot of the reasons that people dont like the RSL are not valid with the skyhook. ITs not the same. As a new jumper you would be far better off with one than without. This is merely my opinion. I've just odered a new Vector and you bet your butt it has a skyhook.
  3. OMG, how could anyone want to use that as skydiving music
  4. We understand irony very well. We also have an overabundance of lawyers and a nation wide problem of accepting responsibility for our own actions. I spill coffee on my leg and sue McDonalds because its too hot. I sue McDonalds because I couldnt stop myself from stuffing Big Macs into my big fat face :-) Stairs? Dont get them started! Thats why skydivers rock. As a group I dont think you will find any people with a clearer understanding of personal responsibility than we have. Thats not to say there arent some that would try to sue their DZ if they were injured. I mean in a more general sense :-) If I break a femur I'm gonna sue McDonalds!
  5. If you already demo'd a 190 and it felt good and you had no problems and you will only be loading at like 1.05 to 1 with a 200 lb exit weight I say go. That certainly satisfies all reasonable cautionary practices, especially considering that you are a conservative pilot.
  6. If your main goal is to loose a little fat , cardio cardio cardio :-) Exercize is far better than fat burning products. The CAN help but I know some jokers that just take ephedra prods all day, eat like assholes, and wonder why they arent losing weight. Treadmill, stepper, running, walking briskly, bycycling, swimming. Any of the above will get you the results you want as long as you reduce your caloric intake. Beer is CARBS :-) KEY: To loose fat, you must use more calories per day than you consume. If you dont want to cut down on the intake, you must increase the burn rate. Creatine rocks :-) I maxxed my bench at 345 lbs last week. For a 210 lb guy thats not too shabby :-)
  7. I believe the norm is somewhere around 40-50 grams per day for your average person Bodybuilders recommend around 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. If 100 grams made you fat I'd be as big as a house since I consume no less than 220 grams per day.
  8. I'm not advocating the use of protien as an energy source. Thats what carbs are for. Its for building and repairing muscle and other body tissues. If you work out strenuously, you require far more protien than a person with a sedentary lifestyle
  9. I will contest that statement about protein supplementation. It sounds like you are believeing that because you had undesirtable results that you believe everyone would. I consume 220 grams of protien per day. I do not get fat from it and I dont spend 6 hours per day in the gym. I spend approximately 1 hour 5 days a week lifting and 1 hour 7 days per week on cardio. If I consume less than 220 grams of protien per day I do not get optimal results and I am NOT one of those mass monsters like Mr. Olympia. I'm 5' 11" and 210 lbs. You shouldnt assume that your own experience is the same as everyone will have. Different metabolisms, different levels of activity, require different nutritional needs.
  10. While this may be true about some products, taken as a whole this statement is absurd. I am a bodybuilder and I use several VERY common and very effective products. No, not anabolic steroids :-) I use Creatine. This is widely recognised as being VERY effective for years, This is backed up by my own personal experiece as well. Its also been thoroughly tested by the FDA and classified as a food product. I also use several non-essential amino acids such as Glutamine and Argenine. These are also quite safe and quite effective. As darkvapor implied, there is no substitute for hard work and good nutrition. They are the cornerstone of my physical program, however there ARE in fact several very good, very safe, very effective products out there. What you should be using depends on the results you are trying to achieve. In point of fact, protien doesnt make you fat. Carbs do.
  11. Dude! Shhhh! Maybe he really DOES have only a half body and no head. And maybe he is sensitive about it. And now maybe he feels really bad because of your thoughtless remark.
  12. Nice!. I'm especially looking for black ones cuz I ordered all black with Royal blue. This one is close :-)
  13. It helps me because it means I can take my time learning the PRO pack and dont have to learn it my first day since I can already flat pack.
  14. Well no wonder its not on their site. They probably dont have enough storage for a file that big. And imagine the bandwidth consumption from people downloading it!
  15. Asa former denizen of that same concrete jungle, I can assure you that it will continue to take its toll until it eats your life essence. You may run into my brother down there. You will recognise him instantly by total lack of any spark of life in his eyes. Thats 25 years in Center City Philly. I only lived down there for 5 years and I barely escaped with my soul intact. God save me from cities, I need some woods and wildlife near me. Sad stunted little trees and pidgeons dont count...
  16. yep, you are correct, but its not available on their website.
  17. OK then you both have to post pics when you get them :-)
  18. Sweet non-vector there Freeflyz
  19. I'm looking for an electronic copy of a Sabre2 manual. PD doesnt have it available on their site and the one I get with my canopy is weeks away :-)
  20. Thats good cuz I ordered a new sabre2 just today and I only know how to flat pack. Um..can I assume that flat and side are the same thing?
  21. OK, dont show me your vectors, then.
  22. That IS cool :-) I wish I could jump with my Dad. He wouldnt jump if you paid him a million dollars.
  23. I've been flying in my mind all my life :-) Even my tatoo's are all of winged flying critters. Dragon, Pegasus, Phoenix... I always knew I wanted to try skydiving and when I was old enough and able to pay for it I went. Life forced an 8 year long hiatus on me but I always knew I'd be back. Here I am again
  24. Post pictures of your Vector 3's I wanna look :-)
  25. Blahr

    How dodgy?

    Damn, I'm a fucking goodie two shoes! Only 13 years in prison?!? I feel like a loser. Years in prison: 13 Potential fine: £7000