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Everything posted by br0k3n

  1. according to the Bible, no. Only land animals. So just I quick one then, how did all the marine life survive??? So is it safe to say that we now all agree that the Story of Noah is not based on any facts, or evidence and is just a fable... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  2. according to the Bible, no. Only land animals. So just I quick one then, how did all the marine life survive??? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  3. Paj, glad to see your still with us, managed to move that rock that you were hiding under then... anyway, how about those questions of mine and Jakee's , how ya doing????? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  4. Intellectual boredom, really. He didn't present anything new. Can or can you not answer Jakee's questions.... yes or no... I guess you can’t answer them, so perhaps answer me these 2 simple questions.. 1 Where did the water come from?? FYI. We would have had so much water come down in forty days in order to raise sea level almost two miles... that we would have had 138 inches of rain water, that’s 11.5 feet coming down per hour. This would have scoured off the surface of all the continents. All the sedimentary rocks would have been laid down in the ocean basins in one great, jumbled mass. That is not what we find today… 2 Did Noah take fishes and corals in the ark!?? HELLOOOoooo Paj old boy, are you going to have a crack at answering any of these or Jakee's questions, or are you avoiding them because they dubunk your belief in the story of Noah??? Actually Paj, I have one more question ermm what does Genesis 8:20 say???? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  5. Intellectual boredom, really. He didn't present anything new. Can or can you not answer Jakee's questions.... yes or no... I guess you can’t answer them, so perhaps answer me these 2 simple questions.. 1 Where did the water come from?? FYI. We would have had so much water come down in forty days in order to raise sea level almost two miles... that we would have had 138 inches of rain water, that’s 11.5 feet coming down per hour. This would have scoured off the surface of all the continents. All the sedimentary rocks would have been laid down in the ocean basins in one great, jumbled mass. That is not what we find today… 2 Did Noah take fishes and corals in the ark!?? HELLOOOoooo Paj old boy, are you going to have a crack at answering any of these or Jakee's questions, or are you avoiding them because they dubunk your belief in the story of Noah??? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  6. Ah I think you have it wrong, the “creator” has always existed…. Oh!! Actually hang on, if that is the case then maybe the universe has always existed, and that we didn’t come from nothing… OH now im really confused ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  7. Intellectual boredom, really. He didn't present anything new. Can or can you not answer Jakee's questions.... yes or no... I guess you can’t answer them, so perhaps answer me these 2 simple questions.. 1 Where did the water come from?? FYI. We would have had so much water come down in forty days in order to raise sea level almost two miles... that we would have had 138 inches of rain water, that’s 11.5 feet coming down per hour. This would have scoured off the surface of all the continents. All the sedimentary rocks would have been laid down in the ocean basins in one great, jumbled mass. That is not what we find today… 2 Did Noah take fishes and corals in the ark!?? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  8. ermm you answered your own question, well in a way. What you seem to "forget" is that a gun was designed soley as a weapon to kill, yeah yeah we can argue that they are now used for target practice, or shooting clay pigeons.. etc but they were still invented with a single purpose... No neither the Knife, the car, the match, alcohol, drugs or even cricket bats are desinged with the sole purpose of killing... Oddly enough, my guns haven't killed anything...they must be broken! and your point is, oh you dont have one incase you didnt realise whether "your" guns have ever killed anyone does not detract from the FACT that they are and always will be a "weapon" thats what they were invented as and thats what they are.. this is not the same for the "car", or the "knife" or the "baseball bat" ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  9. ermm you answered your own question, well in a way. What you seem to "forget" is that a gun was designed soley as a weapon to kill, yeah yeah we can argue that they are now used for target practice, or shooting clay pigeons.. etc but they were still invented with a single purpose... Now neither the Knife, the car, the match, alcohol, drugs or even cricket bats are desinged with the sole purpose of killing... which makes you your point somewhat moot. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  10. yes you did UK and Aussie land don't have 200,000,000 people either. *yawn* maybe instead of blindly quoting populus why don’t you work out the per capita gun massacres.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  11. ermm is it hard to get past the border control into Chicago theses days?? Surely its not as easy as just legally buying a gun in another state and driving into Chigago, or walking, maybe even catching the train…. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  12. maybe the someone should have told the gunman that, or maybe he didnt see the sign?? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  13. yes you did Quote im sure there are plenty of stories of how a pesky perp got drilled by some gun ho pistol packing American hero, but in the last 2 weeks alone how many innocent people have been shot... we don’t read about this shooting sprees happening in the uk and Australia with such regularity now do we.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  14. Come live in Australia, or even move to the UK, as in all my 33 years (excluding the years I spent in the military) spent living in both the UK and Australia, I have never and I mean never been in a situation where I have needed to pop a cap in some dudes ass. In fact I would even say that I actually do not know of a single friend, friend of a friend, or member of my family or any any family I know who have ever been in a situation where being tooled up would have been required. You paint a bleak picture of the US, is it really that bad and you all live your lives in fear???? Just waiting for the opportunity to cap someone?? When if it did actually happen most of you would probably find that you aint got what it takes to kill a human at point blank…… So only 2 weeks after Virginia tech, another armed “looney” has gone on a killing spree at the Ward Parkway Centre in Kansas City. Now I read in the news that this is the city's busiest shopping centre, so there must have been a lot of tooled up people in there, how come no one popped him?? And saved the 3 people that were massacared, the news reoorts that most people ran and hid, did everyone leave there guns at home that day?? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  15. I'll take it a step further and say it is quite high so they intend on carrying on with a 2 way? the cutaway dude? looks quite chunky so may have been using a tertiary parachute? are we right? Bingo, we have a winner....there was actually a third mr bill but is out of shot to the right. And Yep the fella in the middle was wearing a tertiary.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  16. br0k3n

    Lets Pray

    Courtesy of Mr Randi I coudnt have said it better myself, A prayer, inspired by President George Bush’s recent appeal to “a loving God” who he asked to “comfort those who are suffering,” in response to the massacre of 32 persons at the Virginia Tech campus. My prayer: To God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, God of Abraham, Jehovah, whoever or whatever: God, You in Your omniscience – You know everything, past present and future – and also in Your omnipotence – You can do anything You want to do – why, 23 years ago, did You create this deluded man Seung-Hui Cho, then allow him to buy the guns, go to the Virginia Tech campus, and slaughter all those students and faculty? That took long-term planning, determined intention, and careful nurturing of Cho’s delusions and hatred, by You. God, what’s “loving” about that? Our President may labor under the delusion that such an act somehow shows Your “loving” nature, but in my admitted ignorance, I cannot see that. Help me to understand. Or was this – forgive my suggestion, God – yet another failure of Your Intelligent Design, along with tobacco, cancer, spina bifida, and Crohn’s Disease? A better plan, God – in my humble opinion – would have been to prevent that horrendous, senseless, slaughter, and then You would have had no reason to have to “comfort” those parents, friends, fellow-students and so many others who will now have to do without the delight of knowing these beautiful people. You see, God, You could have saved the lives – and futures – not only of those 32, but of Mr. Cho, as well! This deranged young man, angry and desperate, reacted to a society he felt was opposing him. He murdered 32 persons because he felt he had to, in answer to impulses he could not control. But You, Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, etc., etc., could have intervened – “omnipotent,” remember? – and there would be far less sorrow in our nation today. Why did You do this to us? The figures show us that most of us believe in You, believe in Your loving nature, and appeal to You for Your comfort even after You have decided to allow tragedies such as this to happen; doesn’t that count? Personally, I don’t believe in You, but don’t the numbers count? God, I’m sure that Dr. Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University, speaks for You when he says, “…there’s no doubt that this act was Satanic in origin." He calls Cho's recently-revealed writings, “just words,” which he says are “one of Satan’s tools to bring about Man’s destruction.” Now, this fits the Christian idea of demonic possession, which says that human existence is predicated on the narrative of Man’s Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden, and that wherever there is good, Satan is trying to destroy it. Please, God, try to get Your act together, or there may be fewer people out there willing to appease a jealous, callous, vindictive, cruel, obviously insecure deity such as Yourself. And what would You do then? God only knows… ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  17. Here's one form last weekend.. maybe not freeflying but i like the shot.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  18. Now I seem to remember watching some fella on a crew triathlon stick a downwinder on his first jump which led to a few cartwheels across the LZ.. now for some reason i just cant seem to remember who it was... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  19. Yes, but I've been getting out of the pond (mostly)! I've seen a couple of others damaged, and I'm certain that the Protektor would be crap for a large-scale dunking. It's got a hole in the back - right over the unsealed opening into the Optima/Viso's case! Get a neptune, mines been sub aqua a few times and no problems yet... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  20. It's scary to think that some people actually believe that if the government bans guns, that murderous people won't still be able to get them, or to figure out some other way to kill. LOL JR, fight the good fight brother, free guns for all who needs gun control Guns never killed anyone by themselves. How about criminal control? let me repeat myself incase you missed it the first time..... "It is however interesting that these huge gun slaughters of the public do seem to happen with a fairly regular occurrence in your land of the free, we don’t seem to read about to many happening in the UK, Australia, Japan" ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  21. No... it doesn't fail at all. Just like in outlawing guns all together you won't prevent all future acts of violence.. you will however be able to decrease the likelihood of violent shootings from occurring. I'll say it again: Criminals have no difficulties obtaining guns, despite any law--They're criminals who don't care about the law. It is however interesting that these huge gun slaughters of the public do seem to happen with a fairly regular occurrence in your land of the free, we don’t seem to read about to many happening in the UK, Australia, Japan. Why because the NRA position that restricting access to guns causes more crime (because then only criminals will have guns), is not supported by evidence at a national level. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  22. It's not arming the entire country. It's about freedom to choose. No one is forcing you to have a firearm. But you have no right to dictate that someone else ought not have that choice. No it’s not about freedom of choice, if I was to move to the US my "freedom of choice" would be not to arm myself. However I don’t realistically have that option, with at least half the population of the US packing heat Im damn sure im going to as well... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  23. It's scary to think that some people actually believe that if the government bans guns, that murderous people won't still be able to get them, or to figure out some other way to kill. LOL JR, fight the good fight brother, free guns for all who needs gun control ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  24. Those pesky God folk have finally convinced me that evolution is a LIE.... and that Creationism is the only way we could have come to be here... also for some reason I feel a bit peckish... now where’s that loaf of bread.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  25. Original manuscripts or not, there is what we call archaeological evidence to support much of history. Shame the same cant be said about you little story.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+